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«« Dec 1 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular , g 7 ¦ *
1 . . j . WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS , ^^^^ P' ^^^^^ M 1851 . ? 5 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street , * 85 a-Publishers , Booksellers , and Trade in town and country are hereiuith informed that thts firm execute rapidly , punctually , and in first style , all orders for Plain , Elegant and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists . Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other firms , in taste , speed , and price . Estimates and samples by return post when practicable .
BlSHER & J ^ lON , Boo kbinders ^ ^ gTE ^ P W 0 ^ Kg ( Cloister ( £ ourt & ( Jhurch Gntry , Carter Lane , e . c . / cPPbY fOR DESICSJSIS / cNE > ESTIMATES .
J . THORBURN , 'WHOLESALE PUBLISHERS' BOOKBINDER . | STEAM BINDING WORKS : Nos . 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 PLEYDELL STREET , FLEET STREET , E . C ., ! And 15 WHITEFRIARS STREET , FLEET STREET , E . C . i Established over 40 Years . ' THORBURN begs to draw the attention of Publishers , Printers , Stationers , Authors , & c ., to [ J the facilities he has at the above premises for executing Large Orders requiring to be turned f out of hand quickly , such as Prospectuses folded , banded , and stamped for Post , Newspapers , ' him Magazines bein , & xecu c . ; t and ed wi , h t avin h de g a tc large h . Staff alwayr employed , he can ensure any work entrusted to ! Every g description of Clot h and other Bindings , Toy Book Mounting , & c , undertaken , combined > with Moderate C harges .
Messrs . S . W . PARTRIDGE & CO . ARE OFFERING FOR SALE ELECT R O T Y PES of 40 , 000 Engravings of Sigh-Class Merit . SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR ILLUSTRATING BOOKS AND MAGAZINES , & c . Proof Books can be seen at the Office , or Proofs sent on application stating subject > sixey and purpose for which required . ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO 8 . W . PARTRIDGE & CO . ( CliohG Department ) , 9 Paternoster Row , London , E . O . ^ m m - ' ¦ ' " " ' ' ' ' ore ? . .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 1, 1890, page 1587, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01121890/page/39/