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May 2 T 1w Oo R * The Publishers* Circul...
1 W oo The Publishers * Circular , gr
May 2 t * ' ^
Books Wahted To Purchase. Particulars — Of Price $-C. To Be Sent Direct To The Parties Whose Names And Addresses Are Given*
BOOKS WAHTED TO PURCHASE . Particulars — of price $ -c . to be sent direct to the parties whose names and addresses are given *
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Ruur J & Co.. Franifort-A.-M., Germany "...
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Hpri HPnOv r Analytical ^ itic ofs Society D -Artis tVlUl Great Diges -O ' s Analytic JO- Livery ***** t of w Law * -ww ® Companies Praxis — Journal - ™ . --w . 1866 to 1875
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toiler Bampton 1798 T . , s 1806 20 Lectures Goswell , 1818 , . 1827 Ro 1781 ad , , 1831 E , . 1783 C . , 1833 , 1786 , , 1838 1791 , , 1 846 703 , , 1817 1794 , , 1797 1850 , , 1869
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Wilson Life of ' the s ( Mrs Prince . C . B Consort . ) Life . of Vols the Duchess . 12 . Fis MorelPs cher ' s ( J Commentary . D . ) Introduction on Kant to Mental translated , Philosophy by Jdahaffy
, rhierech Lanfrey ' s on Napoleon the Parabl I . es Vol . 2 ( Macmillan ) Boyei Boyti , , FF .., , 19 19 ( ( to to // ord ord > ^ S r / ^ r ^ f f . Manchester Manchester
Art British Journal Quarterly . 1870 Review and , 1871 . July 1861 and July 1863 Medical Dubl ^ in Hospital and uu Ohiru Gazette rgical . Review New Series Vols . 13 1861 . 15 Vol ( London . 8 ivi
~ , Clutterbuck . u uuu ) uiifiixuxvt / Yicvv . . v via . . , , m . * ,, xu u » - »*« . vM .. , , Brough - Back -v « lale . , i , nghani i W t , . , Bookselle ' o a wickshire ( v ^ Duke x / uivb r , Bi uij of ) rmin Wo vvorn rks gham . 8 , ovu 8 vo . . 1715 i < l » . . Vol > vi . . 2 *>
Du Scott Uugard ^ ' s Novel ' ' s s Engla War s , 48 nd vols . 1855 . red , folio . cloth Part . , pap Imperfec 51 er ( 6 labels d . ) t copy . Vol . , 17 , 37 Knight ' s Popular History of England . 1 * . Parts 1 to 10 , 55
Brom Imperial , Walter Dictionary , 220 Great , well Portland bound Street , W . GojK pier £ ' . s , ( i Chkhester DrH n ) | Place , Harrow Road , W . \
Bude D ~* nger ^ ' s . Bible . Se o , ernaons 1 rmons vol . 8 vo . ( Baxter ) R Btei KWf » 7 oS nschneider 8 ) hn o ' ' s 8 ^ JewiBh Je lwerk wi 8 h Literature Literature , 3 vola . ( Leipzig )
vffifi uentine , , Saaiuel a Festival ) BiWo , Sabbath , 1 vol , and . cr . Daily 8 vo . ( Prayers Nortlig- . ate Any ) vols . ^ Lo fcn wnca ^* on thc > 157 Blow Oreat -riy Portland Street , W . lu
" » atenr « TOir 8 on Brftiah Brewing FW , , « nglish ' * ° anslatio "" n 0 SreeExCer ''^• b ^ oo " ** - '
SaS BT ? f Uetn 8 ^ C the Hou 8 e of Hanover Wot ^ orth ' s G reece
BSth J ^ MA ^ ?? ) Hagart ^ ^ w e Household »« A Birmingham ^^ A ^ Tk ?" BeUa ^ Si ^ ^ , ^^^ fa ' . if
Cornish , J ., A Sons , 18 Graf ton Street , Dublin Dickens' Oliver Tale of Twist Two . Cities Original . Do edit . .
Hard Old Curiosity Times . Shop . Do Do . . Uncommercial David Copperfield Traveller . . Original Do , edit .
Cornish , J ., & Sons , 297 High Holbo m * W . C . Garibaldi Darton * 8 Life , Times , and Exploits , by Col . Exalbion
Miraculous Life , by Him Escapes self , edited ; or by , the Dwigbt Exiles ( New of Tork Italy ) ( Ward & Lock )
Cornish , J . E . 33 Piccadilly , Manchester Brockett 3 rd edit ' s Glossary 1816 ( Newcastle of North ) Country Words , 2 vols . 12 mo ,
. K Carr eary ' s ' s Dialect Little Wanderling of Craven , 2 vols . 12 mo . 3828 Kingston ' s Banks of Amazon
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Co Our rnish Old , J . Nobility E . 16 St . . Ann 1 st ' Series s Sg > uare , Manchester Scott ' s Poems . Abbotsford edit .
Kingston Frere ' s Translation * ^ Shipwrecks of Aristophanes and Disasters , 2 vols . Bro . Dale Hall , Joh ' s Greek n , A Co Roots ., 17 Bridge ( Simpkin Street ) , Bradford
Dryden Davies and ' s Work Vaughan s . Good ' s Republic Library of edit Plato . , 8 vo . Wordsworth ' s Poetical Works , 7 vols . large paper ( Moxon )
Day Alch 9 J ., emist & Son , 16 Mount Street , Grosvenor Square , W . Ablett ' s Tree Planting
Dougl Percy as < Society k Foulis ' s . Publ 9 Castle ications Street . , Edinburgh Nos . 36 , 46 , 66 , 68 , 91 Hine Lauder ' s Life ' s fSir from T . D the . ) Scott Dead isliBivers Vol 1 , and Preface Part by 73 Dr . J . Brown
. . The Nation ' s Glory Leader . Vol . 1 Lever ' s Sir Sir Jaspe Brook r Fossbrooke Carew . 1 st . edit 1 st . edit .
Tony Butler . 1 st edit . Drayton B J » easeley V ^ lw ^» tJ % j *< * *^ " ^ S . ' , s < b ru Sons ^^ Cggis 3 C 3 , ^^ 201 t * ' * s ^ ' General ^ . n Hi ^^ gh * *^ " St mo ^ reet Receipt . ^ w ^^^ , v Exeter ^ KT ^ ^ Book h « ^^ V ^ a ^
Bewick Yarrell ' ' s s Birds Quadrupeds . 1820 Ausonins Tales of tlio ' Works Castle , in Latin . 1-vol . edit .
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Donaldson * 8 Architectnra Numismatica Kock ' a Barber Andrew of the Paris Savoya , rd
< Tales , translated into English . I Edwa Brit r ds , F ., sayists 83 High , 40 Street vols . , boards MaryUbone . Yols . W . 5 . to 12 inclusive
Chipp ment en , 4 to . ' s 1849 Designs of Old English and French Orna-Beatson Lyell'a Principles ' s Index in of Traglcos Geology Groscos . 18 C 8 , . 3 Vol vote . . 1
Eland Sala , m H . n # ' s ., P ract High ical Tr Stree eatise t . E on xeter Liquidation & c . Hunt Kewman 's ( Leigh ' s Serm ) Lif ona e , of 8 vo Sheridan . Vol . 4
Moore ' s Life of Sheridan Potter Bertha ' ' s s Translation Visit to her of Uncle Euripides
Fleming Gray * a , C n , & tomy Sons , 18 Eden Quay , Dublin fitaunton ' s Shakspeare , imp . 8 vo . 1862 . Vol . 8 ( London )
Fooks Freeman , Shorland ' s General , 96 Fulham Sketch Road , S . W , L k ewifiiana / ww ri irn ^ . ^^¦!— of
Garibaldi Lardner ' a , Credibility his Life and Ti Gospel mes ( S History . O . Beeton ) Gait Life , J . from , A Co the ., 2 Dead Corpo . ra Vol tion . 1 Street , Manchester II
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 2, 1881, page 381, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02051881/page/41/