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fl g 2 The Publishers' Circular Oct. * ,...
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WARD , LOCK & CO . 'S NEW BOOKS . RECENT ADDITIONS TO POPULAR SERIES . THE LILY SERIES OF PURE FICTION . The most Popular Series of Books ever published . 122 Volumes . Crown 8 vo . wrapper , 1 * . ; cloth , gilt , 1 * . 6 d . 114 . THREE PEOPLE . N Pansy EW VOLUMKS . ' . —For Complete 119 . Series SENSE , see Catalogue AND SENSIBILITY . . Austen . 116 115 . . E STER STER RIED RIED . Ta ' YET nsy . ' SPEAKING / 1 121 20 . EMM PRIDE A . AND Austen PREJUDICE . . Austen . 117 . ' JULIA * S ? V * RIED « TTO . ' Pan „ sy . , ' 124 . maordder HONOURED . IN THE BREACH . Julia 118 . THE FAIR GOD . Wallace . 125 . AN UNEXPECTED RESULT . E . P . Roe . THE YOUTH'S LIBRARY . A Series of Cheap wrapper Presentation , Is . ; cloth Volumes gilt , Is . Qd for , the NEW youthful VOLUMES of both . —For sexes Complete . Illustrated Series , see . Catalogue 96 Volumes . . Crown 8 vo . 304 . MASTERS IN HISTORY . By Eev . 308 . BRILLIANT SPEAKERS . By H . J . Peter Anton . Nicoix . "" wSP * 1 N 0 VELISTS - B ^ JAMES C - ao 9 . GREAT SCHOLARS . By H . J . ***»* . "V ^ BL ?* TH ° MAS CARLYLE- B 7 310 . LAMB'STALESFROMSHAKESPEARE . ^ SSfc ™* ESSAYISTS . By Bev . ^^ ^ ^ . WARD & LOCK'S SIXPENNY NOVELS . 200 Volumes . In coloured wrappers , Qd , NEW VOLUMES . —For Complete Series , see Catalogue . 220 219 . . STORMLIGHT HAN OF ICELAND : a Story . By of Victor Love Hugo and Nihilism . Translated . By by J . K E . . Atjngle Muddock . , late Swiss Correspondent of the Daily News . Author of * From the Bosom of the Deep' & c . 221 222 . . THE UNDER BRAND SPELL OF OF CAIN THE . By DARK G . Noeway POWERS . . BG . A . ColmacheAuthor of 'An Undiscovered Crime . ' y , 223 224 . . ' HOW B ' CONFIDENTIAL MR . SKELTON . 'S By SIN Alfred FOUND H . HIM Poultney OUT . . Douglas Habrisou . THE GOOD WORTH LIBRARY . The favourite Series edges of Presentation , 3 $ . 6 d . each . Volumes NKW . VOLU 123 MES Volumes . — For . Complete Illustrated Series . Crown , see Catalogue 8 vo . handso . me cloth gilt , gilt 258 257 . . GREAT GREAT WRITERS THINKERS : England AND BRILLIANT ' s Essayists and SPEAKERS Novelists . . By By Rev Henry . P . Anton J . Nicoll and J . . C . WATT . 259 . LAMPS . Anton and OF J HISTORY . Nicoll ,. : Lives of Gibbon , Grote , Macaulay , Motley , and Carlyle . By Eev . THE ROYAL LIBRARY OF CHOICE BOOKS BY FAMOUS AUTHORS . 144 vols . crown 8 vo . well bound eame price in red . cloth NEW , gilt VOLUMES , bevelled . — boards For Complete , red edges Series , 2 $ . each , see ; Ca or talogue in half . -cloth , marbled sides , at 202 264 ' £ 4 J ? Jk 5 itiF ICELAND F S JP . BuLWER Hugo . - 304 303 . PACHA FRANK OF MILDMAY MANY TALES - Maeryat . Mabryat . . "" 298 . id MIDSHIPMAN **** ™ SEARCH EASY ; ^ . 0 MAREYAT F A FATHER . - S £ : SSS raTTTTN ' Sf THF m PPFFFR ohSs . Marryat cZ ™ . 300 . JACOB FAITHFUL . Marryat . 556 . THE DEERSLAYER . Cooper . 301 . PETER SIMPLE . Marbyat . 557 . THE SPY . Cooper . 302 . THEJKING'S OWN . Mabryat . 568 . THE PRAIRIE . Cooper . SHILLING USEFUL AND EDUCATIONAL BOOKS ( WARD & LOCK ' S UNIVERSAL SERIES OF ) . 90 Volumes . 1 * . each . NEW VOLUMES . —For Complete Series , see Catalogue . 403 . LESSONS Institute , & lq . IN FRENCH . By Jules A . L . Kunz , French Lecturer to the Heriot-Watt 404 . LESSONS IN GERMAN . By H . W . Dulcken , Ph . D . * * * Complete Catalogue post-free on application . London : WARD , LOCK & CO ., Warwick House , Salisbury Square , E . C Ji New York : Bond Street .
Fl G 2 The Publishers' Circular Oct. * ,...
fl The Publishers' Circular Oct . * , * 888
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1182, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/76/