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Dec . i , 1890 The Publishers' Circular I 577
IF YOU WANT- APPLY TOA * GOl i & / pn * fnlMt EYRE Mi * & East SPOTTISWOOD Hardin 9 street > E , j § ggg "ItHjT ft ** LONDON , E . C | Deposit a / c ' s opened . UHl lt % M ^ Standing Orders received . ^^ AttffiMi Lists on Application . < S ^ b > - ^ C /^ fP I Any Information given . "
A NEW MANUAL OF BOOKKEEPING **• for WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADERS . By Philip Ceellin , Chartered Accountant . Price 3 * . Qd . Geo . Bell & Sons , York Street , W . C ., and the Author , 33 Chancery Lane , W . C .
COMMERCIAL ALMANACK , 1891 . VJ ( 98 th Year of Publication . ) Contains : Complete Tariff of Customs Duties—List of Principal Towns in the Kingdom , with Railways , Market Days , and Booking Offices for Passengers and Goods—Wharves from whence Goods are Conveyed—British , Foreign , and Colonial Mail Steamship Departures—List of Stamps — Postal Arrangements — Government Offices—London Bankers , and other varied Commercial Information . Price 6 d ., of all Booksellers and Stationers . M . S . Rickerby , 4 Walbrook , London .
Now Ready . ; Demy 8 vo . 294 pp . Handmade Paper . Price 10 * . 6 d . SACRED AND SHAKESPEARIAN AFFINITIES : being An Psalmists alogies between and of Shakespeare the Writings . of the i i By CHARLES ALFRED SWINBURNE . : BICKERS & SON , 1 Leicester Sq ., London , W . C . ;
NEW NOVEL BY MISS FOSTER . Now ready , price 5 s . THE FOLKS OF FERNLEIGH . BY EMILY FOSTEK . OTHER WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR . j VICTIMS TO CUSTOM . Second Edition , 3 s . 6 d . ! FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION . 3 * . 6 d . HESTER CAMERON'S THREE OFFERS . 2 s . , Manchester 11 Market : Brook Street & Chrystal . , ! London : Simpkin Stationers , Marshall ' Hall Court & , E Co . C . . , Limited , ; 1 .
THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY , ( Off NEW "STOIL 3 C ) , Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery Lane , London , E . C . l ^ merican and Canadian Exporters and Importers . PUBLISHERS OF AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS , PERIODICALS , AND BOOKS . Publishers of the most Newspapers complete and and Periodicals comprehensive ever Subscri issued— ption post-free Catalog on u application e of American . and Canadian Single Copy of any American Book , Periodical , or Newspaper , obtained to order in One Month . JSptictal tgenttt for Great Jtrltuln for the follotvlng Vapers on sale regularly , vim .: - PRICK ] l'UICK * Ju Puck dge ' d ( New „ York Weekly » ) ) 6 6 d d . * Madame of Fashions Demopest ' ' s Semi-Annual Portfolio 9 d . * * Life Dramatic * ( MiPPO „ P ' ( New •» ) YorK Weekly ) .. .. 6 d * - . * ' Judge Madame ' s L Demorest ibrary * ( ' New s Monthl York y Monthly Fashion ) Journal .. ... ' 6 4 d d . . 4 Madame Demorest ' s Monthly Maguzine' .. lOd . * Puck ' s Library' ( Now York Month J >> .. .. 0 d . Forty The numbers last named alread is y a out collection , each complete of all the in boat itself and . f unnle 3 t pictures and matter culled from the weekty l * uck ( New York ) .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 1, 1890, page 1577, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01121890/page/29/