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I Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge . NEW PUBLICATIONS . C* * v ¦ j ¦ ' : ~ " ' r ~~ k 7 ~ : HEROES t ) F SCIENCE . New Volume . * , V . , ¦/ MECHANICIANS ' ¦ - ¦ -. . By T . G- Lbw * 3 . Crow n 8 vo . cloth boards , 4 s . I DIOCESAN HISTORIES . New Yokmes . NORWICH . By the Rev . Augustus Jbssop , D . D . With Map . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth toarcls , 2 ? . 6 i . „ WINCHESTER . By the Rev . W . Benham , B . D . With Map . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth boards , 3 s . HOME LIBRARY . New Volume . ( Ready shortly ) . s RICHELIEU . By Gustave Masson , Esq . Crown 8 vo . cloth boards , 35 . 6 d . AN OLD STORY OF BETHLEHEM . By the Author of < Tbe Scfoonberg . ; Cbtta Family . ' "With Six Plate 3 , Beautifully printed in Colours . Cloth , bevelled boards , 35 . Qd . - NORTHUMBRIAN SAINTS ( THE ); or , Chapters from the Early Histprj of tie ! . English Church . By the Bev . E . C . S . Gibson . Post 8 vo . cloth boards , 1 * . FAITHFUL SOLDIERS AND SERVANTS : Twenty Addresses to Young Men . | : By Mart A . Lewis . Post 8 vo . cloth boards , 1 * . 6 d . BIBLE THOUGHTS FOR DAILY LIFE . By Mrs . Colin G . Campbell . Post 8 vo . cloth boards , 2 « . . i EVANGEL AND EVANGELIST . Six Addresses on St . Matthew and the Gospel . By the Rev . A . Carr , M . A .. Post 8 vo . cloth boards , 1 $ . OREAT PASSION PROPHECY VINDICATED ( THE ) . By the Rev . Bsawpflw Maitland , M . A . Poet 8 vo . limp cloth , lOd . MODERN EGYPT : ITS WITNESS TO CHRIST . Lectures after a Visit to Egypt in boards 1883 , . 2 s . By 6 d . the Rev . Henry B . Ottley , Vicar of Horshaxn , Sussex . With niustratiohs . Fcp : . 8 vo . cloth CHRISTIANITY JUDGED BY ITS FRUITS . By the Bev . C . Croslegh , D . D . a Post 8 vo . cloth boards , 1 * . . < ,. I i TYPES AND ANTITYPES OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST . ? Containing 4 and : to . 3 German s . 6 d . Parallel Schools Paapagres . Drawn from and the Compiled Old and by New A . E Testaments . G-imixgham . . Illustrated Vellum cloth by Vigrnettes , antique , after 64 pages the , Italian oblong MY TWO YEARS IN AN INDIAN MISSION . By the Her . H . Field Blackett . Post 8 vo . doth boards , 1 * . 6 d . PAROCHIAL MISSIONS . By the Right Rev . A . W . Thorold , D . D ., Lord Bishop of Rochester . Imperial 16 nao . cloth boards , 1 * . DAWN OF DAY ( THE ) . Volume for 1884 . An Illustrated Monthly Magazine I for Sunday School and Pariah Use . Small 4 to . limp cloth , lOd . THE PEOPLE'S LIBRARY . Crown 8 vo . cloth boards , Is . each . THE COTTAGE NEXT DOOR . By H . Shiptox , Author of < Christopher , ' & c . With several Woodcuta , THE GUILD OF GOOD LIFE : a Narrative of Domestic Health and Economy ! By 4 1 THRIFT Benjamin AND Ward INDEPENDENCE Bichardson ' , M . D ., F . R : a Word for Working Men . By the Rev . W . Levbbt | j Blackley , M . A . II BIOGRAPHIES OF WORKING MEN . By Grant Alubn , B . A . ' ' A CHAPTER By J . Stuabt , OF Professor SCIENCE of Mechanics ; or , Cambridge What is a Law With of Diagrams Nature ? Six Lectures to Working Men . , HOPS AND HOP-PICKERS . By the Rev . J . Y . Stkattcw , With several Woodcuts . : A SIX MONTHS' FRIEND . By Hblen Shipton , Author of « Christopher . ' With several ! Illustrations . II LIFE of Na AND 8 flington WORK . With ! seve AM ONG lllustratlona THE NAVVIES . By the Rev . D . W . Babrbtt , M . A ., Vi car I * * OTHKR 8 IN PREPARATION . II . LONDON : NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE , CHARING CROSS , ^^ ^ f
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 976, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/80/