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92 The Publishers 1 Circular y eb 2 1 > ...
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92 The Publishers 1 Circular Y Eb 2 1 > ...
92 The Publishers Circular y 2 1 >
~ ^ NEW WORKS OF THF SEASON . t The January EDINB , No „ URGH . CCOIX ^ ^^ . 8 vo R . price EVIEW . $ $ , for FRASER No . DOII 'S . Medium MAGAZINE Contents 8 vo . price : — 2 j . , Fbbbuaby . Contests : — Mar Blackmore y Anerley . : a Chapter Yorkshire XXVI Tale . .- By Men Eu ' 1 . Agricultural Depres sion . to Solid Argue Timber . XXVTII . XXVII . — ^ Farewell -The Proper Wife Way anj 2 . Ham TTomfli ert . f on rtM ' s Ijite t ifa or t \ € TnfTi lurner flr . fence Children . XXX dear . — . Inland XXIX Opinion . —Tact . of Da . 3 . Military Belations of Buasia & England , The Sonnet late : Canon on a Drowned Mozley . By friend Principal . Shairp . 4 . Ireland , her Present and her Future . Ancient By W Buddhist . Simpson , Bemains F . B G . S . in Afghanistan . 5 . The Persian Miracle Play . English "Wordsworth Liberals . By and Professor Continental Edward Liberals Caird . . 6 . British Lighthouses . An of Imprisoned Denmark . Princess—Leonora Christina 7 . Bussia Before and After the War . Dirge What is ( after Money Herrick P By ) . Prof . Bonamy Price . 8 . Lord Minto in India . Tlle the English Bev . Sir Nation George and W the . Cox Zulu , Ba War rt . . By 9 . Plain Whig Principles . The By oro Shirley okit Meg . : a Story of the Year One RUSSIA BEFORE and AFTER the WAR . By the Author of < Society in St . Petersburg * & c . Translated from the German by E . Fairfax Taylor . 8 vo . 14 * . I Russia ' These , but are to questions mankind . of They extreme are answered interest and , not explained only to before event of us , no and common its appearance - importance at the present We again time is most an If to a considerable extent by the Author of the volume now strongly recommend this book Edinburgh to our readers Review . ' , Jan . RUSSIA and ENGLAND , from 1876 to 1880 ; a Protest and an Appeal . 'By 0 . K ., Author of « Is . Russia Wrong ? ' With a Preface by J . A . Froude , M . A . 8 vo . with Portrait [ Inufeu and 3 dayt Maps . . CETSHWAYO'S DUTCHMAN ; Private Journal , of a White Trader in Zululand D . D . during Bishop the of Natal British . With Invasion a Portrait . By Corneliu of Oetshwayo s Vijn engraved . Translated on Wood and from edited a by Photograph the Right Rev taken . J . at \ V Capetown . Colexso . , Crown 8 vo . 5 s , TWO LECTUKES ON SOUTH AFRICA delivered before the Philosophical Institute at Edinburgh , January 6 and January 9 , 1880 . By Jakes Anthony Froude , M . A . 8 vo . 5 s . The PASTOR'S NARRATIVE ; or , Before and After the Battle of Worth , ? Tbe 1870 wri . ter By is Pastor no brilliant Klein lit . tera Tran teur slated —in this by Mrs age . of P . cul B . - Marshall but which . Crown is now 8 vo in . name Map , 6 as * . it almost was in reality , the ture , as its admirers call it , he ought to be nowhere—and German Fatherland As , we read , we fall quite in low yet simply he of ha the 9 produced sorrows and an enduring hopes , and work agony , though and despair it tells of with dress the and writer in a time . He of is War the Vicar / of WakefleU in a German his little village far away , in what was then the French , , Literary World . LORD MINTO in INDIA ; Correspondence of Gilbert Elliot , First Earl of Crown Minto 8 vo , while . Maps Governor , 12 * . -General of India , from 1807 to 1814 . Edited by his Great-Niece , the Countess of Mim RURAL BIRD LIFE ; Essays on Ornithology , with Instructions for Preserving Crown Objects 8 relating vo . Is . 6 d to . cloth that extra Science ; 15 . * . By tree Charles calf ; 17 * D . morocco ixon . With . Coloured Frontispiece and 44 Wood Engravings . LECTURES on the SCIENCE of LANGUAGE . By F . Max Mulleb , M . A . ' New Edition ( 1880 ) . 2 vols . crown 8 vo . 16 * . ESSAYS chiefly on the SCIENCE of LANGUAGE . By the same Author . 8 vo . price Ik Being the Fourth and Concluding "Volume of * Chips from a German Workshop . ' SUNSHINE and STORM in . the EAST ; Cruises to CYPRUS and CONSTAN-¦ FIFTY TINOPLB YEARS . By Mre . Bhassby of the . With ENGLISH 2 Maps and 114 Illustrations CONSTITUTION . 8 to . 21 » . 1830-1880 . By price Sheldon 10 « . Amos Qd . , M . A . Barrlater-at-Law ; late Professor of Jurisprudence & o . to the , Inns of Court . Crown 8 »<* 1 LITERARY STUDIES . By the late Walter BagehotM . A . Edited , *® Prefatory Memoir , by B . H . Hutton . Second Edition . 2 vote . 8 vo . with Portrait , 28 s . ECONOMIC STUDIESin Illustration of the Present Condition and tbe I Gradual Utton . Growth 8 vo . IOi . of 6 tf the . Science , Political Economy . By the late Walter Bagbhot , M . A . Edited l » y »• POETICAL WORKS of JEAN INGELOW . New Edition , with Addition * Poems ' and ¦ Two Vignettes . 2 vols . fop " . 8 vo . price , 12 # . cloth , or % U . bound in morocco . - ; — ¦— r- sk i ' , . . ; - ^ . tf ., ~ - ' , ¦ London , ¦ L ONGMANS . * — i , ... GRBEN . m - . , & CO . " $ LM pM j
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 2, 1880, page 92, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02021880/page/20/