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SfAMJPSOJSr LOW , MAUSTON § r CO , 'S LIST—continued . Second Edition of the Edition de Luxe . 1 Blackmore ' s Lorna Doone : a Romance of Ex- I MOOR . It contains numerous full-page and other Illustrations by Mr . F . i Abmstbong-, Mr , W . Smalii , and Mr . Boot . 2 nd Edition in 1 volume , crown 4 to . cloth extra , 528 pages , gilt edges , 21 s . parc ( A hment few cop binding ies stil , top l on gilt hand , t | nc ut edges Ori , g very inal h Edition andsom , in e , 35 han * . ) dsome cloth binding , 31 * . 6 d . ; or in whicb ' Enriched is the most with carefully elaborate and and finely delicately wrought cut ; . landscapes ... the figure and pieces figure supplied designs by Mr . It W is . Small hard are to say .. of .. the well landscap designed es and learnedly drawn . '—Athen ^ ttm . Bradshaw ( J . ) . —New Zealand of To-day , 1884 Co TO -op 1887 erative . By Association John" Bradshaw , Author , lat of e ' Chairman New ^ Zealand of the as it Canterbury is , ' ' Raph F arm b ers en ' Isaac , ' & c . Demy 8 vo . cloth , with 2 Maps , 14 s . Brannt . —Metallic Alloys . A Practical Guide for the Manufacture of all kinds of Alloys , Amalgams , and Solders used by Metal-workers , especially by Bell-fdunders , Bronze-workers , Tinsmiths , Gold and Silver Workers , Dentists , & c . & c , as well as their Chemical and Physical Properties , edited chiefly from the German of A . Kruppi and Andreas Wildberger , with many additions by -William T . Bbannt , Author of * The Techno-Chemical Receipt Book' & c . & c . Illustrated . In one vol . Grown 8 vo . cloth , 12 s . 6 d . Burnley ( James ) . —The Hist 6 ry of Wool and WOOLCOMBING . By James Burnley , Author of ' The Eomance of Invention , ' * The Workshops of the West Riding , ' * The Romance of Life Preservation / & c . Illustrated by an Extensive Series of Mechanical Diagrams ; also Portraits engraved on Steel , and Photogravures . Large 8 vo . vol ., cloth , £ 1 . Is . Cadogan ( Lady A . ) . —Comedies for Drawing-ROOM ACTING . Adapted from the French by Lady Adelaide Cadogan , Author of ' . Games of Patience ' & c , with 12 Illustrations drawn by E . L . Shute . ( Six Plays in all ) . Dedicated by permission to Her Royal Highness Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein , Princess of Great Britain and Ireland . Crown 8 vo . cloth . A . P . Crouch . —On a Surf-bound Coast y ; or , Cable-laying in the African Tropics . By A . P . Crouch . New Edition . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 s . sufficient I * ... interest . Mr . Crouch to win ' s his descri book ption acceptance of the among places readers he visited who and like to of get the information machinery about and work strange of places cable-laying and processes are of slight in an unconventional directness of statement form . Mr which . Crouch makes writes his fluently narrative , without easy to any read special . *—Scotsman attempt . at literary grace of style , but with , a 'An unusually gay , pleasant book to read . '—Economibt . attract * " On and a amuse Burf-boun him d /— Coast Eukctmcian " is a capi . tal book of its kind , and the reader will find on almost every page something to London : . SAMPSON LOW , MAE & TGN , SEAELE & RIVINGTON , Limited , St . Dunstan ' s House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , B . C . I
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Oct . r , 1888 * The Publishers' Circular 1223
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1223, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/117/