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MESSRS . MACMDMN & CO . 'S ANNOUNCEMENTS-ca ^^ . THE WOEK . Aldis Wright S OF M . A EDWARD ., Vice-Master of FITZGKERALD Trinity College , Cambrid , WITH . 8 vols . crown A MEMOIR 8 vo . . Edited THE COMPLETE WOEKS OP JOHN GBEENLEAF WHITTIER . A New MILTON Edition ' S . 7 vole POETICAL . Globe 8 vo . 5 . * . WORKS To be issued . in Monthly Edited Volumes bProfessor . Masson . With Introduction ' Notes and Memoir , with Portraits . New Edition . 3 vols . 8 vo y , DAY LETTERS S AND WIGHTS KEATS : . Poems Edited . B by y Arthur Sidney Colvin Symons , . Author Globe of 8 vo ' . Keats' ( English Men of THE Letters LIFE Series ) OP . Globe CHARLES 8 vo . 6 s . LAMB . By the Rev . Al , fbed Aingeb , M . A ., Canon of Letters Bristol . , ) & c . Globe New 8 vo and . 5 Revised $ . Edition . ( Uniform with Mr . Ainger ' s edition of Charles Lamb ' s Collected ^ Works and A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE EIGHTEENTH THE CENTURY PRE- RAPHAELITE By Edmund G-ossb . Crown BROTHERHOOD 8 vo . . BW . Holman Hunt . Illustrated by Reproductions from some of Mr . Holman Hunt's Drawings and Paintings y . Crown 8 vo . A HISTORY OP THE LATER ROMAN EMPIRE FROM ARCADITJS TO IRENE , A . D . 395-800 . By John B . Bury . 2 vols . 8 vo . MONTELIUS'S SWEDISH CIVILISATION IN HEATHEN TIMES . By HISTORY the Rev . F " OF . "Woods ETON . With Illustrations COLLE GE , 8 vo . By H . C . Maxwell , Lyte , MA ., Deputy Keeper of TWO the Public CHAPTERS Records . Witji OF Illustrations IRISH . A HISTORY New Edition . 8 vo . By T . Dunbir Ingram , LL . D ., Author TABLE of A History S OF INCOME the Legislative Union AND of Great EXPENDITURE Britain and Ireland . ' . B the late Professor William Lloyd Berkbhck , M . A ., & c . 4 to . y ANNALS from the Accession OF OUR of Queen TIME Victoria . A By Diurnal Joseph Irving of Events ^ 8 vo , So A c ial a Supplement nd Politic al bringing , Home and work Forei down gn , THE APOSTOLIC Jubilee Day of Queen Victoria FATHERS ' s Reign . . Part II . S . Ignatius—S . Polycarp . Revised Texts , with LL .. D . Introduction , Bishop of Durham s , Notes . , New Dissertations Edition . , and 2 vols Tran . in slations 3 . Demy . By 8 vo the . Bight Rev . J . B . Liqhtpoot , D . D ., D . C . L ., THE BAMPTON LECTURES FOB 1887 . By the Right Bev . W . Boyd Carpenter , THE Bishop BIBLE of Ripon : What 8 vo . it is and What it is not . A Word to the Multitude . Bthe Venerable Archdeacon FarrarD . D . F . R . S . Crown 8 vo . y THE Master SPIRITUAL of Harrow . Crown , LIFE , 8 vo . , and other Sermons . By the Eev . J . E , C . Welldon , M . A ., Head SOME CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE RELIGIOUS THOUGHT OF OUR UNIVERSITY TIME Jambs : M being . Wilson Sermons , M SERMON . A ., and Head Addresses Master S of NEW delive Clifton red College AND in London , & c . OLD , Crown Cambridge . A , selection Bristol , and of elsewhere Sermons . By preached the Rev . before of LlandafF the . Universities , Master of the of Oxlbrd Temple and . Crown , Cambridge 8 vo . , 1861-1887 . By the Very Bev . Charles J . Vaughan , D . D ., Dean THE MENTA EPISTLE . RY . By Rev T . F O . Rendali TH E , M . A HEBR . Crown EW 8 vo . Is S , ENGLISH TEXT WITH [ COM Ready . - THE Charles Pro CL of AS of H . SICAL Hoole Genuine M . n A . ELEMENT ss , 8 with vo . an Appendix IN on the THE Old Authorities NEW use TE . d S in TAMENT the Formation , consid the Canon ered ^ as PLAT A CHRISTMAS 18 mo O . ( Golden Pheedrus Treasury , POSY , Lysis Series . , By 4 and * . Qd Mrs . Protagoras . Moiesworth , T , ransla Author ted of by ' Carrots Rev . Josiah , ' ' Tell Wright me a Story , M . A , . ' I THE Little POPULAT Miss Peggy , ' & IO c . N With OF Illustrations AN by OLD Walter PEAR Crane . -TREE Crown 8 vo . 4 or s . Qd . Stories of Insect Life . I From the French of E . Van Bruybsel . Edited by the Author of ' The Heir ; of , RedclyfEe . ' With Illustrations THE New EIW Edition GrLI . Globe & H : 8 ILLUSTRATED ro . 2 s . Qd . 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With numerous Illustra-A PRACTICAL TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY . By D . J . Hamilton , Professor of Patbolojfical Anatomy ( Sir Erasmus Wilson Chair ) , University of Aberdeen . 8 vo . POPULAR LECTURES AND ADDRESSES ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS IN PHYSICAL 8 vo . ( Nature SCIENCE Series . ) . By Sir William : Thomson , D . O . L ., LL . D ., , F . R . S . E . With Illustrations . 8 vols . crown SCIENTIFIC PAPERS . By the late Professor Andrews . Edited by Professor P . G . Tait , ALPHABET M . A ., Sec . R . SJRL OF , and ECONOMIC Professor Ordm Brown SCIENCE , F . R . S . 8 vo . By Phili p H . Wicksteed , M . A . Globe 8 vo . A TEXT Professo - BOOK of Physiology OF . With PHYSIOLOGY Illustrations . Fifth . By Thoroughly Michael Revised Foster Edition , M . A ., M Three . D ., Parts LL . D . . , F . R . 8 ., Part I , comprising Book I . Blood—The Tissaoa of Movement , The Vascular Mechanism . 10 « . Qd . [ Ready . ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENTS IN ELECTRICTY AND MAGNETISM . By Professor Andrew Gray , M . 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3 CC fc ^—*^ B" ^ i ^^ B ^ fli ^^ Mia ^ ¦¦¦^ ¦ HHBM' VaBtfMlHM ^^ l ^ BV ^ B ^ HM ^^ BI ^ hlV ^ l ^^^^^ liMMB ^ PHV ^^^ MH ^^ tfl ^ Ha ^ MWI ^ B ^^ V ^ l ^^^^ i ^ MH ^ VM ^^ a ^^ l ^ VMai ^^ a ^ Hi ^ HB ^ MW
Oct . i , x 888 * The Publishers' Circular n ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1173, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/67/