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980 The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2, 188...
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980 The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2, 188...
980 The Publishers' Circular Oct . 2 , 1882
IS AMPS ON LOW , MARS TON , § r GO : iS LIST . Quarto ^ cloth extra , gilt edges , price 42 s . BOBEBT HBBBIOK'S POETBY . Numerous full-page and many smaller Designs , illustrating the Pastoral and Poetic side of . England in the days of Elizabeth . Br E . A . ABBEY . With Head and Tail Pieces by Alfred Parsons ; all Engraved by the leading Wood Engravers . The Text consists of a selection of the more picturesque Poems of Hebkick , with a Preface by AusTDf Doksox . Tbe type is from Field & Tuer ' s * Ye Iieadenhalle Presse . ' A delightful little Volume for a present to Mothers or Daughters . ROCK ME TO SLEEP , MOTHER . Br ELIZABETH AKERS ALLEN . The following- is a list of Illustrations , drawn and engraved under the supervision of George S . Andrew : — 1 . Frontispiece . 10 . ' Blossomed and faded our faces between . ' 3 2 . . ' * Mother Backward , come , torn back backward from the , O eeholess time , in shore your . ' flight . ' 12 II . . ' ' No Yet love with liX strong . e the * m yearning other-love and ever passionate lias shone pain . . ' 4 5 . . * Over I am my so weary Bhxmbers of toil your and loving of tears watch . ' keep . ' 14 13 - . ' * None Haply like will a throng mother the can sweet charm visions away of pain yore . ' ' 6 7 . . * * I Backward have grown , flow weary backward of dust , O and tide decay of the " . ' years . ' 16 15 . . ' Shading Foe with my its sunny faint - eyes edged away shadow from once the light more . . ' ' 9 8 . . * * Weary Many a of summer sowing the for grass others has to grown reap , ' gTeen . ' j 18 17 . . * * Never Since I hereafter last listgneJ to wake yonr or lullaby to weep song . ' . ' These charming Illustrations are most beautifully printed by Messrs . Cr , ABK of Edinburgh , on the finest paper ' , and the little volume is appropriately bound . . Foolscap quarto , cloth extra , gilt edges , price bs . [ Ready early in Oct . LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS . By William Edward Winks . One Volume , crown Svo . with Eight Portraits , extra cloth , 10 s . 6 d . [ Nearly ready . burn Sir Clondesley —William Shovel GLffiard — — James Robert Lackin Bloomfleld grton— — Samuel Samuel Brad Drew - Ebenexe Poets of r t / ie Sibly CobbUrs —Manoali * Stall Sibly : Remarks —Mackey on Thomas —Anthon I y > ekker Purver — ed —William Forty Illustrious Carey—John * Sons Pounds of — Crispin Thomas "—Two Cooper Shoemaker —Sketch — Remarks James on "Woodbotiae Rig-by and —John tbe Ballad Bennet Writers —Richard of the Savage Craft — - Bishops Alexander —Ananinw , Bishop , of Bishop Camana of , 220 Alexandria -270 a . d . , —& 62- £ 86 . Crispin ajd . ; Service ThomaaOlivers —John — Struthers Thomas — Holcroft John Younger —Joseph — Blac Charles ket— Crocker David and Boehxnen Crispi — & Gabriel nus—Henry Capellini Michael : ' 11 Bnch Caligarino Han € -Sachs '—Francisco —Jacob — Dr George . Morrison Fox — —Rev Rev . . John John Thorp Burnet —William —Dr . Kitto Huntingdon —William — Brizado Bennett — — iLndolpli The Sorters de of Tong Selkirk —Richard —Watt Castell Tinlinn — — Timothy Colonel cester Stnrgreon , DJ — > . Thomas —Roger Hardy Sherman —George —Henry Odger Wilson —Noah —William Wor-Hewson 1666 . , Astrologers died 1662— , Sir Scholar Christopher s , & c . — Myngs Dr . , Partridge Admiral — , d Dr ied . Greenleaf Wbittier . ROBERT POCOCK , The Gravesend Historian , Naturalist , Antiquarian and Printer , By George M . Arnold , Author of * Remarks about Gravesend in Olden Days / & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth . [ In press . Bound in cloth , crown 8 vo ., price 7 s . Gd . ANCIENT GREEK FEMALE COSTUME , Illustrated by a Series of One Hundred and Twelve Full-page Plates , and about Thirty smaller Illustrations , with Explanatory Letterpress and Illustrative Passages from Homer , Hesiod , iEBchylus , Sophocles , Pindar , Herodotus , Euripides , Aristophanes , Xenophon , Theocritus , Plutarch , and Lucian . Selected and arranged by J . Moyr Smith . London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Buildings , MARSTO , 188 Fleet N , Street SEARLE , £ LC . , & RIVJNGTON , ( 646 ) L
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 980, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/108/