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; 204 ' , The . Publishers . ' Circular ...
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; 204 ' , The . Publishers . ' Circular ...
; ' , The Publishers . ' Circular ' " " Marcb ' " !; ^ 2 i | feSg 3 .. ^^ H ^ IL ^—¦¦
Messrs . MAGMILLAN & CO . 'S NEW BOOKS , BY THE IATE RECTOR OF LINCOLN COLLEGE . IVIEIVEOIRS . By MARK PATTISON , Late Rector of Lincoln College , Oxford . Crown 8 vo . 8 s . 6 d . TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL PUBLICATION j , ( Revised after Official Returns } of * THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK . A STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ANNUAL OF THE STATES OF THE CIVILISED WORLD FOR THE YEAR 1885 . Edited by J . SCOTT KELTIE . Crown 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . condition statesm ' Everybody en , of and their all who fellow who know are -creatures directl s this y work at or home indirectly is awar and abroad e interested that . it All is in a the boo the information k political that is indispensable , social that , coul industrial d possi to wri bly , ters commercial be , financiers desired , by and , politi politician financial cians * , revenue merchants and , and expenditure public upeakers , the army and and writers navy , rel the ative area to and the population Constitution , the and commerce Govern , m industry ent , the , and Chu trade rch and of Education every civilised , the , country in the world , is to be found readily accessible within the small limits of this admirable Year-Book . '—Standabd . NEW BOOK BY MR . WALTER PATER . MA RIUS THE EPICUREAN : his Sensations and Ideas . By Walteb Patkb , M . A ., Author of' The Renaissance , Studies in Art and Poetry . ' 2 vols . extra crown 8 vo . 21 * . NEW BOOK BY MR . J . COMYNS CARR . T > APERS ON" ART . By Mr . J . Comyns Cabr . Extra crown 8 vo . 8 s . 6 d . A POEM BY W . G . WILLS . lyrEIfCHIOR : a Poem . By W . G . Wills , Author of « Charles I ., ' ' Olivia / & c , miter of JML « Olaudian / Crown 8 vo . 9 * . THE AENEID OF VTRGHIi . Translated into English by J . W . Mackail , M . A ., Fellow of * The Balliol book College appeals . Oxford , above . Crown all , to people 8 vo . 7 who s . 6 d . a ^ e ignorant of Latin , and yet are eaprer to have a clo ^ e knowledge of the will anthor Review get 'B . from . substance Mr . Mackai , undimmed l more by than the they inevitable will get conceits from , additions any other , and version refinements to which of we moder can n direct versifiers them . . ' Such —Satchdai rvadera NEW BOOK BY MR . JOHN FISKE . POLITICAL IDEAS . By John Fiske , Author of ' The Destiny of Man ' & c . Crown 8 vo . MACMILLAN'S SIX SHILLING POPULAR NOVELS . ¦ DETHESDA . By Barbara Elbon . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . MACMILLAN'S 4 a . 6 d . SERIES .-New Volume , rpHE LITTLE SCHOOLMASTER MARK . By II . Short-house , Author of ' John JL Inglesant . ' Crown 8 vo . 4 s , 6 d . PHYSICAL ARITHMETIC . By A . Macfarlanb , M . A ., D . Sc , F . R . S . E ., Examiner in Mathematics to the University of Edinburgh . Crown 8 vo . LESSONS M . A ., LL . D NEW ., P IN . B . S VOLU ., ELEMENTARY Professor MES of Physics OF MACMILLAN in Victoria PRACTICAL Univers 'S ity , MANUALS Owens PHYSICS College , FOR Manchester . STUDENTS B ; and y Balfour W . W . Haldan Stevart e ube , Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer Vol . I . GENERAL in Physics , PHYSICAL Owens College PROCESSES * With nnmeroua . 6 a . Illustrations . Crown ovo . PRACTICAL M * A ., P . L . S ., Lecturer INSTRUCTION on Botany at the Norm IN al School BOTANY of Science , A South COURSE Kensington OF ; and . B Svdnky y F . O . Bowfb . vinw ^ , M With . A ., a D P . Sc reface , P . L by . S ., W Fello . Thiselto w and Part Lectu n Dyer i . rer PHANEROGAMIA , M of . A Christ ., O . M ' . s G College ., F . R — . S . , PTE , Cambridge F . L RIDOPHYTA . S .. Assistan , and t Reader -Director . in of Botany the Royal in that Garden [ Just Univerpuy ready * , acw . - . MACMILLAN'S FOREIGN SCHOOL CLASSICS . OANDEAU Edited JULES by G . . — . FA MADEMOISELLE SNAOHT , Assistant-Master BE in Westmins LA ter SEIOLIERE School . 18 mo . . Wlt ! l ?' ; » torical College and . 18 mo Grammatical , . Is . Gd . Notes . ¦ Bdtted by A . O . Steel , M A ., Afsistaut % -Master on the Modern Side in welling , ** m _ Profusely Illustrated . Price Qd . ; by post , 8 < f . QFbt <& ngiitfb MlutitvaWii iiflagaMnc 1 For MARCH will contain an JHnBtrated Article entitled ' H . M . S . "Baooliante ** at the Antipodes , ' I by-PRiaSTOE EPWABD and PRINCE GEORGE OF WALES . i [ ' And ajlso the oppningr part qt a New Story by B BB ^ HABTB . enticed * A Ship of * 4 £ . ' ! j itfACMILLAN & CO ., London , ' __ ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 204, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/20/