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n 88 The Publishers * Circular Oct . i , 1888 I
MESSRS . BELLS RECENT AND FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS . DELAMOTTE'S ART OF SKETCHING FROM NATURE . New Edition . Royal 4 to . 21 s . * One of the best , certainly one of the clearest , books of its kind , and very practical . '—Athen ^ htm . BRYAN'S DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS . and New Walter Edition , thoroug Armstrong hly revised , B . A . and , Author enlarged of . * Peter By R . E de . GJ Wint -RAVE , ' 8 , * of Scottish the British Painters Museum , ' & c , . 2 vols . imperial 8 vo . buckram , £ 3 . 3 s . ; or in 12 Parts , 5 s . each . MEMORIALS OF THE HON . ION KJB 3 ITH-FALOONER . By the Kev . Robert Sinker , B . D . With Portrait , Map , and Illustrations . Third and Cheaper Edition . Crown 8 vo . 4 s . - possessed ? We can all the warmly elements recommend of nobility the — book strength as a , devotion faithful , record unselfishness of a really , faith remarkable /—G-uabdiajt career . , and of a character which THE HIGH-CASTE HINDU "WOMAN . By Pundita Ramabai Saeasvati . With an . Introduction by Bachel L . Bodley , A . M ., M . D ., Dean of the Woman ' s Medical College of Pennsylvania . Post 4 to . [ Immediately . BRITISH MOSSES . With a Coloured Figure of each Species etched from Nature . New and Kevised Edition . By F . E . Tripp . 2 vols . super-royal 8 vo . £ 2 . 12 s . 6 d . New and Cheaper Edition . Pep . G 4 ordon to . 10 * . Browne Gd . Handsomel . y bound , with design by PARABLES FROM NATURE . By the late Mrs . Alfeed Gatty . Handsomely Illustrated . AVith a short Memoir by J . H . EwiNGL THE BOOK OF SUN-DIALS . With Descriptions and Mottoes of about 731 Dials , with 65 Illustrations . New Edition , edited by H . K . F . Gatty and Eleanoe Lloyd . Demy 4 to . 15 $ . A CHEAP RE-ISSUE . With all the Ori others ginal . In Illustrations 7 vols . small by post Mrs 8 . vo Allingham . 3 s . each ; , in Cruikshank extra gilt , 3 s , . Gordon Gd . each . Browne , and MRS . EWINGPS POPULAR TALES . —FLAT IRON FOR A FARTHING . SIX TO SIXTEEN . WE AND THE WORLD . JAN OF THE WINDMILL . MELCHIOR'S DREAM . MRS . OVERTHEWAY'S REMEMBRANCES . A GREAT EMERGENCY . Uniform with t 2 ie above . MISS F . M . PEARD'S MOTHER MOLLY . THROUGH ROITG-H WATERS . PKINCESS ALETHEA . Small post 8 vo . 3 s . each . MISS SHAW'S HECTOR , Small post 8 vo . Ss . Also in imperial 16 mo . gilt , price 3 s . 6 d . each . MRS . EWHsra ' S THE BROWNIES and LOB-LIB-BY-THEFIRE . OHIS "W" rOK SERIES . In fcp . 8 vo . carefully printed and neatly bound . 1 . ENGLISH Poets of the SO Past NNETS . 3 and by 4 . LE Living GENDS Writers AND , Is . Gd LYBIOS . 2 . ENGLISH . BAdelaide SONNETS A . Procter by 2 y vols POEMS . 3 s . each OF GEOR 6 . THE GE POEMS HERBERT OF , 1 * S . . 6 d T . . 7 COLERID . FLORILEGI GE , UM 1 * . 6 AMA d . 6 . . NTIS THE A Selection from Coventry Patmore ' s Works , 2 s . 8 . GREEK WIT . Translated from Greek Prose Writers , Is . Gd . 9 . LAMB'S TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE 2 s . 10 . SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS AND SONNETS , Is . Gd . Others in , preparation ,. London : GEOEGE BELL & SONS , York Street , Covent Garden . '
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1188, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/82/