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Jfjglp^^^ $* ' " • : ¦ ' ' ¦" ¦ ''¦ *'""...
jfjglp ^^^ $ * ' " : ¦ ' ' ¦" ¦ ''¦ *'""* f' * " * ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦'" ' ¦ "' " ¦ " ¦ ^™ ^ mm & " . *¦ m ^ m ^^ p ^ h . «* < A' am ¦ ' a \ ? ^ ' ^ AA ' - - ' - i' 5 _ - - \ . ' " . ' .
' March 2 , 1885 Ike ^^ PublMiei ^ ? s * CSrcute . ^ - ' ^
W , H , ALLEft & CO . 'S LIST OP NEW & FORTHCOMING BOOKS . Harrow School and its Surround- The Battlefields of Germany . From Sources ings . Com . By piled Percy from M . the Thornton School , Archives Author of and * Foreign . other of the Blenheim Outbreak . of With the Maps Thirty and Years 1 * Plan War . to By the Colonel Battle Secretaries tions . 8 vo . of 15 the * . Nineteenth Century . ' With [ This Illustra day . - Battles G-. B . " Malleson of India . * , 8 C vo . S . . 16 I ., « . Author of * the Decisive ThP Tne them The Storeh ^ Pyramids . lOrenOUbeb Mrs ouses . of Ja Egypt nk Van ; what of OI Geldeh they the Wie . are Una lUIlgr Kintr and few who , or or ilt . History Present Author of Century of * England ) China . By and Demetrtos Russia ( the ' Chabub Events 'Central Asia Boulgbb of the & c , By days Third and concluding volume . 8 vo . 24 * . A Fly to The Uovern on Wild the India Tribes . Wheel By of Colonel the ; South or T . , How - . Western Lewin I Hel Author Fronti ped er of . ' Personal lated Skobelelf by . E . Reminiscences By Braylky Nkmirovitch Hodgetts -Dantchbnko . of 8 vo . General -with . Trans Three - Illustrated . 8 vo . 18 * . Portraits , 10 * . 6 d . Nar rative Khiva ,. Moscow or « T ourney and St . from « Herau ' the t . At jerrold Home . 2 vois in . second Paris series . B crown y Blanchard . late Bussian , Invasion , of Khiva Petersburg ; with some , during Account of The Middle «»• * *« KinffClOlIl w . •¦ . A Survey « OI a tbe By Diplomati Captain Court of c James Mission Khiva Abbott and to Khiva the , Bengal . Kingdom Third Artillery Edition of , Khaurism lately . Two on . tne habitants Art 8 Geography and . History By , S G . overnment Wkjlls of the Williams Chinese , Literature Empir , IX . D , e Social ., and Professor its Life In- , vols . 8 vo . 24 s . College of the ; Ch Author inese Langua of * Tonic ge and and Syllabic Literature Dictionaries at Yale Cnmin "SrJ % ™ "Pf It r » Vl ^ JSFSSJ fWvm 'ETI ^ yjg D'liQ !? SoHptfvo 'h TTiS- % of ™ the » 2 TO Chinese s . ? « % j . r- "" Language * a new Mop . ' Revised of the Empire Edition - , 2 with vols - wo Rli . vmes ^ ir By 6 ,. Colouied Lieut .-Col 1 Jlnstratlons T . 8 . Seccombk " * n ° With «' The oemy Narrati Region ve of a of Journey the Eternal to the Caspian Fire . 1883 A Ha n iUlted HomeS . and Family Tra mmm - Charles Region giving . With Mabvdt exhaustive Maps . 1 , Plans account . 8 vo , and cloth of Illustrations 21 the s . Petroleum . By i ditions »» u » . Great crown Britain svo . u . 6 < Second * . Series . By John H . Reminiscences 81 r OBFBDtt of an Indian , Official . The Amphibion ' s Voyage . By Pakker % o ^? l CAVBNAGH '"" Crown Gillmoue . Illustrated . Crown 8 vo . Is . 6 d . « .. « i « » -rws Tli llie Condensed Dneaion JtlUSSian lVi IUTa antlal -m ^ aI , Comprisin ^^^^ - ^^ TcC ^^ g a Thougrhts •«• of tori « Macauiy Plays . , on By Essayist the Shakespeare Hon and . A Historian . S . G . Cannin , ' * Philosophy s , Author His * t Grammar , Exercises with Analyses , Useful of Dickens / & c . 8 vo . 12 s . Dialogues alphab and Measures etically , Reading , and arranged a Lessons Collection by J Tabl . of Nkstor Idioms e of -Schnurmamn Coins and Proverbs Weights . , The ftnd RllSSianS thelr p < JWer of at Invodlng MferV India and . By Herat ohakuS * p * Marvin , Author 'ot * Disastrous Bussinn Campaign A Ceylo te Land n Forty March Years Ago from . Through England JJalmatia , Mon tO Th World against ree Maps / & the c . . 24 T 8 vo u * . . with mans Twenty , * * Me - four , tbe Illustration Queen of s and the Assyri which negro a , , , 000 Persia Turkey miles , , Afghanistan on Asia horseback Mino , Scind r , Syria Illustrate e , and , Pa India d lestine with , of , rpii lflo o Tlonicixro lieClSlVe to 184 9 inclusive " UattleS Rof ? Iocs By Col OI rrP Tnrlio India G . B . Mauukson , IF fr > Om r \ rr , \ 3 Lkdwich Maps and Mitfobd 60 Original , F . R . G . S Sketches ., Ceylon , Civil By Edward Service a O . S Portrait . I ., Author of of the The Author Life , of a Map Lord , and Cllvc three * & o . Plane With , ( retired ) . 2 vols . 8 vo . 24 * . 8 vo . 18 * . EMINENT WOMEN SERIES . Edited by JOHN H . INGKAM . Volumes already issued , crown 8 vo . 3 a . 6 cJ . each : — GEORGE ELIOT . By Mathme Bijni > . I EMILY BRONTE . By A . Maby F . Robinson . GEORGE SAND . By Bbbtha Thomas . MARY LAMB . By Annb Gijxhimst . MARIA EDQEWORTH . By Hbuen Zimmbbn , MARGARET FULLER . By Julia Wab » Howb . ELIZABET H FRY . By Mrs . E . R . Pitman- THE 0 OUNTE 88 OF ALBANY . By Vbbnon Lbb . HARRIET MARTINEAU . By Mrs . Fbnwick Mixxjsb . Nbw Vomjmb . ( Now ready . ) Iiondon : W . AXfJj ^ ST & CO ., J 3 Waterloo Plape . > I , ^ & 4 ^* » wk'k , ¦ . "„ . - - '¦ '' ¦ ' w . > ¦•¦¦'¦• , ¦ i ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' _ ' ¦¦¦ ¦; . fj . '& y ^^ ., ¦¦
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 207, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/23/