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94 The Publishers 1 Circular Fa Jl
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94 The Publishers 1 Circular Fa Jl
94 The Publishers Circular Fa Jl
HDEST & BLACKEIT'S NE W Great WORKS Mablborottgh Stbbu . COHVERSATIOHS WITH DISTINGUISHED PERSONS DTJBIHG THE SECOBU 2 EMPIRE to 18 . 8 vo , . 80 from a 1860 to 1863 . By the late Nassau W . Senior . Edited by his Daughter , M . 0 . M . Simp ^ ** x > ROYAL WINDSOR . By W . Hepworth Dixon . Vols . III . & IV . Demy 8 vo . 30 s . Coir . LODGE PLEnNG 'S PEER THE WORK AG . E AND BARONETAGE for 1880 . Under the especial Patronage [ Just ready \ of 31 * Her . 6 d . Majesty handsomely . Corrected bound , gilt by edges the Nobility . . 49 th Edition . 1 vol . Boyal 8 vo . with the Arms beautifully engraS ' Three ' This Kingdoms work is the as it ihoat stands perfect at this and day elaborate . It is a record most useful of the publication living and recen . We tly are deceased happy to m bear embers testimony of the to Peerage the fact of that the scrupulous accuracy is a distinguishing feature of this book . '—Times . DIARY OF A TOUR IN SWEDEN , NORWAY , AND RUSSIA IN 1827 . By the Marchioness of Westminster . 1 vol . 8 vo . 15 * . R 0 RAI 9 LA AND BRITISH GUIANA ; with a Glance at Bermuda , the West Indies and the Spanish Main . By J . W . Boddam-Whetham . 8 vo . with Map and Illustrations , 15 * . , THE NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS . IN THE SWEET SPRING-TIME . By Mrs . Macquoid , Author of « Patty , ' * Diane / & c . 3 vols . YOUNG LORD PENRITH . By John Berwick Harwood , Author of ' Lady Flavia' & c . 3 vols . THE GREATEST HEIRESS IN ENGLAND . By Mrs . Oliphant , Author of ' Chronicles of Carlingford' & c . Second Edition . 3 vols . FRIEND AND LOVER . By Iza Duffus Hardy . 3 vols . LITTLE MISS PRIMROSE . By the Author of l St . Olave ' s / 3 vols . YOUNG MRS . JARDINE . By the Author of ' John Halifax . ' Second Edition . 3 vok A SYLVAN QUEEN . By the Author of t Rachel's Secret ' & c . 3 voJs . unFam * LILY OF THE VALLEY . By Mrs . Randolph , Author of * Gentianella' & c . 3 vok [ In February . ( 5 f ) NOTICE . THE fERN PARADISE Is being published in Shilling ready Monthly this day Pa . rts , of which the first is Containing 48 pages , the Pictorial Titlepage and Photographic Frontispiece Engraving from of the a Drawin Work ( g a by Devonshire Birket Foster * green , lan and e' ) an , a Full Engraved -page Plate of Grouped Ferns . THE VOLUME WILL BE COMPLETED IN 12 PARTS AT Is . EACH . Handbook of Embroidery . By L . HIGGIN . Edited by Lady MARIAN ALFORD , And Published President by AutTiority H . R . H . Princess of the Royal Christian School of of Sohleswi Art Needlework Rolstmi , and Prmoess Dedicated of to tiutir , Great Britain and Ireland g . y WITH SIXTEEN PACfE ILLUSTRATIONS . Many Wade , of the them Bey . , Selwin in Colour Image , by , an Burae < i Mias Jonea JelnrU , Walter ; and Crane JDJR 0 , H William » N & for Morria BORDERS , George & c , Aitchieon by Mies , Webrt F *^ « ** r . Miss Itoipiitfde , arid :, Mis " ¦ ' ^ Mary ,. * . p Bfebert toVni , ; , 8 q £ the . 5 $ Roy ,. ' , " , al , ) 3 , < jhool . ' of Art Needlework . j , (<) ,, i London : SAMPSON \ ' ^ ,: ri .- . LOW ' -: , ¦¦ ¦; MARST r . i . O ' ¦ •¦? N , SEARLE \ . ^ : ;\ ' & :: RIVINGT , i-ir" - - - O ¦ N , . ; - Fleet - \ Street _ if ! Lj
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 2, 1880, page 94, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02021880/page/22/