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! SPICER BROTHERS , I 19 NEW BRIDGE STREET i * , ¦ LONDON , E . C . MILLS—ALTON , HAJSIPSHIKB . HAND-MADE . WRITING , BANK NOTE , ANTIQUE DRAWING PRINT 1 NG 8 , BILL OF EXCHANGE , ' ACCOUNT AND BOOK AND LAID AN 0 PAPERS . LOAN PAPERS . WOVE . MACHINE-MADE . Writings and Account Book Papers . ¦ ¦ i « FT-DriedTub and Engine-Sized . , ! Tinted Tissues Writings . , Cartridge , J 3 lot tings , and FINE AND COMMON PRINTINGS . Jill ^ Uttliiies . FINE PRINTINGS , Highly Glazed and Soft-Sized for Dry Printing and Woodcuts . COLOURED PRINTINGS and PAMPHLET COVERS . NEWS in Webs and Reams . CHROMO , ENAMEL , and SURFACE-COLOURED PAPERS . ENVELOPES , CARDS , and PASTEBOARDS , i White and Coloured . BROWN and PACKING PAPERS of every description . | MILLBOARDS and STRAW BOARDS .