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Books Received :—
minority Ts IS it it not not who WOIiUtJ wonderful -were U . U . not 1 to lu opposed those uiuao who wii to being are aio annexed j freemen -itrtriiieii . ,,
and whose fathers had been freemen , and who hope who consider that their that children freedom will is an be essential freemen , con and
dition YVlJv vy of * ' ^* civil " life !•/» , and that without * il _ i _ it # J you can have nothing that great and led b nothing Administration noble in political and
led societ I y admit , , we by that are Parliament y to an , march to find ourselves another , in
bod this p of osi freemen tion , , and we agai are nst their will upon to subject them y to despotic government ? '
From Messrs . Smith , Elder & Co . — ' Shakspeare . Certain \_/ v * i \ j ^ Mtm •¦• Selected — — — — Plays abridg ed for the use of the ^
Youn an oral g / b interpreter y Samuel Brandram of Shakspeare , M . A ' s . works Oxon . , and As one ^ also . « -.. imbued ____ with . __ a knowled _ ge f- ~^ of and loving -
V jw M " £ - ^ the appreciation equal dee ly qualified est s for ignificance the by insi great ght of Eng and his lish stud writings dra y to mat penetrate it ist would , and
be difficult p to name many living Englishmen , who can be compared with the editor of this volume . Mr . Brandram ' s idea is an excellent oneand he
has done his delicate task with tact and , felicity . The beauty , grandeur , sublimity , wit , humour , and pathos h _ - ^ r | of - — - Shakspeare - are well - preserved _—— - w in this
volume _ ^ __ ^_ , little — being _ omitted from the play s given — I which is necessary to assist the youthful reader ' s i education , as far as — — regards C 1 its initiation to the
knowledge of the writings of the great genius of the English race . The plays selected by Mr . Brandram for this purpose are ' The Merchant of
Venice , ' * Eomeo and Juliet / ' A Midsummer Night ' s Dream , ' * Much . Ado about Nothing , ' 'Twelfth Night , ' 'As You Like It , ' ' Hamlet , ' ' Macbeth' and « The Tempest / The prefacelifo
of Shakesp , eare , introductions to the various p , lays , an and d in note telli s gence , are . admirable The book is models gotten of up brevity by the
publishers in the most convenient and satisfactory manner possible , and is in every way attractive , even for Shakspearean readers and students of a
riper riDfir ago ao-rt . From Mr . Edward Stanford . — ' The Town , Colleeand Neighbourhood Ai of Marl borough' B
F "O . g Edward v , l " « Hulme tiignuuUlilUl , F . L . S . * , F Ul . S . A -IldXiUWHJUglJ . An interesting . . XJJ y account its of the ancient to"wn of Marlborough , with
us Its traditions traditions back to , days . as » s the th long e * author flnhh an terior reminds T *» minrl to the us n « , ca r Norman »! irpvinor rrying con— qu -j . » . es ^^ v t ; , i ± ts \ ja tUllCgO college , j itself 1 LOCll . a an U amp CTIJljJXO le DUUJ subj tUl ect for ll _ Tl .
logica an attract l objects ive hook of ; the interest architectura ; and l the and archaeo natural - trati beauties " — of ~ - » the mu surrounding OUllUUUUlUg country V . UUUV . JlJi . The JL UVj illus » i » V » O -
ons add not a little to the attractions of Mr . ^ Hulme ho know ' s work the ¦« town , \^ which and will b 9 > S be the welcomed lnumber by al ot l
Eng ¦ w _ lishmen — . who ^^ ^ s f v have ^ j ^ LWJ-I VL received y j \ J \ M vy M- their arge « - * A . | mk ^^ ** educatio V * »** *^/ V ^ A V ^ n e * ther in its college or grammar-school .
From the same . — ' A Short Sketch of the Peninsular Umbrid ty War Walter , Trith a W Chapter . Noithcote on the , Waterloo of Trinity Campai Colle gn ge / ,
? - NoTthcote ge . A ' a second valuable and littl revised e history edition of the of 61 ™ Jalue eges mous to and war the battles , candidates with , wh numerou ich for must military s p mak lans e examinations of it of the special chief
J n undred ork ^» will ose examination -. - be w use useful uaciui it was to UU questions all illl speciall who WHO y at wish WlDll prepared the to IO close test lUDl . of their LllCir Tho tho knowled IT fk 4-t h _ I 1 . * . _
he ge of its contents . ^ j £ t Vi ? same )— ' . —( Professional Published Papers for the of Royal the Eng Corps ineer of
l ^^ v ^ ngineers . ' Edited by Major K . H . Veitch ,
E . E . Vols . IV . and V . A valuable collection of A papers ¦ A b y eng *_^ ineer officers on what may strictly ^ ^
be termed professional subjects , and including , not only essays on such topics as fortified camps and fortressesthe construction of military
railways and kindred , topics , but papers full of detail on points connected with recent warfare in various parts of the world . The fifth volume is filled
solely by one paper : an exhaustive account of the Turkish defence of Plevna against the Russians in the war of 1877-78 by j Captain —* r— —— G . S .
Clarke . To military readers — w w w — and , - ^ students - - — ~ ^ -- - the — - — — for admirabl m one y of ex the ecuted most plans valuable and maps features will naturall of these y
volumes , the preparation of which may be pointed to with justifiable pride as a proof that England is not disposed to let Germany excel her in
i . w the literature of the science of war . From Messrs . "WardLock & Co . —* Corn and , ,
Roots ; and other Crops of the Farm / With Illustrations . The aim of this work is to supply detailed information as to that large section of
agricultural industry connected with cereal crops , and it is intended to form a volume of the publishers' Country Life Series . The author , we
learn from the pre ^ face , is a farmer possessing an extensive knowledge of the various departments of practical agricultureand we can give high
praise to the clearness of , his definitions . There are many illustrations scattered throughout the hook , for some of which the publishers express : ...
their obligations to the well-known seed-growers Messrs . Sutton & Co ., of Reading . From the same . — ' How to Choose and Manage a
Farm with Profit and Success . ' This handbook to practical farming deals at length with tha characteristics — __ - _ of — the _ — ___ land in the various counties ; j
the compacts between landlord and tenant ; the management of farms and farm buildings ; the various forms of farm labourers' implements and
the machinery which has virtually superseded manual labour ; the scientific principles of agriculture ; the composition of soils and th . 9
best modes of draining and irrigation ; the management of hind both as to the use of manures and cleansing processes ; and with farm
operations at the different periods of the year . The instructions are throughout admirably clear , and the book is freely illustrated .
From Mr . W . Widdleton , New York , U . S . — ' Edgar Allan Poe's Select Works . ' Household
Edition . A simultaneous and seemingly successful attempt has recently been made in America and England to rescue the name of Edgar
Allan Poe from the odium in which it has been involved , in part at least by reason of his unfortunate choice of Dr . Rufus W . Griswold as
publ his i literary shed exlumstive executor « . Life Besides of Edgar the A . recentl Poo , ' j in - two ^^ f W » ^^^^ volumes ^ ^^^ ¦& ^** PB «^«« ^^ W ^ 0 , m b t- ' y h ¦ Mr hi - ^ r ^ rw — m . —r John - ^— —r II — — . — Ingram — — - ¦ ¦ - - ^ j , and also - —
S tho tedman monogra the ph above on P -named oe by Mr wo . k Edmund is also Clarence prefaced ba new , memoir of that * bright and
wayy the war is wr d utmost itten child in attention a fair g , ' and by to R impartial . II . Stoddard . sp Mr irit , . , which Stod with - accuracy
da and rd is is b neither y no means a eulogist blind to nor the apolog poet ' s ist defect ; but s , in telling us the story of Poe ' s birth he discloses j
commendable the secret of candour tho poet and ' s later charity misfortunes . The memoir with is / follo Jfc wed bselections » «¦ which disp - lay Edgar
Poe £ •>_ am ^^ in x ^ his • ^ k ^ ^^ threefold w ^^ y w pi ^ ^>*« ^^ ^^ * character ^ * - " " > - , * w - — —• of p oet - ^^ , romancer ^ r-j ,
and critic . The selections are many in number , m
\"Zz " ¦¦ "" ¦ .. - .. ¦ ¦ _ ¦Tflet £G& ...
\ "ZZ " ¦¦ "" ¦ .. - .. ¦ ¦ _ ¦ TflET £ g & f 2 i The Publishers' Circular 353 m _
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 2, 1881, page 353, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02051881/page/13/