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I 200 ¦ . Tile Publieiliers' Ciirculkr March a / is ^ l
Recent Foreign Works.
Ber 12 s gen ( C . )—Juanita , . ' Roman . . 3 vols . em . 8 . yo ... . .. Berlin . [ 961 , Bertolotti di Mantova ( A ricerche . )—Artisti e fatudi in relazione negli archivi coi Gonzaga Mantovani Signorl 8 vo
Torino , 5 s , . [ 962 . Blanch lettres ! Incites ( N . )—La an Politique Marchase du d'Azeglio Comte . 8 de vo Cavour . Torin , o , 1852 6 s . [ - 963 61 ,
Blart Illust ( . Lncien Sm . 8 ) vo — . A Puns ventures 3 s de deux enfants dans un pare [ 964 , Brogrlie 7 s . 6 d . —Le libre , echange ct 1 'impot . Nouv . edit . Paris [ 965 ,
Calv Boy o . 8 ( vo C . . ) Berlin —Dictionnaire M . 44 de droit public et prive . 2 vols [ 966 . , Calvo droit international CC . )—Dictionnaire public et manuel priv 6 . de Roy la . diplom 8 vo . Berlin atic ct de .
, 967 j-v s % mm Carel Paris Paris — . 8 8 s s Histoire anecdotique des contemporains . [ T 8 968 vo .
, I Carmen AutL 4 to . Sylva gilt edges —Mein , Leipzig Rhein , 12 ! s Dichtungen . Illust . Zweite [ 969
I Carreras ( I » . )—Elvira . Sm . 8 vo . Barcelona , 3 s [ 970 Ciaretie ( J . )—La vie a Paris 1884 . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d . [ 971
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preface preface de de Cbampfieury CbamDfieury . . Sm Sm . . 8 8 vo vo . . Paris Paris , . 5 5 s s [ T 975 975 Erckmann-Chatrian—L ' art et les grands idealistes . Sm . ; 8 vo . Paris , 3 & [ 976
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Kahlbantn ihren Wechselbeziebunge ( GL "W . A . )— n Siedetem , Studien peratur und und Vorarbeiten Drnek in . Illust . 8 vo . Leipzig , 12 s .., r ^
KHmperts ( R . " >—Lexikon der MUnze . Maas ? e u . GeT \ ichte B Zahlarten -rlin , 5 s u . Zeitgrbssen aller Lander der Erde . 8 vo '
Laforest—L ' espion Gismarck , & c . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s [ 982 Leverdier 8 vp . Pans , ( 3 H s . . ) 6 — d . La joie de mourir , roman parisien . [ Sm 933 .
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Ottin Illustratb o ( G . con )—Manuale 11 incisioni de . Bibliografia ISmo . Milano ( Manuali , 2 s Ifoepli [ 9 gg ) . Pi Paris geon 7 a ( . A 6 d . ) — L'Allemagne de M . de Bismarck . [ 8 98 vo 7 .
Pollmann ( A . )—Worterbuch fiir Bienenziichter u . Bienenfreunde . Sm . 8 vo . Weinheim , 3 s [ 988 Rousseau—Hans Holbein . Paris , 2 s . 6 d [ 989
Sarrazin ( G . )—Poetes modernes d'Angleterre . Sm . 8 vo . faris , 3 s . 6 d [ 990 Tneurlet — Eusebe Lombard . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d . .. [ 991
Tiseot—De Sadowa a Sedan . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d . .. [ 992 Vasili lettres ( iucdites Comte)— . 8 La yo . societe Pa ? -is , 6 de s . Yienne , edit , augments [ 993 de
Vignet ( P . )—L ' erreur de Claire . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 8 s . Cd . [ 994 Zola famil ( le Smile sous ) le — second Germinal empire , histoire . Sm naturelle . 8 vo . Paris et , sociale 3 s . Gd .. d . [ ' 995 nne
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JAMES MACLEHOSE & SOUS' PFBLICATIOSS , THE EEFORMERS : Lectures by Ministers of the United Presbyterian Church , Graduates of the University of Glasgow . Crown 8 vo . 478 pp . Gs . John Contents Knox . : —Wyclif—Hus—Savonarola—Erasmus — Luther—Calvin — Lollards of Kyle — Hamilton and Wisbart 1 - * These lectures are scholarly , able , earnest , eloquent , ard constitute a noble addition to the Reformation literature . « A valuable contribution to the Reformation literature . Amid work eo uniformly good EVANGELJOAL it . would be MAGAZINE invidious to particularise /—Glasgow Herald . SCOTTISH REFORMATION HISTORY . By John M . AND Robs , LL LITERATURE . D ., Edinburgh . Edited , witn TO Memoir THE by PERIOD James Buown , OF D . D ., THE Autnor * At This of once * is The not pleasant Life a dry of ft com to Scottish the pendium common Probat of fact reader ioner * , . but ' aud Demy a vivid satisfactory $ vo account . 14 * . to of the the exactin national g life critic of . Scotland Io forms . *— a Tim mas res terly . and coropww survey of the subjects with which it deals . '—Athenaeum . POEMS , ESSAYS , AND New Edition SKETCHES , crown 8 vo . . 510 By pages Janet , with Hamilton Portrait , 6 s . . t .. tome mem The oir of * her , Righ poems poems t Hon , and were . John oth placed er Bright compositions among , M . P the ., of at poems , the to my opening of mind Burn , s ot , the no the moat one Birmingham wo remarkable uli for a Library moment old woman , said doubt : — I * that It ever is they a heard book were of containing . his Certainly . Hew w w u » an amazing * Our readers * story . should It has buy surprised the book me ( they beyond will any not thing repeut I have of the read bargain for a ) lon , aud g time look . ' out its good things for themselves . , ST . JAMJiS ' d OAZKT 1 B . TABLES OF EUROPEAN HISTORY , LITERATURE , AND ART , ftj 1 printed LL a . d . . D 200 ., Professor in to five 1882 Colours of ; and Engl , 7 of ish s . 6 AM « Literature f . ERICAN in HISTORY the University , LITERAT of Glasgow URE . , Third AND ART Edition . By , greatly John Enlarged Nichol , . M Hoyw , A . * Ox . o ™ * , revive The his tables recollection are clear of , facts and /— term Times an . admirable companion to the student of history , or , indeed , to anyone who dcire »« GERMAN * About as convenient GRAMM a book A R reference , with Copious could be Exercises found . '—BrEOTATon , Dialogues . ,, and a Vocabulary . By Cle * ** * Won Hch derfully komka , M clear , A ., , consecutive » h . lX Crown , and 8 vo simple . 4 * . Qd . We have no hesitation in strong ' y recommending Soiiuofc this Board grammar Oh uoMid . * * * As Singularly interesting able as and a grammar complete . can '—Pra well ctical be . '—Pa Teachrii i . l Mall . Gazette . ^ \ I . . JAMES MACLEHOSE . Iiondon & SOJS : MACMIIiLAN S , Publishers to & the CO . University , Glasgow . ^ ¦) I ' t , ih . ' i'i ' : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . **• . * ,. . .. . , :, a'V' £ jtitiii &
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 200, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/16/