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Mhm^P^^^^'-''- 1"''St-T' -'J '"¦'"•:' ''...
MHM ^ P ^^^^' - '' - "' 'St-T' - ' j '"¦' " : ' ''" ¦ --- ^ - •^^__^! J » jL ^ MlM ^^^ MfcJ ^ M ^—irrMii ^ m ^ MM ^^ him ¦¦ i i ' ' .. -.. ' ¦ .-. ' ^^^^ LOcU ,, , 88 4 The Publishers' Circular 957
MESSRS . MACMILLAN & CO . 'S ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE AUTUMN PUBLISHING SEASON . THE Letters CRUISE , and Note OP -books H . M Pbinck . S . * Albert BACCHANTE Victor , and Prince , ' 1870 George -1882 . Wales Comp . iled With from Maps the , Plans Journals , Illus- , trations , and Additions , by the Rev . J . Neale Dai / ton . Two Vols . Medium 8 vo . NEW BOOK BY LORD TENNYSON . A DRAMATIC POEM . By Alfhed , Lord Tennyson , Poet Laureate . Extra fcp . 8 vo . LORD TENNYSON'S WORKS . THE WORKS OF ALFRED , I * ORI > TENNYSON . A New Collected Edition , in A limited Seven Volumes number . of Extra copies fcp are . printed 8 vo . 5 s on . each best Volume Hand-made . Paper . Orders for this Edition will be taken for Sets only . at tLe rate of 10 * . 6 d . per " Volume . Vol . I . atlSCELLANEOTJS POEMS The Volumes . . Ready will . be published Vol . V as . follows ENOCH : ARDEN : and IN Vol . Et . MISCELLANEOUS POEMS . . Ready . MEMORIAM Ready . Vol . III . IDYLLS OP THE KING . . . Ready . Vol . VI . QUEEN MAEY : and HAROLD . Nov . I Vol . IV . THE PRINCESS : and MAUD . Ready . 1 Vol . VII . LUCRETIUS : and other Poems . Dec . WITH PICTURES BY MR . LINLEY SAMBOTTRNE . THE With WATER nearly One Hundred BABIES Illustrations : a Fair by Jjinley y Tale Samboukne for a . Fcp Lan . 4 to d Baby . By Charles Kingsley . ILLUSTRATED WITH TWENTY PHOTOGRAVURES . THE LIFE OF PETER DE WHNTT . By Thomas Humphry Waud , late Fellow of Brasenose Colleg-e , Oxford . Illustrated with Twenty Photogravures from the Artist ' s Pictures . Medium 4 to . AN U ^ SElTTIMENTAIi NEW BOOK BY THE JOURNEY AUTHOR OF THR * JOHN OU HALIFAX GH COBNWALL , GENTLEMAN / , By the Author of * John Halifax , Gentleman . ' With numerous Illustrations by C . Napeeli Hbmy . Medium 4 to . SKETCHING - RAMBLES FINE-ART BOOK IN HOLLAND G . H . BOTJGHTON . B , A y G . ., H . Botjghton E . A . ABBEY , A . R . A ., and E . A . Abbey . With numerous Illustrations by G . H . Boughton , A . R . A ., and E . A . Abbey . Fcp . 4 to . NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOK BY AMEDEE GUILLEMIN . ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM . A Popular Treatise , By Amkdee Guiixemin , Author of * Forces ot Nature , ' * The Applications of Physical Forces , ' & c . Translated and Edited , with Additions numerous and Notes Illustrations , l > y Professor . Super Silvanus Royal P 8 . vo Thompson . , Author of * Elementary Lessons in Electricity , ' < fcc . With A NEW GIFT-BOOK . THE sisting ENGLISH of 792 closely ILLUSTRATED printer ! pages , and containing MA GAZINE Wood-cut Illustrations , 1884 . of A various Handsome dzes , bound Volume in Extra con-Cloth , coloured edges , price 7 s . 6 d . [ Ready . NEW BOOK BY MR . PHILIP OILBERT HAMERTON . HUMAN ' Thoughts INTERCOURSE about Art , ' Etchers and . Etching A Series , ' & c . of Crown Essays 8 vo . . By Philip Gilbert Hamerton , Author of CHARLES With Introduction LAMB and ' Notes S POEMS by Alfred , Ainger PLAYS , Editor , AND of ' The Essays MISCELLANEOUS of Elia , ' & c . Globe 8 vo . 5 ESSAY * . [ Ready 'S . THE WORKS OP TEfOMAS GRAY . In Prose and Verse . Edited by Edmund Gosse , Volumes Clark Xecturer . Globe of 8 English vo . 5 * . Literature each . at the University of Cambridge . With Portraits and Facsimile . In Four TJKIPORM WITH THE ' EVERSLEY EDITION " ' OF CHARLES KTNGSLEY'S NOVELS AND TALES . * OE Globe 1 V [ S . By Charles each . Kingsley . A New Collected Edition , with additions . In Two Volumes . DAILY fcp . 8 vo THOTJ . Q-HTS . Selected from the Writings of Charles Kingsley , by his Wife . Extra FA . PERS ON ART . By J . Comyns Carr . Crown 8 vo . AMIEL ' JOURNAL INTIME . Translated from the French , with an Introduction , by Mrs . T . H . Ward . Two "Vols . Globe 8 vo . NEW NOVELS . J U DITH _ ,. SHAKESPEARE MR - . WILLIAM By William BLACK Black 'S NEW , Author NOVEL of ' Yolande , ' A Princess of Thnle / * Madcap Violet' & c . Three Vols . Crown 8 vo . 31 a . 6 < f . { Ready . , DiB firKi v TOM „ ola , . Crown . A 8 vo Norel . . By Mrs A . Oliphant NOVEL , Author BY MBS of . OLIPHANT ' Hester , ' * The Wizard ' s Son / & c . Throe I a nbW AMERICAN NOVEL . « PATLr AJM . ONA v . A Stor > -. By Helen Jackson . Two Vols . Globe 8 vo . I TllTm ^^ « ^ . ELHURST NEW PIiACE STOBY . BY By THE Margaret AUTHOR Veley OF < FOR , Author PEROIVAL of For / Percival . ' Two Vols . Globe r 8 vo . 1 2 * . [ Ready Oct . 7 . I RPfirnvmrt MACMILLAN ' S 6 b . NOVELS . Now Volume . * US 8 ° vo TER . 6 * . . By Mrs . Oli p hant , Author of * The Curate in Charge / ' Young Musgrave / & c . Crown 1 ^ 555 ^ MACMILLAN & CO ., Iiondon . J I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 957, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/61/