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K 0 M «? c / PENT LANDS 'LIST . SECOND EDITION OF WOODHEAD S ' PATHOLOGY . * KoWready , 8 vo . cloth , Illustrated with 162 Coloured Plates , mostly from . Original Drawings , price 24 * . \ PRACTICAL PATHOLOGY . A MANUAL FOB STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS . By Gh SIMS WOODHEAD , M . D ., F . B . O . F . Ed ., . Demonstrator Hosp of ital Practical for Sick Pathology Children in ; the late University President of of the Edinburg Royal h Medical ; Pathologist Society to . the Royal ; ; Now ready , Second Edition , Rewritten and Enlarged , with 183 Illustrations , 8 vo . cloth , 16 a . THE DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD . By BYEOM BBAlOtTELL , M . D ., F . R . C . P . Ed ., Lecturer on the Principles and Practice of Medicine and on Practical Medicine and Medical Diagnosis in the Extra-Academical School of Medicine , Edinburgh ; Pathologist to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Additional Examiner in Clinical Medicine in the University of Edinburgh . Now ready , royal 8 vO . cloth , price 25 * . Illustrated with 226 Wood Engravings and 68 pages of Lithograph Plates , exhibiting 91 Figures—317 Illustrations in all . DISEASES OF THE HEART AND THORACIC AORTA . By BYEOM BRAMWELL , M . D ., F . R . C . F . Ed . In the press , 2 vols . large 8 vo . Illustrated with 750 Figures . THE PARASITES OF MAN , AND THE DISEASES WHICH PROCEED FROM THEM . A TEXTBOOK FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS . By Professor RUDOLF LEUCKAET . Translated from the German , with the co-operation of the Author , By WILLIAM E . HOYLE , M . A . ( Oxon . ) , M . R . C . S ., F . R . S . E . In the press , 8 vo . with Original Illustrations , mostly from Drawings by J . Tatham Thompson . PATHOLOGICAL MYCOLOGY . AN INQUIRY INTO THE ETIOLOGY OF INFECTIVE DISEASES . Section I . Methods of Examination , Staining , Cultivation , & c , of Micro-Organisms . By a . SIMS WOODBtEAI > , ' M . D ., F . R . C . P . Ed ., Demonstrator of Pathology in the University of Edinburgh ^ Pathologist to the Koyal Hospital for Sick Children ; late President of the Royal Medical Society ; And ARTHUR "W . HARE , M . B ., Assistant to the Professor of Surgery in the University of Edinburgh ; late Senior President of the Royal Medical Society . In the press , imp . 4 to . Illustrated with 30 Plates from Original Paintings . ATLAS OF VENEREAL DISEASES . By P . H . MACLABEW , M . D ., I » . R . C . S . E ., Senior Assistant Surgeon , Royal Iufirmary , Edinburgh ; Surgeon in charge of the Lock "Wards ; and Examiner in the Royal College of Surgeons , Edinburgh . In the press , 8 vo . Illustrated with 408 Engravings , and 4 Analytical Tables , drawn on Wood by the Author . A TEXT-BOOK OF GENERAL BOTANY . FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS . By Dr . W . J . BEBLRENS . Translated , from the Second German Edition ; The Translation Revised by PATRICK GEDDKS , FJEt . S . E ., Demonstrator of Botany in the University of Edinburgh . ^ g qta in I ^ ndon Edinburg : vjMfoastt h : YOUNG J . PENTLAND , 11 Teviot Place . & CO Jjv
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 209, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/25/