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i 220 ? ' The Publishers' Circular ¦ ^^ l 88 ^
STEEL AND WOOD ENGRAY 1 G & ' TO A UTHORS AND PUBLISHERS . i | iflffl KNj ^ C yI raS jg ^ 9 j | S j - Authors "VIRTUE and & Publishers CO ., Limited to the , beg large respectfull Stock y of to Engravings draw the attention which have of i jhfr II gJfe ^^ 'tfy ^ eI gCTJl HPf Jlwfl s appeared trated uppiy Works best in the quality issued previous by ELECTROTYPES them series , and of to g The ive Art notice from Jo that urnal most they and of are them in prepared other . Illus to - * Authors They or also Publish embrace ers this for the opportunity use of these to Engravings announce that when special books terms are committed will be made to them with A ductions the for great lowest Printing saving , Euectrotyping possible or of Publication time terms and , , at Stereotyping . expense their They offices is have effected , , where every Bookbinding Printing by facility their , producing for of & c all the , are kinds production a carried , book Engraving comp on of extensivel a lete , book Repro in , one on y - . establishment . dition They have of which a very are extensive also available stock for of printing Engraved from STEEL on very -PLATES moderate terms , in . fine con-, many I prepared Etchin to undertake g Printing all has classes recentl of work y received . For especial specimens attention of work and they care , would and they refer are to now the Etchings appearing in the Art Journal . Copper Plates Steel-surfaced , with great promptness and at a moderate charge for the Trade and for Amateurs . sions Their be collection seen at of their WOOD offices . -ENGRAVINGS comprises many thousands , and impresmay J . S . VIRTUE & CO ., Limited , 294 City Road , London .
myman TELEPHONE prepared No . 2675 . to forward * & . * inclusive $ on $ Estimates * « . for the complete production of Q §» oofe + ( periobicaf 0 + ( l Qtt & epapttB of all classes , in the reasonable best style , terms with . promptitude T 0 t 7 viHCHt A , and Ott £ on have the had most a large and varied experience of ^ every description of Newspaper e 7 ^ terprise > and are enabled to offer unusual facilities to Proprietors of Periodicals . Machine printing for the JUrade . ^ arraign & $ on $ *> gfittolit'g Sun £ > team | 3 nntmg airtj gbtkUontrv 32 Bori <& . ;¦¦• 74 , 75 , & 7 . 6 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . G . ; -il ; . . ' '¦ •¦ ¦ " ¦ ivfflB !!!?! ' ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 220, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/36/