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IS 8 o The Publishers' Circular Dec . i , 1890
W IDEJ : U / SERIES ~~ . 3 tmf < riion jg ( dnbsmab Pmtins .. gtttt _ _ SOFT-SIZED PAPERS FOR DRY PRINTING . White and Tinted ' Ideal' Papers . J v ^ Delicate-tinted Duplex „ „ SPECIALITY IN PAPER FOR VARNISHING . Oriental Highly Burnished Combination „ „ „ „ „ I / aid and Wove Boo ft Papei £$ . Fancy Bordered Circulars and Prog ™ es . THE WELL KHOWK QUALITIES OF LITHO PAPERS : SURFACE and ENAMEL PAPERS * CASTLE . ' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . ^ TICTORY * A / VNA / \ /\/ V / \_/ \_/ \/ V V V \ A . / V % ^ A / VVV \/\/\/\ A / v V V \ /> BOOKBINDERS' SPECIALITIES . " QUEENHITHE . ' « OVeltteS Itt jFattCB & Papd * 6 Every Stocked Description in all of regular Printin sizes g Paper . , * d > , ^ 2 ^ for ^ So £ maKin 0 » And a j ^ arae stock of oaa sizes ^ jjjji ^ ¦ va /^/ xa / v \ a Ay \ ' v /\/\ ^/\/\/\/ vxfvww > ywwvw tii' 0 nlivo 1 / s on Ji cind * xi ^ i ^^^^ ^^ L . h NEW METALLIC TEA WRAPPING 4 ^^ > ^ cSy ^^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ a Pasteboards Strawboards . . Woodpulps Millboards . . >>^ ^ ^ ^ Z % ^ X ^ ^ Stf ^^ ^^^ t ^ v <*&* * *" ^^ and Browns Paekin , Wrapping g ^ iii , ^^ ^ O ^^ \ Vj t Ci w' ' \^ A T ^* , - ^ a ^ . Papers . ^ Zg & -L ^ TS V kcv t 5 ^^ t 3 ? > A r * ^ ^ ° ^ ^ e ^^ e - aod & t & JAMES ££ ^ SPICER F R SAMPLES SONS ° P' ! * o ^^> ; ks ^ \ % ^^ H ^ & Jj ^ & ^ 'TYPE -WRITIN ' ^^ G vwww Linen wv ^^ w Cream ^ ww ^ 'www Laid ^ 'Paper , ^^^^ Jo wwriryrwwirwv v yr wwwvvw <^^ SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR THIS CLASS OF WORK . ^ gZ < Hand-Made & Machine-Made Account-Book Papers . ^ w ^ erjkwked ^ ENGINE-SIZED AND TUB-SIZED WRITINGS . WRITING PAPERS . j ^~ CREAMSBLUJE 8 AZURESJLX 1 > TJLNTED 8 . , , , ' ARIZONA' fttntefc papere for iprogrammee anb Circulate * ' Dakota FLORIDA . ' 7 /// C / C TINTED PAPERS FOR PAMPHLET COVERS . - Minnesota / \ Cartridges . + Plates . + Duplex Papers . 4 ' INDIANA / \ . _ ~ _ * NEVADA GOLDEN . ' FLEECE / i -MC CHRDS . # < - ' COUNTY COUNCIL . ' I ' BRITISH VELLUM . ' ' IVORIES , COMMERCIAL , EXTRA SUPERS , & PRINTERS ' . antique forward pe . rgamene ; ' TINTED IVORIES . TINTED PULPS . ' ; C 0 L 0 URED 8 URFACE ~ ; .... ^ JS ™ " ? ™ B NOTE V ^ nu ; ^ mjt " ^ a ttt ^ ^ u ^ ri | Tnn ~ "V ^ ti * ^ h £ ' GENTLEMAN'S NOTE . ' & xjH d
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 1, 1890, page 1580, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01121890/page/32/