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Oct . i , 1888 % The Publishers' Circular n
Blackie & Sons Announcements . NE ^ AT BOOKS FOR TME YOU INTO . Price 6 s . each . | Price 3 s . 6 d . each . The Venice Lion of St A . . Henty Mark : With a Ten Tale full of Meg yVith ' s Friend Six full- . page B Illustrations y Alice b Corkkan y Robert . page Illustrations by Goedon Browne . | Fowler . Captain Bayley ' s Heir : a Tale of H g . h Herbert ' s Inheritance . By tioDs Hekty w ™ by . H With w . M ^ . Paget % Twelve F . full fT -page ^ Ill x n ustra V - ill Caroline ustrations Austin by jC . T . . Gaeund With Six . full-pagi Quicksilver ; or , a Boy with no Skid Self-Exiled : a Story of the High Seas to Ten Ms full Wheel - . Illustrations By George Man bFrank ville Dadd Fenn . . and Six full East -page Africa Illustrations . By J . A . b Steuart y J . Schonberg . With . page y Under Doudney False . With Colours Twelve . full B -page y Sarah Illus- I j storied letter Holidays . BE . S : . Brooks a Cycle . With of Twelve Eeatrations by G . G . Kilbuene . j full-pag Days e Illustrations y by Howard Pyle . The * u Cat . + Pr of J ° Bubastes » ? " f : " a Story c . of * j' PrJCe 2 S " 6 d " eaCh " full Ancient -page E Illustrations gypt . By G . A . Henty R . Weguelin . Eight j The Cole Brig . With ' AudaciOUS Four full-page . Illustrations By Alan Missing : a Tale of the Merchant j h * JoHN Schonbbbo . full Marine - . B Illustrations y Harry Collingwood bW . H . Ovesend . Eight . j j ^ Saucy * May . By Henry Frith . Under page Hatches : or , Ned y Woodthorpe ' s i _ With F _ ^ jl ^ ge ^ illustrations ^ . T With Advent Ei ures ght . full By -page F . Frankfort Illustrations Moore by A . . I Jasper tions -Lysaght b Dene T . H With . WlLLSON Fou By r f ELIZABETH ull-page Illustra J . - FORESTIER . ! y * ' Giannetta : a Girl ' s Story of Herself . Little Lady Clare . By Evelyn By page RosA Illust Mulholland rations by Lockhart . With Ei Bogle ght full . - I j Everett Illustrations Green by Robert . With Fowler Four . full-page NEW VOLUMES IN BLACKIE'S TWO SHILLING NEW VOLUMES IN BLACKIE'S EIBHTEENPENNY SERIES OF REWARD BOOKS . SERIES OF REWARD BOOKS . In crown Three 8 vo . full cloth -page extra Illustrations , each containing . In crown «* 8 vo Colour . cloth , and elegant Black , with and Tint Illustrations . Susan . By Amy Walton . Joan and ' s Elsewheie Adventures . B , Alice at the Corkran North Pole Linda and the Boys . By Cecilia Th Battlefield y Treasure . By F . SELBY LOWNDES . BAYFOBD HABBIBON . Swiss those Stories who Love for Children Children . From and the Edw y r . : r or , t , vaTT Was ? p he a Coward ? By An-German L . Whbblock of Madam . Johanna Spyri . By ! Filled with Gold , By Jennie Perrett . When I was a Boy in China . Crown By Yan 8 vo . cl Phou oth , Is Lee . 6 d . , a native of China . Illustrated . NEW VOLUMES IN THE SHILLING SERIES FOR CHILDREN . Square lGmo . 128 pp . elegantly bound in cloth , with Frontispieces in Colours . In the nett Summer Humphreys Holidays . . By Jen- i | Tales Kubalensk from the By G Russian . Jennee . of Mme . How the Strike Began . By Emma Janie ' s Holiday . By Christian Red-L . ESLIE . FORD . Cinderella ' s Cousin . By Penelope . Their New Home . By Annie S . Fenn . Also , New Books in Blackie ' s Ninepenny , Sixpenny , and Fourpenny Series , by Miss Alice Corkran , Mrs . Musgrave , Miss Fenn , Miss Hornibrook , J . Lockhart , Felicia Melancthon , and other favourite Authors . These books are all Illustrated and neatly bound . % * The Trtnle Catciloyue are towiteH of JBoolts to suitable applv for for Jt Copies * iy $ 8 e * ita for , tion T , > Schoo t » tri , hxitlon l J * rlxes . of BLACKIE JUcwards , & dto SON . 'S Few London : BLACKIE & SON , 49 and 50 Old Bailey .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1197, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/91/