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The Publishers have pleasure in calling the attention of the Trade to the f j
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1570 The Publishers' Circular Dec . i , 1890
The Publishers Have Pleasure In Calling The Attention Of The Trade To The F J
i ! The Publishers have pleasure in calling the attention of the Trade to the NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE , j THE PANJOBIBLION . ! The First Number of which will appear in the beginning of 189 L
Scientific PANTOBIBLION Literature , being will an give International each month Bibliographical all sorts of bibliograp Directory hical info of rmation the World about ' s all books published on all , scientific subjects in all countries of the whole civilised world in all principal languages . the A princi speciall pal y Publications attractive feature ( Books of and the Periodicals PANTOBIBLION ) of the world will be . short Each critical Article will articles be written on all \ in a language corresponding to the Publication reviewed . PANTOBIBLION will be printed simultaneously in FIFTEEN ( 15 ) DIFFERENT LANGUAGES , English , French , German , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese , Dutch , Swedish , Danish , Hungarian , Rouman , Servian , Russian , Bohemian , and Polish . is moreover also PANTOBIBLION of the , most it is most valuable the largest instructive is matter thus of . the all and similar most interesting periodicals original , and as bibliogra it striking gives phical ever monthly y publica month tion in from the of 150 world its to clas . 200 3 It ; i ¦ ! pages the I excellence n a word , PANTOBIBLION , exactness , and is the Completeness best practical of Bibliograp its information hical Magazine in all Depa , unri rtments valled in of j j Scientific Literature in its broadest sense . ) PANTOBIBLION is altogether indispensable to all interested in any special course of reading ! or study . No person having- charge of any department connected with current literature can afford to . ' be wit hout PANTOBIBLION . Every intelligent reader wishing to be kept perfectly informed on all the scientific events and [ questions throughout of the the world day , , should and generall be in possession y to keep of pac a e cop with y of the PANTOBIBLION times in the . intellectual progress ; polyglot PANTOBIBLION contents give will it have an entirel the l y argest international Circulation and throug cosmopolitan hout the civilised character world , making , as its i it equally suitable for every , cultivated person , no matter tu what country or nation lie belongs , or what language he speaks . interested Moreover in the the PANTOBIBLION selection and will purchase be road of almost good exclusivel books . y by ( hose who are earnestly throughout and Bookse Therefore llers the the , as i wide PANTOBIBLION t will world give them . a superior will be found medium of incalculable for advertising Value their to all Publication Publishers * j ; The comparatively small outlay for Advertising in the PANTOBIBLION will never be regretted in . It will connected be the most with the rational Book Trade and . well-paying investment or money fox all i persons any way Try it at once , and you will be quite convinced of the complete truth of what is . said above , which strictly confines itself to the mere impartial statement of facts , obviously resulting frocu . the plain logic of things . Terms of Subscription : £ 1 a year , payable in advance . page Terms , 12 * . of Per A line dvertising across the : page One , page 28 . ; , £ column 3 ; Hal , f Is -page . , £ 1 . 15 * . ; Quarter page , £ i ; Eighth- i Pateknostkk Subscription Square Orders ) , London may be , and addressed to all princi to pal Messrs Booksellers . RWAN of the SONNENSCIIEIN world . & 00 ^ j [ I London Advertisement , E . C . Orders must be addressed to Mr . A . P . WATT , 2 Paternoster Square ,.
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 1, 1890, page 1570, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01121890/page/22/