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l^j sss The PublklierS' Circular ^5 j
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L^J Sss The Publkliers' Circular ^5 J
l ^ j sss The PublklierS' Circular ^ 5 j
BOOKSELLING . —Wanted , a PARTNER important in a town large in and the N flourishing . of England business . Bookselling in an , knows Stationery trade , Library preferred , and . Turn Printi -over ng . last App year lican nearl t who y £ 7 000 . About ^ 1 , 700 . References given and required Statione . rs — ' - X Hal . Y l Court . Z ., , Sirap London kin , , E Marshall . C . , & Co .,
PARTNERSHIP . —A Capitalist wishes to X acquainte correspon d with d with all the a Gentl details eman of who the is Book thoroug Trade hly vith a view to starting a business under favourable ausp position ices . need Only app those ly . — who Address have , held Z . R a ., responsible at C . H . ! Jfay church & Street Co . ' b General . Advertising Offices , 78 Grace-
Booksellers Wantin8 Assistants.
WANTED ANT ( outdoor , in March ) to , an the obli Stationery ging ASSIST , Book - - selling Enclose , and C . de Fa V n . cy , wh . ich A will Young be returned Man abou . t State 20 . age , salary required , and references . —G . F . A ., Publishers * Circular Office .
TO 1 BOOKSELLERS PRINTERS , —Assi STATIONERS stant Wanted , Church , and man with , practical in-doors , knowled for genteel ge of , general printing country , and competent business , to assist in that department . Highest references 4 required and 5 . Old —Address Bailey , , London S . S . King . , Sons , & Whitaker ,
TO BOOKSELLERS' and STATIONERS ' One J- who ASSISTANTS has been accustomed . —Wanted , a to Junior a good Assistant class of . Eastgate business . — Row App , l Chester y to Messrs . . Phillipson & Golder ,
Booksellers' Assistants Wantin8 Situations.
fU / ANTEp by Advertiser , age 27 , a IJJ tpcmery ; SITUATION Business . in Understands a general Bookselling Printing and and ;| p wkMiiding ; has also a knowledge of the Fancy ! lS $$ $ & fc - Good Used to references S . P . C . K . — . Depot Address . , 11 Mr years . F . ' J expe . G . - , IIIEenpington Park Gardens , London , S . E .
lylP ^ TLEMAN , having connection in IgfMlasgow and Edinburgh and the North of | jppj * $ aiid ibr , is the open Sale to REPRESENT of their publications a good . London Would | Sw e ' whole time to one house if salary favourable . ip ^ WWghly experienced in Publishing business , * Circular »* undeniable . testimonials . —No . 23 , Publishers ' 1 " ^^ M ^»__ ^^^
JJXCHANGE . —A Bookseller and Stationer vincial „ . ^ a town first , - has class a business son aged in 17 an , important well educated pro- , J npnse ^ oni for he about would two like years to p , lace and in receive a good in exchange business iJJ tMfftest 11 ^ references on mutual g terms iven . and Every required home . —Address comfort . , Z ^ jpencer ' s Library , Leicester .
RANTED , by a Young Man , a SITUA-¦ ; ; 2 5 ifek BS « wl ? * TION ** Book K years , as Station ' J experience unior ery Assistant , or . Fancy Highest in a House Wholesal references . Five e . — or iSBg ^ jXS ^ Straefci ^ H ^ R . Scarboroug H ., care h of . , 33 - . B . . Roper . ' ... , 3 St .
TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS . Assistant Advertiser . Age 26 requires . Nine RE years -ENGAGEMENT ' experience . Good as Stationer salesman , , window 7 Suffolk dresser Road , , South & c . Salary Norwood moderate , S . E . . —
TPHE - - RE ADVERTISE -ENGAGEMENT R ( aged either 32 as ) Publisher desires a perience Ledger Clerk in som or e Assistant of the , leading over sixteen London years houses ' exbooks ( educational and and stationery general , ) , also good considered knowledge of good school at accounts . Excellent references . —G . H ., 4 Clarendon Place , Camberwell New Road , S . E .
nrO PUBLISHERSBOOKSELLERS & c . ¦ - A YouDg Gentleman , ( 22 ) familiar with living , possessing languages and a general the classical knowled dead ge which langua mi ge ght s , and be useful in the publishing line , desires a position as Address correspondent , L ., Publishers or otherwise ' Circular . Excellent Office . references .
TO PUBLISHERS . —In consequence of Messrs . Bickers & Son relinquishing their I publishing business , their manager ( for seven years I a past similar ) is at liberty capacity to ( accept not necessaril an ENGAGEM y as manager ENT ) in , experienced book-keeper and correspondent . —* Letters to Mr . George Lowe , care of Messrs . Bickers & Son , 1 Leicester Square , W . C .
WANTED , by Young Lady , a RE-ENENGAGEMENT in Bookselling , Stationery , and FaDcy Business . Age 21 . Good references . — E . G ., Hart & Son , Saffron Walden , Essex .
ENGAGEMENT desired by Advertiser - * - ^ ( 20 ) . Well educated . Xnows French , German , Book or Latin -keep . ing Hi . ghest Can read references Black . -letter Small in salary English . — Address , G . T ., May ' s Advertising Offices , 159 Piccadilly .
"DEQUIRED by a Young Lady of good the - " Stationery practical and experience Bookselling , an . ENGAGEMENT Used to Library in . Town or country . —Miss Cole , 18 High Street , Highpat e , London , N .
"DOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS ' JD ASSISTANT . —RE-ENGAGEMENT wanted for by Youn some g time Man with -who Bookseller has had to 8 y a ears Public ' experience School . , First-class references . Age 24 . —W . Neville , Oarendon Street , Leicester .
TO TIONER BOOKSE S , & LLERS c . A , RE FANCY -ENGAGEMENT STAwanted in the above by a Young Lady . Experienced Address and used , JE to . a M ., Library The . Library Excellent , Loug references h borou . g — h , Leicestershire .
WANTED , by a Young Gentleman , a SITUATION as Bookseller ' s and Stationers trad Assistant el Can . Five show first years -class ' experience testimonials in the and book ive g Mr good . Ruck references , Bookseller . Age , Middle 24 . —Ad Row dress , Maidstone , R . B ., care . of
WANTED or TRAVEL emp loymen in . t Printing as MANAGER or Account Book Trade . Fifteen years' experience as such . - Good references , —R . T . P ., 3 ttr . Boulton , Stationer , Rotherham . , , jyK
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 225, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/41/