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Oct . i 1884 The Publishers' Circular , ^
MY LORD CONCEIT . B BY y Rita THE Now , AUTHOR ready Author , in of 3 OF vols < ' M . DAME at ^ Lad Libraries DUBDEX y Coquette . ' < , ' « Vivienne , ' ' Fragoletta [ NEW , NOVEL ' & c . . eome '" time Rita' past s" new each novel of " , Rita "My 's " Lord works Conceit has bean , " is yet a distinct another advance proof o £ on bow the much preceding maybe one gained , and in by her earn present est study tale . For she reveals a degree of power that she had not hitherto been credited with . '—Mobbing Post . BY THE Now AUTHOR ready , at OF all Libraries ' A TANTALUS . In 3 vols CUP . ' & c . [ NEW NOVEL PH ARISEES " Pharisees" is . a clever By Mrs book . H , . . Bennett . . written -Edwart with vigour > s , Author and a frankness of ' In Sheep of diction 's Clothing which scorns , ' * Loyella to call / & spade c . an agricultural implement ; " Pharisees " is very different from the ordinary cup and saucer stories of the day . '—Society . NEW CHEAP UNIFORM EDITION OP RITA'S NOVELS . Now ready , price 2 * . each , picture boards ; 2 s . Gd . cloth jrflt ; Zs . Gd . half morocco ( postage 4 < f . ) DAME other DURDEN works to follow --M 7 LADY course . COQUETTE—VIVIENNE . By Rita . All now ready . Her ' «« It Vivienne would be " well is intensely , indeed , dramatic if fiction , generally abounding could in incident be kept and up to sensation this level . ' . '—Academy . Just ready , price THE fid . pa TE per MPERANCE covers , and 1 QUESTION * . extra boards . ( postage 3 < 2 . ) BALLADS ? The Gowing poems ) ; are AND deals stirring largely PO and with EM dramatic , the S great FOR in their problems REC nature of ITATION , the and Temperance will well , repay hy Question Emilia the Teader . Aylm . ' er Ei-axe ( Mrs . Atlmer-EXTENSION OP THE FRANCHISE . I A GUIDE TO REDISTRIBUTION Just ready , price 1 * . papfr . covers By J . B . Huntington cloth limp ( postage , M . I . C . E . AJ 1 who * are interested in the Franchise Question should read this work . Now ready , price 6 d . ; post free , 7 rf . THE LORDS Ministerial AND Statement THE , and subsequent FRANCHISE Discussion BILL in the House . Containing of Commons D . ebates in the House of Lords , TOZER'S AND Just OTHER ready , in one STORIES volume , price . B picture y Tigh boards b Hopkins ; 2 s . 6 d . . cloth gilt ( postage 4 d . ) ? A collection of tales , replete with delicate humour and frequently marked by tender pathos . ' HARD REALITIES Just ready . in By Michael volume , price L . Ba 2 s rby . picture . boards ; 2 s . 6 d . cloth gilt ( postage 4 < 7 . ) * A collection of stories illustrative of the life of poor and hard-worked London . HOW TO LIVE ON Also A just SHILLING published , in one A volume WEEK , price . A paper bri covers htlwritten ; Is . cloth brochure . b ' One Who Has Tried It . ' gy , y London : J . & R MAXWELL and , Milton all Bookstalls House , 14 , Books Sc 15 Shoe ellers L , News , Fleet Agents Street , & , c & . 35 St . Bride Street , E . G __ . ; WELLS GARDNER , DARTON , & CO / S NEW BOOKS , The New Book by the Author of the Stories in ' Children Busy / & c . UNDER cloth boards MOTHER 4 s . ' S 'WING-. Most carefully printed in Colours from Designs by J . K . Illustrated cover , , BISHOP WALSHAM HOWS tf EW BOOK . THE boards BOY , illu HERO strated . cove A Story , Is . Gd Founded . on Fact . Twelve illustrations by H . J . A . Miles . Crown oblong-, paper OFF Longships TO CALIFORNIA , ' * Martin the . Skipper Ad , ' apted & c . fro With m the full- Flemish page Illustrations by Jamks by F . A Cobb . Forestier , Author . Crown of « The 8 vo Watchers . cloth , be on velled tlie boards , 3 * . 6 d . The New Book by the Author of * Honor Bright / & c . N . OR Crown M . 8 vo By . cloth the , Author bevelled of boards * Honor , 8 « . Bright 6 d . / ' Peas BIobsoih / ' One of a Covey , * & c . Illustrated by H . J . A . Miles . THE SI 3 TER DORA OF AMERICA . BI STER IiOUISE : The Story of her Life-Work . By the Bev . M . 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Daviks , FBOM M . A . Crown THB 8 vo BEV . cloth . boards C . ABADLBY , 3 * . 6 < i . 'B SBIIMON 8 . Edited , with Memoir , by the Rev . | L ^_ 2 PATERNOSTER BUIU ) INGS , XONDON , E . C . J
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 963, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/67/