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' 97s The Publishers' Circular opt i,|S ...
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' 97s The Publishers' Circular Opt I,|S ...
' 97 s The Publishers' Circular opt i , | S i
CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS . THE STABILITY OP SHIP Shortly S : a royal Treatise 8 vo . far the Use of Naval Constructors Shibuildersand Others . BSir Edward James ReedK . C . B . F . R . S . M . P . With Tables p , Diagram , s , and Folding y -Plates . , , , numerous In 2 vols . royal 8 vo . with very numerous Illustrations . HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ( MANUAL OP ) : including Histology and i ' Microscop Professor ical of Ph Anatomy ysiology . , With University Special of Reference Greifswald to . Practical Translated Medicine from . the By Fourth Dr . L . Landois German , Edition hy Wm . Stirling * , M . D ., D . Sc , Reg . Prof . Institutes of Medicine , University of ! Aberdeen . * [ Vol . I . immediatd y . \ A MANUAL OP GEOLOGY In 2 vols . B demy y John 8 vo . Phillips , M . A ., LL . D ., F . fc . S ., | late Natural Professor History of Geology Department in the , University British Museum of Oxford , formerl . Edited y Palaeontolog by Robert ist Ethbridge to the Geological , F . R . S ., F Survey . R . S ., of Professor Great Britain of Geograp , Past hy -President in King ' s College of the Geolog , London ical . Society , and Haery Govieb Seblbt , Vol . I . Price 18 * . ( Ready Oct . 8 . ) . Vol . II . ( In December ) . I PHYSICAL GEOLOGY AND P ALBION- STRATIGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY AND I TOIiOGY . By Prof . Seklby , F . R . S . ! PALEONTOLOGY . By K . Etheritgb , F . B . S . I With numerous Tables and Plates of Characteristic Fossils and Rock-Structures . MAMMALIAN DESCENT : the Hunterian Lectures for 1834 . By W . K . Pabkbr delivered , F in . E the . S ., Theatre Hunteri of an the Professor College , , February Eoyal , College 1884 . of In Surgeons 8 vo . with . Illustrations Being Nine . Lectures [ Immediately . Now ready , Second Edition , Pocket Size , Leather , price 7 s . 6 d . AN ELECTRICAL POCKET - BOOK FOR THE T 7 SE OP ELECTRICIANS AND ENGINEERS . By John Munro , C . E ., and Andrew Jamieson , C . R , F . K . S . E ., M . S . T . E . With numerous Diagrams . General Contents . —Units of Measurement ; Measures ; Testing ; Conductors ; Dielectrics : Submarine Cables ; Telegraphy ; Electro-Chemistry and Metallurgy ; Batteries ; Dynamos and Motors ; Electric Lighting ; Logarithms ; Miscellaneous . * Wonderfully The sterling perfecfc -value of . .. Messrs .. * .. . Worthy . Monro of < fc all Jamieson the commendation ' s Pocket Book we can .. give it carried . ' —Electrician out in a . manner which does the I greatest * On a credit deja pnbl to the i 6 plusteurs authors . — formul Electrical aires du Rotikw genre de . oelui-ci ; aucun d ' eux ne pr ^ sen tai t un caractere ausai r 6 ellcmen * || pratique , '—LuMiiRE Euectrique . A veritable Pocket Companion . ' —Telegraphist , FROM SOURCE TO Crow SE n 8 vo A cloth ; or elegant , Gleanings , gilt top , about 3 * . 6 d . Eivers in many Fields , By W . Powell James , M . A ., Author of ' Guesses at Purpose in Nature . ' I A MECHANICAL TEXT T « ird - Edition BOOK , 9 « . ., now By Professor ready . Rankine and E . F . Bamber , Series C . E . of % * Manuals * The Mechanical on Engineering Text- . Book and Mechanics * forms . a simple Introduction to Professor IUhkini ' s j Compiled from Official Sources . First Issue , 7 s . 6 d . I YEAR SOCIETIES -BOOK OF GRE OF THE BRITAIN SCIENTIFIC AND IRELAND . Giving AND an Account LEARNED of over 500 Societies and Science § 2 . Mineralogy Mathem and enga Statistics atics ged . —§ and in . 6 —§ . Ph the Biology ysics 7 . following Mechanical . —§ , including 3 . Chemist Departments Science Microscopy ry and and Photogra of Architecture Research and ph Anthropology y . —§ . : —§ —§ 4 8 . 1 . . Geology NaTal Science . —§ and , 6 Geograp . Generally Economic Military hy , . | Science Scientific 13 . Psychology . —§ Societies 9 . Agri . —§ throughout culture 14 . A and rchaeol the Horticultu ogy world . . With re . —§ Appendix 10 . Law , . —§ comprising 11 . Medicine a List . —§ of 12 the . Li terature Loading . J | 1 ' The *' Year-Book of Societies " meet * an obvJoas want , and promUea to become a valuable work of reference . 1 ( I I ATHKN **"* II I London : CHAKLE 8 GRIFFIN A COMPANY , Exeter Street . Strand . Jl I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 978, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/82/