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I Oct . i , 1884 ^* e Publishers' Circular 967 I
SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , § r CO . 'S LIST . i ¦ ..... i . .... ¦ ^—__ , m _ _ , — — ^ ^ j i DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO THE QUEE N " . ! NEEDLEWORK AS ART . By Lady Marian Alford . With over a ; Hundred "Woodcuts , Photogravures , and other Engravings . Rojal 8 vo ., cloth extra . j , To the Queen . —Your Majesty _ ' s most gracious acceptance of the Dedication of [ In my the book Press . on 4 Needlework as Art ' casts a light upon the subject that shows its worthiness , and my inability to do it justice . Still , I hope I may fill a gap in the artistic literature of our day , and I venture to lay my work at your Majesty ' s feet with loyal devotion . —Marian M . Alforv . THE ACCURSED Kdom . By Lteuc .-Col LAND . H . E . Colyile ; or Grenadier , First Guards Steps , Author on the * A Ride Waterway in Petticoats and Slippers . ' Crown 8 vo . cloth extra . 10 s . 6 d . ! ARTISTS AT HOME . Photographed by J . P . Mayall , and Reproduced \ in Facsimile by Photp-Engraving on Copper Plates . Edited , with Biographical Notices and i Descriptions , by F . G . Stephens , Imperial folio , cloth extra , price 42 s . : NATURE'S SERIAL STORY . By E . P . Roe . With 65 Full-page . ana other exquisite Illustrations drawn by William Hamilton Gibson and Frederick Dielman , j engraved by Wellington , Whitney , Hoskin , Wolf , Tinkey , and F . Pet tit . Demy 4 to- cloth extra , gilt edges , 24 s . RECOLLECTIONS TROUT , and GRAYLING ; with OF I ^ otes FLY on their -FISHING Haunts , Habits FOR , aud History SALMON . By Edward , Hamilton , 31 . D ., F . L . S ., <& c . Illustrated by a Mezzotint Engraving by Francis Seymour Haden , Esq ., and other Woodcuts . Small post 8 vo ., printed on handsome paper by Whittingham , cloth extra , 6 s . Also a Large Paper Edition , of which only One Hundred Copies have been printed , and each Copy being numbered from One upwards ; price 10 s . 6 d . AN AMATEUR ANGLER'S DAYS IN DOVE DALE . Being ? an Account of My Three Weeks' Holiday in July and August , 1881 . Imp . 32 mo . Fancy boards , Is . Limp leather-cloth , gilt edges , Is . 6 d . % * Also a Largo Paper Edition , printed on hand-made paper , parchment bindingj [( 100 only printed ) , price 5 s . iNew Works by the Author of ' In my Indian Garden . ' CHASING boards A FORTUNE , & C . By Phil Robinson . Imp . 32 mo . Fancy , Is . ; TIGERS AT LARGE , [& C . By Phil Robinson . Imp . 32 mo . Fancy boards , Is . 1 B B AND -Arms . TUCKER By Elsa D'Esterre , beingr -Keei . i > - the g , Author Recollections of 'Three Sisters . '_ of " Imp an . 32 mo Infant . Fancy - boards , Is . ~ Crown 8 vo . cloth , with several Maps . OUR HANOVERIAN KINGS . A Short History of The Four Georges , embracing th « period , 1714-1830 . By B . C . Skoltowe , M . A . New Volume of Illustrated Handbooks of Art History of all Ages and Countries . PAI NTING—SPANISH AND FRENCH . B Gebaed W . Smith , kxeter Coil . Oxon . Crown 8 vo . 70 Illustrations . Cloth extra , 5 « . I New Volumes of ' The Great Musicians ' Series . I HAYDN oxtra , 3 « . ( JOSEPH ) . By Pauline D . Townsend . Small post 8 vo . cloth I SCHUMANN- By J . A . Fuller Maitland . Small post 8 vo . cloth , Ss . . I London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVJNGTON , ; | l- ^ ^ ___ Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . i ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 967, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/71/