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1 ps The Publishers' Circular Maya >lW
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1 Ps The Publishers' Circular Maya >Lw
1 ps The Publishers' Circular Maya > lW
I ^ g ^ i ^ sg ^ YV 13 ( w ) jN JiL <& oC 3 JN ^ STSKF ^ t LE i ^ rajiV WHOLESABOOKBINDER S , ^ BflRjr I 'SS * 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street . i 862 « Publishers , Booksellers , and Trade in town and country are herewith informed thai this firm execute rapidly , punctually , and in first style , all orders for Plain , Eltgant , and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists . Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other firms , in taste , speed , and price . Estimates and samples by return post .
I T . Gates Darton & Co . J & j ^ J 2 & lJ-JF ^< D T 13 ~ ttTJSrGr BOOKBHsTDBE / S , 7 KIRBY STREET , HATTON GARDEN , LONDON , E . C . T . GATJSS BARTON ( late of the firm of Westlets $ Co ., Friar Street ) has now taken newly erected premises , supplied throughout with engine power , at the above address . They are central , accessible , atnple , and convenient , and fwnisfted with , machinery and implements of the most approved character for BOOKBINDING . After his long experience and management at Westleys <§• Co . ' s , he trusts , by careful and efficient oversight , with able assistance from , his son and other superintendents ' , and with a staff of skilled workpeopleto merit and obtain that support of which ( since it became known that his 29 years connection , with the firm at Friar Street had ceased ) he has already received many hind assurances .
HENRY STONE , Banbury , Booksellers' and Stationers' Valuer . With practical experience extending over forty years , and with thorough knowledge as Bookseller , Statjoner , and Librarian , Henry Stone offers his services as Valuer for either Vendor or Purchaser , for Transfer of i Business , for Arrangements in Partnership , or for i Probate . He will also undertake any necessary i careful preliminary inquiries , lleferenees kindly permitted to the principal London Wholesale Houses . I Street Term , Banbury s on app . lication to Henry Stone , 57 High
50 , 000 Volumes of Popular Modern Books , including , Essay the remainders s , & c . of JKenelm Digby ' s Poems and MESSRS . HODGSON will SELL by ! Lane , AUCTION W . O ., during at the their present Rooms month , 115 , UPWARDS Chancery Modern OF FIFTY Book THOUSAND s and Remainders VOLUMES in cloth and of Popular ires , qu ; including the Thames 3 , 000 , Falling vols . of Leaves Kenelm , an Digb d j other ' s Evenin Poems gs — on 83 Ogden ' s Studies in Architecture ( published 25 s . ) —40 Christian Gravestones ( 12 s . 6 < 2 . )—500 Hodder ' s On Holy Ground—500 Oassell ' s Notable Shipwrecks —500 Robinson Crusoe—500 Swiss Family Robinson —250 Dickens's Sketches by Boz—200 Dombey & Son—200 Martin Chwzzlewit—65 Lytton ' s Kenelm | Chillingly , 3 vols . —Diprose ' s Diamond Shakspeare —200 Macaul ¦ ay ' e Essays— 200 Wesley ' s ¦¦ Anecdotes ¦ , > I 'Sec . + < i Catalogues on receipt of postcard .
Established 1846 . HALL Wholesale & CO ., Booksellers of Paternoster and Publishers Row , London . The , Miscellaneous Country Periodicals Trade , and Orders supp Week lied l despatched y with Papers all on Books with the , best Ma the gazines utmost terms . , celerity Newspapers and punctuality and Music . supp Advertisements lied . Enclosures inserted re- . ceived , packed ; , and forwarded . 8 Amen Corner , E . C .
MR . Valuer GEO . NEWMAN the Tradeoffers , Auctioneer his services in and all matters of SaleTransferor , Valuations for Partner 01 - render knowledge ship or Probate of valuable the , ; his various assistance long , branches experience to either enabl and Vendor e ^ aim f ^ very eD ^ Purchaser in placing on particulars very moderate on this terms Beg . ister N . ° ^ Om 2 g . 51 London WallE . C . , ___ —— —
TRADE VALUATION Bookseller . & c , of long MR the and . Trad ADAM varied Church e of a experience JBooksbxleb Street HOLDEN , Li in verpool the and , diffe Statioxis , having rent * R ran , W one ffi » , ^ to Pr * undertake bata Duty , the or for Valuation Sale or Tr of ansfer any B , ia ? 8306 o » 7 ^ r » of tjie Country . Terms ( moderate ) en app lication . 48 Church Street , Liverpool . ^*^ ~
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 2, 1881, page 378, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02051881/page/38/