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190 * The Publishers' Circular . H awaii
OBITUARY. !Landsberger We _ _ regret tj ...
TRADE CHANGES, &c. Street Mr , . Birming...
Books Received :—• I From Messrs. John A...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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International Copyright.
I : but aware here what , the consideration style of his argument may be accorded , and the in limit America of his to knowled the opinions ge , may of be the jud reverend ged from ciitip ft
! following characteristic generalities : — , ; stealing * For one " from , I am weary lish of authors hearing and American publishers publishers when the and whole American copyri readers accused of
; Eng " land is one corrupt Eng combination of author and , publisher against one of ght the book most -trade sacred of rihts of his riht to knowledat reasonable
men our g Republi , whose man c regular — not even business g including is fleecing 7 the ge telep a the Jfc hone public a monopol , price cry ** y « r Stop so odious thief I say I" hateful I am We weary have snobbish — " — of not hearing ing and
contrary Jfa to all , righteous policy , ^_ as the English , book-trade . .... Under , the , constant r ^ J ^ cry -fc CUlll of '" of ** Stop England thief in ! " making it [ the Copyri the ownershi ght League p of ] books is willin an g aristocratic to cover up privilege the wrong instead done of the a poDiikr people
rights When the English book-trade will adopt a policy which is just , honourable , and bene-Ibonesty ficent , then to let an extortionate have an international and snobbish monopol copyright in its stanter own coin Until . that time , it , is not di $ .
new new The re retaliation taliatio italics pay n in doctrine uouwiiie the last , , wjuun which sentence is is capable capaDie are ours of oi . indefinite lnueniiittJ For y the pul ejL extension p ^ it eiisiuii , they . . mark Dr x / r . . j Jenkins the enjans expression ' views Viewsho how of w a -
ever , do not call for special remark ; his appearance in the controversy reminds us of the , fable the of the feet cock of , the which restless being horses unable in to the find stable a place , called to perch out , ' , Pray and , being good rather gentle ' crowded folks , let ' among us all ^ j ^ i _ uui i « n in © i _ . _ . otner i / i 9 '
i suana s , uase wDrampie upon one an . I
190 * The Publishers' Circular . H Awaii
190 * The Publishers' Circular . H awaii
Obituary. !Landsberger We _ _ Regret Tj ...
OBITUARY . ! Landsberger We regret . to Mr . announce Landsberger — — — - — — the -j who unexpected was only death in his on 37 th the year 24 th had ult for . of many Mr . years Eugen charge George of
the Continental tj - Department - _ in ^ g — the , - house — - of Messrs ^/ . Sampson - ^/ Iiow , & Co . He «/ v was a »— man w * j » v of V * excep *_~ — j— tional - — -- profi ^ — - ciency — — — ^ w in his — knowledge — ~ — — - — ^ ^ ^^ J ^^ of — languages * J CJ ^ , and in his compreh ---- _— —— — ~ ensive - ^ -, _ _ -v acquaintance ^_ . ^ ^_ -wwv ^ w ^ V » VA « VV
with the modern literature of most European countries . He had won the regard and friendship of all who knew him , and especially of his associates in business , by whom the memory
of his unassuming courtesy and intelligence will b 9 long cherished . The death is announced of Mrs . Charles Jenkin , author of several novels , including * Cousin
in Stella her sevent and * Who -seventh Breaks Pays . . ' The deceased was born in Jamaica in 1808 , so that she was Mr . Denis y Sadlierwho year died in New York on the 4 th ult . was the oldest Catholic publisher
in the United States . , The house which he founded , and of , which he was the senior partner , has been in existence for nearly fifty years , and possesses the largest list of books for circulation
went among to the New adherents York when of his about faith twelve in America of . He . was born at Cashel , Ireland , in 1817 , and We regret to hear of the almost sudden years death age of Mr . Piperwho for was in the
employment of the Field and Qifceen newspapers . Mr . Piper , was formerly many a years member of the
purchased firm of . Piper about , Stevenson 20 years , ago & by Spence Messrs , booksellers . Kent & Co in . Jraternoster Row , whose business was
Trade Changes, &C. Street Mr , . Birming...
TRADE CHANGES , & c . Street Mr . Birmingham A . G . Beacon , will wholesale next m bookseller onth remov and e to stati more oner , commodious Pershore Street premises and situated Edg baston at
Criterion We we , hear near Buildings that tnat Mr ivir , , Pershore . . Joseoh Josepn Street if P . , Taylor Tavlor , Birmingham . ot of tiie the p r > rinting . rintiner nrm firm ot of Ulay Clav . Son « on . & < £ ¦ Taylor Tavlor , nas has ^ at
the London urgent and request at Bungay of his medical will be carried advisers on , , retired as usual , and by the Mr business Richard both Clay , at and , Bread Mr Street CJ , Clay Hill ,
I' under the , style of Richard , Clay & Sons . . . . . ,
R A / and and Water is now published at threepence instead of sixpence as heretofore .
Books Received :—• I From Messrs. John A...
Books Received : —• I From Messrs . John Abbott & Co . —* John AbbottStock and Sh
' s are Almanac for 1885 : I year J a Manual »* i of v * issue «»«« n « # for »» w . . ) y Investors This A *« iu little * awv and * v manual MAWUUUJ Speculators . is AKJ intended JIUIfOUUOU / ( Sixth to UVJ
( _ form a pocket companion to the investor , and i , ; presents details of in the an Stock admirabl Exchange y - arrange of d London order and full
; New and Vienna Tork , and A of chronicle the Bourse of the at probable Paris , Berlin dates , of dividend -n announcements iiW on English ¦ railways
-w p . -n . ^ T n-m- ^^—v < M > w ^ ww - »*> » Wn-w- _ — — — - \ M , r T F n i ~> » J < fc If « yW W *• >• their lists of traffic securities ^ , lists ^ ^^ , a table ^^ of ^^ ^^ investments of *^ British ^^ ^ ffij railways — - these ^*** and and ,
i volume many manv other other , -which useful useful is quite notes notaa a vctde will will meoum be hfi found foiiti for rl in in all who this thin
,, y j - . .. ^ j wi ^ tmll ejti . to finance _ . »' .. , wnetner t . , * - . thoir ..,.. means ,. j ,. . are ... .. large .. ¦ .. ... or SlKHH
From Princess German Messrs Reading Helena . Cassell / Col by lege & Fraulei Co , Ealing . — ' n First . Jagst Illustrated Lessftns , of tw ot w . The of ictures aid to the study
manual language use s , but is p it common is seldom as enoug , an app h lied in to our what Englw , « * * J perpetrate \ Irishismterm »/ Eogli ^
may books HMJUMJf yj of JJ . fJ * instruction J \ J * . * JUU \ J an CJI / U JLJ . AK iu French JIKJ 1 JUI , , we HO may JLMM and . VHJ Gterman w — - - . _ wthis little volume the authoress illustrates ner
tales the UJLO drift UJL b y XJlb little of ill the LJUW woodcuts story HLUlTJ , , , and which she HAi go W tt also « far w adopts » to sugg ^ -- « ^ w t
equivalent etj plan [ uivt in jLtJ the Juu exactly exfl earlier . cwj ' under uuuer lessons the cue of putting vtojtw German ***** the wbrd «^ ^ --j } j . ! «^ n .
by without line . this In the aid second and the part the il will tales have are to prin g ° ^ " " t
, pup the vocabulary at the end of . the book ¦ ^\ ryl
nelpwruch he needs . ..,, ..... , .,.,..- .. i .- - : , v , ? . ; g ^ , gi
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 2, 1885, page 190, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02031885/page/6/