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Augusta,!^ ¦ \ '- t ^ 1'- J !J^-^^^eM^-t...
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Augusta,!^ ¦ \ '- T ^ 1'- J !J^-^^^Em^-T...
Augusta , !^ ¦ \ ' - ^ ' - ! J ^ - ^^^ eM ^ -tSKyidfe- 8 ^ il
Messrs . WARD & DOWNEY'S NEW BOOKS AND NOVELS . — - . B ' ' ^ LIVING PARIS . yAlb . Fcp , 8 vo . With Maps and Plans . 1 vol . 65 . ' A new guide-book on an entirely new plan . '—World . ORANGES AND ALLIGATORS ; or , Life in South Florida . By Miss [ Iza . Dttffus Harpy . 1 vol . 5 s . _____ THREE-CORNERED ESSAYS . By Rev . F . Arnold . New Edition . 3 s . 6 d . i HER MAJESTY'S JUBILEE . FIFTY YEARS OF A GOOD QUEEN'S REIGN . By A . H . Waix . i vol . 6 * . ' Her Suitable Majesty for ' s Presentation Jubilee will as , no a School donbt , Prize call , fo gil rth t edges many , 7 s books . 6 d . ; but Mr . Wall has taken time by the forelock and produced one of the earliest , and one that can hardly fail to prove the best of them . ' —Vanity Fair . \ EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS OF IRISH HISTORY ( 18 OO-85 ) . By W . J . O'Neill ' The Daunt present . With write Note r has by brough Lady Florence t to his task Dixie many . 2 of vols the . 21 highest s * . qualifications necessary for its accomplishment . Mr . Daunt has produced a not unfitting crown to the Iabbtirs of a lifetime /—Nation . UNDER TWO FIG-TREES- By F . H . Lester . Illustrated with 20 Illustrations . ( Deserves 1 rol . 3 s . recogni 6 d . tion at the hands of the public , as it is nob often one gets the chance of such a hearty laugh as is contained between its covers . ' —Whitehall Review . NEW NOYEL BY THE AUTHOR OF DOUBLE CUNNINGS THE MASTER OF THE CEREMONIES . By Geobqe Makvilue Fenn . , 3 yols . IN ONE TOWN NEW NOVBL 2 vola . 2 ig . ATJTHOB — ¦ 'ANCHOB WATCH YARNS . ' , __ NE W NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OF ' T HE MYSTER Y OP KILLARD . ' FATAL BONDS . By Richard Dowling , Author of ' The Duke ' s Sweetheart' & c . 3 vols . A HERO OF OUR TIME- Translated from the Russian of Lebmontoff , together with Life and Introduction . By B . I . Lippmann . 1 vol . 6 * . LI ____________ NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OF 'PHYLLIS . " HER WEEK'S AMUSEMENT- By the Author of ' A Meatal Struggle ' & c . 1 yoI . 65 . * Abundance of qnaint , quiet , and playful bumotiT . '— "Vanity Fair . TWO PINCHES OF SNUFF . By William Westall , Author of ' The Old Factory ' & c . ( Brisk 3 vols arid . fluent in narrative , and smart and vrvacions in dialogue /—St . James ' s G-azette . A PRINCESS OF JUTEDOM . By Charles Gibbon . S vols . ' 'Go The get movement the book never and read flags it for . '— a Punch moment . . * — Graphic . - _ j _ - _ .. _ — — 1 _ . , _ 1 -1 1 . . .. . j — ,,, — . - - . . — i . THE CHILCOTES . By Lesue Keith . 3 vols . Oliilcote * We and have Mrs never . Edwar yet d Ohilcote met with are one a pai who r of can pictures treat almost female worcli character y to take with their such place stead s beside y impartiality the Celia and . Mrs Dorothea . Tom of tlio " vital Middlemarch and typical . " truthfulness Anthony Trollope of these ' s best admirably female conceived characters and are admirably hardly - superior contrasted to sisters lay-figures -in-law in . '— comparison Specta / por . with THE ALIENS . By Henry F . Keen an . 2 vols . 12 s . ' Is emphatically a good book , strong , graceful , and pathetic . An exquisite idyll . ' —Academy . SIX-SHILLING NOVELS . Louisa- By Katharine S . Macquoid . Less than Kin . By J . E . Panton . As SocTarVicissitudes Double ^ jn ^ a Cunning Looking ' . - Glass y . G-. By Manviixe . F . 0 B . y Pkhjp Fbnn F . c * . . Coward p Proper retty Miss Pride and Neville Coquette . By B . . B . ; Choker y B B . y m the . Cbokeb Author . That t-i Moixoy . , Villain ,. . Romeo ,-v . By -r , J . Fitzobka - ™ ld Viva of' - B Parish y Mrs . Forrester Hilby ' . . . The Great The House Porter red Nu Square of gget Wh - ite B y y B B Shadows . . il Ii . . Fa Fahjeon bjeow . . The The Edwards P Flower rettiest . of Woman Doom- in ByM Warsaw . Betham . By B . L . Faiueon . By Mabel Collins . PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH . Lac } y Valworth ' s Diamonds- By the Eve at the Wheel . By G . M . Fenn . A Author Prince of ' Phyllis of Darkness . * . By the Author Oliver ' s Bride- By Mrs . Oliphant . JVloIka of < Th . , Hou By aeon B . Ij the . Fabjeon MarBh . - . A Dead , ^ Errand . By Max Hillary . The ! Dark House . By a . M . Fenn . Eaten Up . ByEosTEN . 12 York Street , Covenfc Garden , London , W . O . H
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 2, 1886, page 841, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02081886/page/23/