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¦ v - if -^ I Feb. 2,1880 The Publishers...
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¦ V - If -^ I Feb. 2,1880 The Publishers...
¦ v - if - ^ I Feb . 2 , 1880 The Publishers' Circular ; 97
Messrs . MACMILLAN & CO . 'S ¦ £ T IE "W BO O IKI S . To be published immediately , crown 8 yo , 25 . 6 d . THE YEAR'S ART ; A Concise Epitome of all Matters relating to the ARTS of PAINTING , SCULPTURE , and ARCHITECTURE , whieh have occurred during the year 1879 ; together with Information respecting the Events of the year 1880 . Compiled by MARCUS B . HUISH , 17 th Annual Publication , revised after Official Returns . THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK , 1880 . A STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ANNUAL OF THE STATES OF THE CIVILISED WORLD . By F . MARTIN . Crown 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . OUR FUTURE HIGHWAY . By Commander Cameron , R . N . With Maps and Illustrations . 2 vols . Crown 8 vo . [ Next week . ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS . Edited by John Morley . New Volume . BUNYAN . By J . A . Froude . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . 6 ' / . [ Imme diately . EASY LESSONS IN SCIENCE . Edited by Professor W . F . Barrett . HEAT . By Miss C . A . Martineau . Illustrated . Extra fcp . 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d , [ This day . LIGHT . By Mrs . F . E . Awdry . Illustrated . Extra fcp . 8 ro . [ This day . ELEMENTARY APPLIED MECHANICS . By Thomas Alexander , C . E . Extra fcp . 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . [ This day . MILTON'S LIFE AND HISTORY OF HIS TIME . By Professor Masson . Vol . VI . with Portrait . 8 vo . 21 s . ( This day [ In . dex ) Vol . in preparation . FIRST LESSONS IN FRENCH . By H . C . Bowkn . 18 mo . Is . [ This day . FIRST GREEK GRAMMAR . By W . G . Buthebford , M . A . New and Enlarged Edition . Kcp Bvo . Is . (> d . [ Kow ready . KEMPIS-DE IMITAT 1 ONE CHRISTI . Lib . IV . Printed in borders after Holbein , Purer , and other Old Masters . New Edition . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 7 s . 6 d . CHARLES KINGSLEY'S WORKS . Collected Edition . In Monthly Volumes . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . each . Vol . XIII . MADAM HOW AND LADY WHY . Illustrated . [ This day . CHARLOTTE M . YONGE'S NOVELS AND TALES . New Illustrated Edition in 16 Monthly Volumes . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 6 * . each . Vol . VIII . THE PILLARS OF THE HOUSE , Vol . II . Illustrated by Hebbkrt [ Tfiis Gandy day . \ A DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS . Edited by George GteoyE , D . C . L . Part IX . MENDELSSOHN TO MOZART . 8 vo . 3 s . ( hi . [ Now ready . ' ¦ " " ' "" MACMILLAN <& CO ., London . ( 61 ) ; , I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 2, 1880, page 97, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02021880/page/25/