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-"Rer— • ¦ —— ¦ ¦ — :— ¦ : ! — 1 1254 Th...
- "rer— ¦ —— ¦ ¦ — : — ¦ : ! — 1 1254 The Publishers' Circular " Oct . u 1888 . 1 . ' . —_ .- _¦ ^ - . .- , ^—^^ - ^^_ i
MR . T . FISHER UNHN'S AMOUHCEIENfS . ¦ - ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ —f - t : L LIFE AND TIMES OF GIROLAMO Two Vots SAVONAROLA . demy 8-vo . cloth , * 32 a . By Professor Pasquaxe Villari , Translated by Linda Yillari . Portraits and Illustrations . ENGLISH WAYFARING LIFE IN Medium THE 8 MIDDLE vo . cloth , 215 AGES . ( XlVth Century ) , By J . j . Jussbband . Translated from the Frenoh by Lucy A . Toulmin Smith . Illustrated . RANCH LIFE IN THE FAR WEST Small . By 4 to . Theodore cloth elegant , Roosevelt 21 s . . Profusely Illustrated . S ... —4 — ' ' - — ' ' ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ - - ii - — ' ¦—¦— .- ¦ , — -. i . — . — ¦ ' I Dem 8 vo . cloth 16 s . THE ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY , . Lectures on Political Economy and its History , delivered at Oxford , lsb 7-88 . By Professor J . B . Thorold Rogers . t _ . — RIDES AND STUDIES IN THE CANARY Crown 8 vo . cloth ISLES , 12 * . By Charles Edwards . With many Illustrations and Maps . •> NEW WOUK BY THE AUTHOK OF ' ARCADY . ' THE COMING OF THE FRIARS , and other Mediaeval Sketches . By the Rev . Aug . Jessopp , D . D . Crown 8 ro . cloth , 7 s . 6 d . OLD CHELSEA : A Summer WITH -day ILLUSTRATIONS ' s Stroll . By Benjamin BY JOSEPH Ellis PENNELL Martin . „ . Sq _ . Imperial 16 mo . oloth , 7 s . 6 $ , \ INDUSTRIAL T then awe ; , Clyde The Liflej , Wear RIVERS , , Usk Taff , Tees , A OF von , S , THE evern Southampton , Wye UNITED , and Wate Lagan r KINGDOM ; The . Hartlepool By various , nairiel s , well Hum y -known b : The , NeatTi Experts Raines , Port . Talbot Illustrated , Mersey , and . , Carmar T Crown yne , 8 vo . cloth , 78 . 6 < f . > NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OP * HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED . ' THE FIVE TALENTS OF WOMAN : a Book for Girls and Young Women . By the Rev . E . J . Hardy . Sq . Iinp . 16 mo . cloth , $ s . ; Presentation Edition , bevelled boards , gilt edges , in box , 7 . * . 6 d . POPULAR EDITION OF THE LIVES OF ROBERT AND MARY MOFFAT . By their Son , John Smith Moffat . ' An Portrait inspiring and record Illustrations of calm . , brave Crown , wi 8 vo se . work cloth . , 3 * . 6 . d . . , The biographer has done his work with reverent care - , and - in a straightforward , unaffected style . * —Contemporary Review . THE HOUSE AND ITS BUILDER NEW WORK with BY THE other REV Discourses . SAMlUEIi : A Book D . D . for the Doubtful . Crown 8 vo . paper , 2 s . 6 d . ; cloth , 3 s . , FRANCIS BACON ( Lord Verulam ) . B A Critical . LOVEJOY Review , A . M of ., LL his . B . Life and Character , with Selections from his Writings . Crown 8 vo . half-bound , cloth , gilt top , 6 s . NO CIPHER IN R-BFUTATION SHAKESPEARE OF THE HON . By . IGNATltJ the Rev . A DONNELLY . Nicholson 'S GREAT , LL . D CRYPTOGRAM . Deray 8 vo . paper , Is . Such a crushing nr & s never administered to mortal man . '—Inquires .. ' UN WIN'S NOVEL SERIES . ' Yol . II . just ready . Small crown 8 vo . limp cloth , 2 s . MRS . SLSiam'S CRIME . By Mrs . W . K . CLIFFORD . Vol . I . —GLADYS FANE . By T . Wemyss Keid . Fifth Edition ; living ' Mr and . Wemyss writing Reid among has us certainly . '—Saturday by this Re book view gained . a place well to the front among the novelists of the claas now . Now ready , the 16 th Volume of 2 HJS STOMY OF TJ £ E NATXONSS JVTEI > I . aE : YAL . FRAISTCE . ; „ By the late Professor G US TA 7 E MASfeON . Illustrations and Map . Large crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 * . ; Presentation Edition , gilt edges , 5 s . 6 dm Previous Volumes in the Serle 3 : THE ROME . JEWS By Arthur . By O Prof ilman . , J . M . A K . . Third Hosmeu Edition . Second . ANCIENT Tiiird Edition EGYPT . . By Prof . Geokgh ! Rawxinson . GERMANY Edition . . By Rev . 8 . Barjnu-Goui . d . Second HUNGARY Eaition . . By Prof . Auminius Vambkry . Second Jhidition . THE SARACENS . By Arthur Gilman , H . A . CARTHAGE Edition . . By Prof . Alfred J . Church . Third IRELAND CHALDEA * . Jtly By the Zbnaide Hon . Emily A . Ragozik Lawless . . Second Edition . ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE . By Prof . J . P . Mahaffy . THE GOTHS . By Henry Bradley . THE Third MOORS nditicn IN . SPAIN . By Stanle y Lane-Poolk . ASSYRIA HOLLAND . . By By Zh Prof : >* ajdk . J . E A . . Thorold Raqozin . Roamts Second . Edition . Second iiidition . TURKEY . By Stanle y Lane-Poolb . - London : T . FISHER UNWIN , 26 Paternoster Square , E . C .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1254, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/148/