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852 The Publishers' Circular . August * ...
¦¦ _ ¦ . - 1 1 1 iii 1 1 , ' . .. , .. . ———, 1 GSf BUjS'lNEjgjS ? CABDjS". a© | I r ~ " -~~—"" i ^xintets &c.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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852 The Publishers' Circular . August * ...
852 The Publishers' Circular . August * , t 886 i-
¦¦ _ ¦ . - 1 1 1 Iii 1 1 , ' . .. , .. . ———, 1 Gsf Bujs'lnejgjs ? Cabdjs". A© | I R ~ " -~~—"" I ^Xintets &C.
¦¦ _ ¦ . - 1 1 1 iii 1 1 , ' . .. , .. . ——— , 1 GSf BUjS ' lNEjgjS ? CABDjS " . a © | r ~ " - ~~—"" i ^ xintets & c .
Searches and Extracts made from and Old Records Topographical miatttv and Antiquarian Books WLototU reported Books . , 14 Alexandra Street , CAMBRIDGE . SOXICITOB AND MbMBBB OF THE INCORPORATED Tt £ w Society .
-wESTIMATES FURNISHFD FOR PRINTING ^ ^ ' AffnT ^^ MAGAZINES , REVIEWS . * **!!* UffA DrT ^ AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ^ ^ SL Xr- ^^^^ ~ ^ SnA - ~ ™ /^ # 0 & * Zz PUBLISHERS ^ work . > PRIKTEES , ~ ~ ~ ~ * ' 8 / £ ^ + + ^( S r * ' 7 , UPPER THAMES ST . ~ ^ * £ fl ^ 7 /^ LONDON . E . C . ^?^ 4 / PO ALL KINDS OF BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS BOTH IN BLACK & COLORS . ** " ? *
ELE ( CTROTYPES C I rUH IT ID df QAI tbEa & Mgnre c , suitable Subjects for , Newspapers Views , Portraits , Peri . , odicals , Magazines . Also some very Choice Engravings « suit- I able for Presentation Plates . Specimens upon application . Price moderate . —W . H . & I * . COXLING-BIDGE , Aldersgate Street , X < ondon , E . G .
BUSINESS CARDS . Applications for spaces on this page to be made at the office of this Journal , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . N'OTICJE . —X'nte'ntiing Advertisers must distinctly understand that under 710 circumstances can one of these spaces be had for a less period than 12 months .
JOHN DICKINSON & CO . LIMITED . MILLS 400 , 401 , 402 , 403 , 614 , 693 . Wholesale and Export Manufacturers op Printing , Plate , and Litho Papers ; Hand and Machine-made Writings & Printings ; Tinted Writings , Cartridge , & Blottings ; Tissues and Copying Papers ; Enamel Papers ; Cards , White and Coloured ; Envelopes and Note Papers . I LONDON WAREHOUSE : 65 OL D BAILEY , E . C . I , ^ 1
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 2, 1886, page 852, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02081886/page/34/