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96o '' The Publishers' Circular Oct. i, ...
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96o '' The Publishers' Circular Oct. I, ...
96 o ' ' The Publishers' Circular Oct . i , ig 8 1 ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ~'"* _ * if
JAMES NISBET & CO . 'S LIST OF NEW & FOETHCOMING BOOKS , LIFE SONGS . With Illuminations and Illustrations in rich colours . By the Marchioness of Waterpord and the Countess of Taxkerville . Royal 4 to . £ 2 . 2 * . THE EMPIRE Hittite Inscriptions OF THE by Professor HITTITES Sayck , LL . D . .: A By Hittite Wm . Wbight Map by , B . A ., D Charles . D . With " Wilson Deci , P pherm . B . S ., and eDt Captain cloth , 17 s Condek . Gd ,- * , B . B . ; and a complete set of Hitfcite Inscriptions by W . H . Rylahds , F . S . A . Royal ' ALIKE AND PERFECT . By the Kev . C . A . Williams . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 3 s . 6 d . A NEW 10 « . Gd . TRANSLATION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , Demy 8 vo . doth , FROM Bible THE Classes and BEGINNING Senior Classes in Sunday TO Schools THE . By GLORY Lady Bkatjjolois ; or , Dext Scri . Crown pture Lessons , cloth , 3 s . Gd . for THE BOOK OF DANIEL . By the Kev . Professor Mujrphy , D . D . Crown 8 vo . 3 * . SICK ROOM MEDITATIONS ; or , Alone with God . By the Kev . J . Cross , D . D ., LL . D ., Author of * Evangel' & c . Cloth , 5 s . I NSPI RATION . A CLERICAL SYMPOSIUM on In what sense and within what limits is the Bible Stanley the Word Leathes of God , The . By Itev the . Phebendary Ven . Archdeacon Row , Farrat The Bev * , The . Puof Rev . J . . Prin Radford cipal Cairxs Thomson , The , The Hev Right . Prbbekdaby Her . the Bishop op Amycla , and others . Crown 8 vo . cloth , Bs . THE Christian Crown TEACHING 8 vo . Life 6 s . , with Translation OF THE , Notes , and APOSTLES Dissertations . By : a Cano Page : ^ Spe ^ ce of , D . D First ., Vicar of Century St . Pancras . CHURCH ORDINANCES . By Captain Sbtqn Churchill , Author of < Stepping Stones to Higher Things . ' Small crown 8 vo . cloth , 2 ^ . Gd . THE PROPHETS OF JUDAH . A Book of Bible Teaching for Elder Children . By M . D . H . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 * . THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERG-AXi , including * some Pieces never before Published . 2 vols . crown 8 vo . doth , 12 s . KNOCKING- The Words of Jesus at the Door of the Heart : a Sacred Monody . By the Kev . J . R . Macdufp , D . D ., Author of ' Morning and Night Watches' <& c . Square lGmo . cloth , 1 * . 6 d . IVY LEAVES : Being Thoughts for a Month , from Miss Havergal ' s Poems . With elegant coloured borders . 16 mo . cloth ., Is , DRIFT LEAVES . By Mrs . Hatcbaft ( Miss MacRitchie ) . 16 mo . cloth , 1 $ . SONGS IN MANY KEYS . By the Bev . Canon Bell , D . D ., Anthor of ' Voices from the Lakes ' & c . Small crown 8 vo . 5 s . FOURSQUARE ; or , the City of Our King . Small crown 8 vo . cloth , 2 s . 6 d . VANISHED FACES , and other Poems . By Jane Besemeres . I 6 mo . cloth , u . LAYS AND BALLADS OF HEROISM . By H . J . Barker . Small crown 8 vo . sewed , 1 « . SPIRIT FOOTPRINTS . By Mrs . John Poster . Square 16 mo . cloth , 35 . 6 d . LIKE CHRIST . A Sequel to Abide in Christ . ' By the Rev . A . JMurray . Small crown 8 yo . GATES cloth , AND 2 s , 6 d . DOORS . By Mrs . A . Russell Simpson , || Author of ' Steps through the Stream . ' Square 16 mo . clotb , Is . HI THE GOSPEL AND THE CHILD . A Contribution to Christian Sociology , ty | l A . S . Lamb , Barrister-at-Law . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 3 * . Gd . 91 COMFORT . A Book for the Cottage . By Jane Besemekes . 16 mo . cloth , Is . II LIFE IN HOSPITAL . By Sister Lucy . 16 mo . cloth , Is . JJ THE CH RISTIAN ' S JEWELS- Readings from the Fathers on Faith , Hope , and Charity . I THE HIGHW the Bev . J . Lkary AY OF D . C . L . H lOmo OLINESS . 1 * . Gd . : an Abridgment ( in the Author ' s own words ) of the I Gospel MyBtery of Sanctificntion . By the Rev . Walter Marshall , with an introductory ¦ note by A . M . *» ' MOMENTS cloth , li . ON THE MOUNT . A Series of Devotional Meditations ¦ . By crown the Bjr . I Georg cloth , 8 * . Matkeson Gd . , D . D ., Author of ' The Natural Elements of Revealed Theology /& c . Small , III SHOES Psalm OF / < fco . PEACE lOmo . doth , . \ s . By Miss Anna W ^ unkb , Author of the « Melody of the Twenty-third Ill J London : JAMES NISBET & CO ., 21 Bernera Street , W , ^^^ sjj
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 960, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/64/