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f ;r:T"' "" " " " ¦' " :v: - *PII i62 Th...
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F ;R:T"' "" " " " ¦' " :V: - *Pii I62 Th...
f ; r : T "' "" " " " ¦ ' " - * PII i 62 The Publishers' Circular *&• vi « sj
f ROSPECTUS . Large Quarto , with Illustrations , price 4 s . monthly . THE AMERICAN ART REYIEW , A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE PRACTICE , THEORY , HISTORY , AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF ART . Managing Editor : S . R . KOEHLER . Associate Editors : WILLIAM C . PRIME , LL . D ., New York ; CHARLES 0 . PERKINS , A . M ., Boston . * Qf ^^ 2 1 ^ 3 (^ SSHIS wa ar ^ new ° ^ our monthl own y ti magazine me as we , Part ^ ° I . of * ne which Pas * > is in now a ^ i read ^ s branches y , will embrace and in the all jw 3 ^ 2 L countries , and will give special attention to the history and archaeology of art £ $ ry } ffift in America—a subject which has thus far been almost entirely neglected in similar publications . In its treatment of contemporaneous art the Review will not be the organ of any one School , but will strive fairly to present the claims of all schools , leaving its readers to judge for themselves of the merits of each . Its leading articles will be original contributions by well-known American and foreign art writers . All original articles will be signed ; all selections will be properly credited to the periodicals from which they were taken . The Review will endeavour to keep its readers thoroughly informed of the discoveries in the history and archaeology of art in all parts of the world , and a special department will be devoted to the announcement and careful criticism of new books on artistic subjects . The names of the editors and contributors are a sufficient guaranty that the literary part of the magazine will be of a high order of excellence . The illustrations of The American Art Review will consist of first-class etchings , engravings , heliogravures , woodcuts , photo-engravings , & c , but its especial feature will be a series of Original Painter-Etchings hj American Artists . Original etchings being the direct production of the artist himself , without the intervention of the engraver , it will be seen at once that such plates offer a much greater interest than even the most skilful reproductions . The revival of etching in Europe is largely due to the efforts of the well-known art journals , and it is hoped that the Review will render a similar service to etching in America . Several series of articles are now in preparation , which will be specially appropriate to an American art journal . Of tljese may be mentioned The Works of the Early American Artists ( including the paintings of Copley , Stuart , Malfrone , Trumbull , AUston , Cole , R . Caton . Woodville , & c ) , The Works of Contemporaneous American Artistsand The Public awl Prhfcte Collections of the United States . All these articles will be illustrated , by reproductive etchings , executed by Messrs . S . J . Ferris , Peter Moraf , S . A . Sohoff , James D . Smiuib , William Wkllstood , and others . Besides these American etchings , the Review will also contain etchings by celebrated European artists , such as William Ungbr , Leopold Flambng , P . Rajon , Gustave Greux , W . Leibl , F . L . Meyer , E . Forbero , and others . From the foregoing statements it will be seen that The American Art Review i » intended to be thoroughly cosmopolitan in character , and equal in quality to the best European , publications of a similar nature . At the eame time it will be the only truly representative American Art Magazine . j : v Lon \ don : gAMPSQN ' tovn LOW Bii , MARSTON % , 188 feet , SEARLB Street , E , a , f > RIVINGTON , J ^ A
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 2, 1880, page 102, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02021880/page/30/