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u6 The Publishers' Circular reD *>, * 2,...
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U6 The Publishers' Circular Red *>, * 2,...
u 6 The Publishers' Circular reD *> , 2 , isy J
jffl sewn by i wire Hfl Mannfactrirer of Wire Book Sewing Uacliinei ; IM * I ^ ewinc H ™ COWCROSS STREET ¦¦¦¦! , LONDON , E . C , * "mMB nA * T * lTAiY * ( fill ¦^ H 9 ^ R ^ I ^ V ¦ ™ " ¦ ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ .. ^_^ — HI Hi j , ^ * * £ ** ^ - ' 1 ^ lUbS ^ i ^ . - HHI HOI ^ Accoimt r sewing 8 e Anwrfaui Books S chool Machines , by Books far s excelling , employed Novels hand with , - Pamphlets se eqnal wn work a 4 vanta L , j Z £ HI MM ^[^^^ 1 J wmLLrA ^ bBB BB Flexibility , CAjr DurabUity ^ £ JMur , Spe JJ operation and Economy ' . ^ wStBt ^¦ HBH ^ nM 5 ^ StiB flHHHMBB ^^^ B ^ BBmB J 0 // A / HE ^ Agency YW m for > U Manchester 1 DEANSGA and the , North MANCHESTER :
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TO LIBRAftlANS hical oses . — CATALOGUES Wanted , for Biblio of the - Libraries grap in Great Britain rp , . If in sections , that con-Taunton taining Topographical Works . — Edwin Pearce , ;
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matters MR . Valuer of GEO Sale . T NEWMAN the ransfe Trade ror , offers Valuations , Auctioneer his services for Partner in and ^ - knowledge ship or Proba of te the , his various long , branches experience enable and thoroug him to h j J render very valuable assistance to either Vendor s Purchaser placing particulars on very moderate on this terms Reg . ister No . e * PJj Offices * : ! 61 London WallE . O . , ____ ——
HENRY sellers and STONE Stationers' , Valuer Banbury . With , practical Bookthorough experience knowledge extending as over Bookseller forty years , Stationer , and , witj aw for Librarian either , Henry Vendor Stone or Purchaser oflfera his services for Transfer as vawj « Business , for Arrangements in Partnershi , p , or wj careful Probate preliminary . He will inquiries also undertake . References any WnalyiF ne * f ** J ' Street mitted Terms , to Banbury the on app pri . nci lication pal . London to Henry Wholesale Stone , Ho 67 ** wr _ * i ir n . " ¦ " ' ' ' •¦ " " ~ r =: ^ ^""^ JL
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 2, 1880, page 116, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02021880/page/44/