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1 962 The Publishers' Circular Oct . 1 , xgfc ^ pi § ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ' . . . ——— . —¦ ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ I ... — i ^; s ^ - » if
- L . REEYE & CO . 'S NEW WORKsJ \ 1 The F BUTTERFLIES . L . S ., & c . & c . Part Of XX- EUROPE completing . the Illustrated Work ,. 8 * . . and The D Work escribed complete "by Henby in 2 vols . Cha super . hi -royal . es Lang 8 vo , with M . J ) 1 Coloured Plates , £ 318 . * . ' ° M I The LEPIDOPTERA . I . with 7 L Coloured Of CEYLON Plates , Vol . II B y Frederic ith 72 Coloured Moore Plates , F . Z . S . Subscribers , & c . Parts , £ 6 I . to ; IX to . 31 s -subacribers . 6 < Z , each . £ 7 15 * . each . Z art X . in the . press . ' I FLORA Of INDIA * By Sir J . D . Hooker . Parts I . to XI ., 10 s . 6 d , each . Vols . I ., II ., and III . I ; 32 a . each . [ Part XII . in the press . ' I * SYNOPSIS Great Britain Of BRITISH ahcl Ireland . MOSSES By Charles : con . Hobkirk taining D escri ptions Keviaed of a Edition ll the 7 Gen * . 6 d era . and Species found [ Ready , in I The NATURAL th 3 , 220 Wood HISTORY Engravings , 25 of a . cacb PLANTS . . By Professor H . Bjuixon . Super-royal 8 vo . 7 Vole , HANDBOOK genous to , or Of Naturalised the BRITISH in , the British FLORA Isles . : By a G Descri -. Bk : ntham ption , F of . R . S the . 4 th Flowering Edition . 12 Plants * . and Ferns Indi-ILLUSTRATIONS British Plants . Drawn Of the by W BRITISH . H . Frrcii , P FLORA . L . S ., and : a . Ser . Smith ies of FX Wood .. S . Form Engravings ing an Illustrated , \* ith Dissections Companion , of to Bentham ' s ' Handbook * and other British Floras . Crown 8 vo . 1 , 306 Wood Engravings , 12 * . CONTRIBUTIONS BIVIEB plete in . A one ., including vol ., 99 to Coloured the the Coast Plates FLORA from , 63 Marseilles s . of to MENT Genoa ONE . By , and Trehjerxe to a Moggridge , WINTER , F . L FLORA . S . Royal 8 of yo . com the SERIES Of POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY . Crown 8 vo . each -with 16 Coloured Plates and Wood Engravings . British Insects . By E . F . Staveley . 14 s . British Spiders . By E . F . Staveley , io * . U , British Ptainton Butterflies . His . Gd . and Moths . By H . T . ; B _ ritish ... _ Ferns _ . By M . Pluks _ . 10 ^ . u . I British Beetles . By E . C . Rys . ios . 6 d . British Grasses . By M . Plues . ios . U . British Bees . By w . s . Shuck aud . io « . ^ d . i Br itish Seaweeds . By s . O . a ray . 105 . 6 d . BRITISH FUNGOLOGY . By the Key . M . J . Berkeley . 24 Coloured Plates , 30 . 9 . i The ESCULENT F . Ouerey , F . K FUNGUSES . S . 12 Colouro of l Plates ENGLAND , 12 * . . By C . D . Badham , M . D . Second Edition . Edited BRITISH MOSSES . By the Rev . M . J . Berkeley . 24 Coloured Plates , 21 * . II , BRITISH 24 Coloured WILD Plate FLOWERS 3 , I 65 . . Familiarly Described in tlie Four Seasons . By Thomas Moore , F . L . S ., 1 il ; HARVESTING ANTS and TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS : Notes and Observations on their Hattts andII ment Dwelling separately . By J , cl . T oth . M , 7 oGCriaD s . 6 d . <^ E , F . L . S . With a Supplement of ICO pp . and 8 additional Plates , 17 * . The Supple- II II I The WORKS of SHOSHEE CHUNDER DUTT . Complete in 6 rols . 30 ^ . 1 ] \ ' Vol . I . —HALF-HOURS with NATURE ; Contents or , Vol : — . IV . —INDIA : Pasb and Present || . Exploratio The ns for ANCIENT tbe Truth . WORLD . Vol . V—The GREAT WAHS in INDIA . Jj t ' Vol Vol . . III Milestones II . . — — The BUINS of MODER CiTilisation of the N WORLD OLD WORLD . ; read VoL- VI . —The WILD WTTT . TRIBES ml 5 T 1 JC , of . INDIA TKr in mA India . - the II 1 | l i BENGAL : An Account of the Country ESSAY STATUTE S on TAXATION BOOKand BRITISH OPIUM , ffl ' from the Earliest Times . POLICY and its , RESULTS . i L . REEVE & CO ., 5 Henrietta St ., Covent Garden . DURPiVNT ' S HANDY FARM LABOUR BOOK . With Daily Diary ( com j I i I JOH A FIRST A mencin N Poem NOAKES g in either the CAT Essex Monday ECHISM Dialect or ANI Saturday , b _ v > MARY ) late . OP 3 a Charles . 6 rf . nett BOTANY STYLES . Olark , of Tot . ; B or y . Hall an John Kssex . With Gibbs Oalfs a Glossary . Visit Second and to Edition PortnUt Tiptwe . lJMes «« U ' j THE SYMMETRY OF FLOWERS . By John Gibbs . td . I I SERMONS BY THE LATE YEN . ARCHDEACON MILDMAY- I | THE With TITHE a Preface by the QUESTION Bishop of St . Auiaxs . B y S . T . Gibson , B . D . Sewed , C > d . to soino I I WfiAK FAITHHOW TO STRENGTHEN IT . Being an Answer CONFIRMATION Objections against worthily , receiving or , Lay the ing Hol on y Oommiinion the Hands By upon the those Rev ¦ . M that . Dauwix are ¦ Baptised Bltiiton . . By ; G « the . per Author 1 W ! A of * Thiue lor over . ' New ; Edition . Id . " I EDMUNI > bURRAKT & CO ., CheLmsforcL , London : SIMPKIN , - MARSHALL , & ®^^ Jl
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 962, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/66/