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1 = 1258 ThePublishers' Circular Ocjl i , isss I
i - 1 ¦ — : .. ¦! .. . ; i ** The Birkenhead Advertiser : < The CHURCH MONTHLY will soon \\ ; * become the Parish says Magazine of the country . 24 pp . crown 4 to . splendidly Illustrated , price Id . THE CHURCH MONTHLY . : | Edited By F ^ REbK . SHERLOCK , 11 ; Author of More than Conquerors Temperance , ' * Illustrious Society Abstainers ; late Editor , ' & c : of lat Hand e Hon and . Editorial Heart , Sec & c . retary of the Church oJ Ungland I I I THE xkxmu wxiunvAi dHTTRfJIT muii MONTHLY axi . ua amoi may * s conducted ) g rest his assured Parishioners entirely that . on the non Magazine -party lines wiU , so never that introduce any Clergyman a partisan adopting spirit it j I THE ± xamu wxi HHTTRflH unvn luviv MONTHT & xiii V i to Cooking advocates Artisan , G s Temperance ardening and Cottagers , Poultry on are the -keep dealt lines ing with , of Bee the by -keep competent C . ^ E ng . T , . S and . ; , Writers other and T topics hrift . , Sanitation interesting , lence THE x m . xmu as an CHURCH vu Illustrated j \ "vii Magazine xta MONTHLY vtai . * xxju Booksellers x mogt is particularly and unanimou Printers suited s in who its nay for opinion localisation be on on the this look . point The out press , for and a also Magazine throug as hout to its for the general localisin country excel g will is - do well to apply for specimens and terms . We append ' Purchasers * The illustrations of the Chu are rch numerous Monthly SOM and will well certainly E executed OPINIONS have a QF writers * The THE /— editor Thb PRESS has Manchester secured . the Guardian services . of * - ¦ some effective j j good adapted return for localisati for their on penny . —The . This Becobd magazine . is excellently clergymen ' Is a marvellous who are pennyworth in want of , and a should good magazine be seen by for all < is a ' meritorious It gives plenty venture of matter and and shoul several d be encouraged illustrations . . We It localising ' Any /— clergyman School Guardian wishing for . a really attractive " and H recommend our clerical friends to send for Church a copy . Times ' . . int copy ere of sting the Church magazine MonthlyS for local ~ WimwxQTpv circulation Observer shouldsee . ia I average ' ' ' It Admira is . '~ excel JoHN bly lent got Bull , and up ; . even The im pictures proves each are month far above / the to ibe 'We ; dwelling should like of every . to see wdzfeing [ the Islb Church OB man lk Wtea In Monthly the . r OHBONicu kingdom introduced / ^ - ; i L * It \ is a first-rate . production , suitable Chubch for localising Bells as . . a * Its contents " are admirably West adapted Cumberland for the hous Times ^ hoJC . ! | the parish magazine magazine /— . The There Bock id . a good Church tone throughout excellent ' The Church letterpress Monthly /—Leamingtou is capitally Spa illustrated Courier and . full of executed and ' An attractive assured , and it , success is its likely illustrations . to Its do letterpress good are service vigorous is both to the instructive and Church well / Good ' A printing capital , new good penny stories magazine , and Weekly good for illustrations Times parish and localisation Echo / . , : The Banner . ' The Church Monthly is the best form of parochial ! Well worth the attention Ecclesiastical of the Clergy / Gazette . m zine agazine to the we notice have lately of incumbents seen . We who commend are anxious this maga to - \ cellent * Bright /~' FAMiLY and attractive Churchman . The . illustrations are ex- petitioners develop a / healthier —Wellingborough tone , on Church Post . matters * among ' . jj ¦ for * Worth a new the magazine attention , or of who all those want who a Monthly are looking which out is Church * We Monthly would warmly as a means recomm of end supplying the localisation an aid to of parish Tfa reall , ' Bids y a Church fair to magazine eeeure /— a Church permanent in the position West . among bourn life that e Standard is now generally . - « admitted - to - be t valuable/—Eastorthodox ' serials/—National Church . ' This is one of the cheapest and be ^ t Church ma gazines > localisation . One . of- /— the Ely very Diocesan beat magazines Eemembhancer we know . of for parish we know of for parish localisation/—Leicester Journal . The JANUARY Number , which is now r ^ ady , contains : ¦ ¦ -- . ,- - STRAYED Bev . A . R EAST . Bucklan ' : a Serial d , MA Tale ., . Author IUuBtrat of ed ' . Through By the . A NEW Clarke YEAR , M . A 'S . ; CAROL Music by . : Arthur W < ids by H the . Brown Kev . S . ( Childs Brent- I Thick and Thin ' & c . wood ) . NAZARETH Gbikib , Author . Illustrated of ' The . Life By the and Rev Words . Dn of Cunningham COrist / HOW t By T the 0 \ Editor OBTAIN of * EGGS Fowls / -IN WINTER . Illustrated . OtJR J . FAMILIAR 6 . Wood , M . FRIEND A ., Author S . of Ill ' The ustrated Illustrated . By the Natural Rev ! A HYMN Wiglesworth FOR , Author ST . PAUL of * Songs 'S DA of P * erseverance . By Esther ' & c ANOTHER * ^ T / S !^ « YEAR ™\™ . Illustrated ^ * * ^ . By ¦» the * x . Rev ™ . Harry ^ REPRESENTATIVE Winchester . With CH a tine URCHMEN / Portrait . , specially I . The Bishop engraved of CHURCH Jones Author , DEFENCE M of . A « . The , Prebendary BngUshman . By the of Rev St ' s . Brief Paul . Thoma ' s . & s c Moore , M . A ., PftTTAfiF by oi PoSa Richard J fOOKFRY Taylor . Bv M Ratt ( rrprtificatpd Certmcatea Te xeacner aoher y I * SATURDAY Rev . Fhederick NIGHT Langbrieqb ' : a Ballad , . M . A Illustrated ., Author . of By « Poor the BIBLE n ° _ 7 EXPL Z ^ Z p } ^ ORATIONS ' ; - „*„ - . By ^ the AV Rev „ . W « r . S OT . Lewis , Folks' Lives * & c . M . A ., Author of * The JLife of lives' & c . | I I . THE AN tions EPIPHA PRI . ORY By NY the CHURCH HYMN Rev . Dr . , . Illustrated Gregory MALVERN . Bmith By . the Three . Rev , Illustra . Canon - TEMPERANCE MISSIONARY r ^ hkrlock . ; GLEANINGS ILLUSTRATIONS ; / : ' . 7 ? SUNDAY . , By , ¦" . Frederick OBSEK , ^ - I ; _ THE BuRBtDQE WHITE . SLEDGE : a Serial Tale . ' Illustrated » . By „ . VAN ASKED CE . AN OARDENINCL D ANSWERED SANITATION , & C . . THRIFT ^ F . M . Holmes , Author of ' Faith ' s Father' < fcc . TINY TEXTS FOR TINY TROTS . Three Illustrations * . V THOB NEW SHEET AliMABTAO . THE CHURCH ALMANAC for 1889 , J ! i Printed in Two England Colours and , - '¦ - is Wal now es ready ; al ' ^' so v . , . price ' a ' beautifu Xd . and and l Picture engraved contains , * Hory by Thirty R Baptism . Taylor -four , / fine . specially - OrlginaJ .-... drawn .. [ * Engravings ! ^ by ; p . D . of French the Cathedrals , of TO TliS T ^ ZaZdeI J the . wd Tlvp J $ at 4 M e Trad , nager Circus . e JH is * JE ; Rtu .. . JM r C > plle i . JS < VCJO l ibti : ^ specially 0 { u $ . JSrp ,.. * Church pavotttnjihltf Monthly terms - > , Office JTor , further SO & 31 particulara JTew JBri & ge <* . 1 Street FplV to , g , London : ' Chubch Monthly' Office , 80 & 81 New Bridge Sfc ., Ludgate Circus , E . G . J L
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1258, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/152/