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MESSRS . MACM 1 LLAN & CO . 'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ( CONTINUED ") . THE brother PATRIARCHAL i ) . Mao Lbnnan . 8 vo . THEORY . By the late John T . MacLennan . Edited by his , THE Deputy ANCIENT -Professor of Comparative EMPIRE Philology S OP Oxford THE Hon EAST . LL . D . . Dublin A Series . Crown of Essays vo . 6 * . . By A . H . Sayce , LORD Hobart HOB . Demy ART 8 vo ' S ESSAYS AND LETTERS . With a Biographical Sketch by Lady PLEAS OP THE CROWN FOR THE COUNTY OF GIiOTTCESTERbefore tbe and Abbot the Year of Beading of Grace ^ and 1221 his . Edited Fellow by Justices F . W . Itineran Ma . iti . and t , in . the Demy Fifth 8 vo Tear . of the Eeign of King Henry the , Third I THE CAR D . Member E OF of the INFANTS Irish College of . Physician A Manual s ; Lecturer for Mothers Hygieneat and tbe Xondon Nurses . B ool y Sophia Medicine Je x- "Women Blake , Attending , Medical Officer at the Edinburgh Provident Dispensary for Women and Children . Crown 8 vo . ' MODERN" OPERATIONS FOR CATARACT . Being the Lettsomian Lectures for 1884 . By R . Brudenell Carter , F . C . S ., Ophthalmic Surgeon to St . George ' s Hospital . Demy 8 vo . Cs . [ Heady . DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF OXFORD . I 8 mo . DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF CAMBRIDGE . I 8 mo . NEW EDUCATIONAL BOOKS . A TREATISE ON MATERIA j A CONSTRUCTIVE TREATISE ON University P MEDICA . R . C . P in ., . F the . R of By . S Universi . London , T Examiner . Lauder , of late in Btvuntton Materia Examiner , Medica and M in . D the ., M in D ateri . S the c a , Hoyal Illustrations PLANE Indian CURVES . Engineering Crown . . ' By 8 vo T . Col . H lege . Eagles , Cooper , ' s M Hill . A ., . of With the College Medica of Physicians , London ty Edinburgh , < fcc . 8 vo . Royal WEEKLY , PROBLEM . ^ . _ PAPERS . By MICRO , ~~ BASE , * ^ . An - ORGANISMS v-r Introduction ^ ^ * nTT « n into / r « the AND a Study -m-t > of DIS t Specific ^ t « - Heversham IMathematical the Rev * 3 omr Grammar Society J ' M , Member School ^ nb , M , Member . A of ., the Second Association of the Master London for of Lecturer Micro-Organisms on G-cneral . By Anatomy E . Klein and , M Physiology . D ., F . R . S ., in Joint the the of St Improvement . John ' s College of Geometrica , Cambridge l . Teaching Pott 8 vo , late . Scholar * Medica With . w 108 » m School Engravings * of ^^ ^ - Bartholomew . Fcp . 8 vo . ' 4 s Hospital . 6 d . [ Ready London . . ELEMENTARY - ——— PRACTICAL -.- - __ - PHYSICS « .. « .- ~ . LESSONS — By _ , Professor ~~^ Balpour — IN GRAVITATION . ,, System planation . By of the Sir Principal Gr . B . Airy : an Perturbations , M Elementar . A ., D . C . L . in , LL the y .. Ex „ Solar , late - Part Pare Ste II I . . wart Optics G-enbraf , p . f . Heat s ., Physic and , axd w . ha Sound u > axe . aEE [ [ Nearly In . prepara crown ready tion 8 vo . . . Astronomer Eoyal , & c . New Edition . Crown 8 vo . Part ; III . Electricity and Magnetism . [ In preparation , * THE ORIGINA NEW L G-REEK TESTAMENT . 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OcU It ! 884 The Publishers' Circular 959
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 959, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/63/