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¦ : ^ : ; —*j.• cfct. 2, t«te' The Publi...
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¦ : ^ : ; —*J.• Cfct. 2, T«Te' The Publi...
¦ : ^ : ; —* j . cfct . 2 , t « te' The Publishers' Circular ^
Messbs . COLLINS' LIST . ; j NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS . A Adopted Just H andbook the published Requirements With Dome copious , crown of Index 8 every stic vo of . cloth Household , 2 s . extra Cookery 6 d . , , and 370 containin pp . . Household Just And published , Laundry fcp Cookery . $ vo . 6 lotb , 144 pp Work . Is . . numerous Recipes / or ordinary and special use .- - - « lvlrs Ti / r ' # - " ~ ^ fr" * aJ A * , * d ~ ^ ** J WZ ' 3 With ™^ u Eighty W Bv v * Mode Coloured n i of ^ T sending , » r Illustrations r « « Dishes T H l ^ to ^ showing \ T lN Table - E the 4 * v Latest x ,. * Of of the . West First _ . . -Class ^ „ School Diploma ~ . . of Cootery from - _ • the •/* , ' Nation v Glasgow . «««« al i , Training iw and «« HoHer i «* "* wh Gennan ' No ich pains are , French of have extensiv , and been American e spared variety in , origin and the includ selection . None e many have of the been of recipes Scotch given , , ' . _ Intend , , ed School , as a pr of ac Cookery ti .. cal . guid , . Sou , e to th . ¦ . Kensington domes , ¦ ti ,. c management , , but such as are kiiown by personal testing to be really useful , in the tomes of the million , "where simplicity and economy Definite or may from rules their for Dishing sources be -up relied , aarnishing on as equally , and Carving trustworthy , with . WO are rked a necessity by the . Author The recipes , and are given perfectly "have all reliable been repeatedly ; they are ttS sery , the ? sick S £ and gtt the £ aged $ £ l also ^ $ supplied ZS & with iHS special % moderatel so 3 . Tfce book y economics will also and be found , it ne speciall ^ ry , can y adapted be made for more U 3 e ; hints for their dietary . ' —Extract from Preface . of Cookery Classes in Schools . * BTTNYAFS PILGRIM'S PMGKESS . NEW AISTD OHE 1 PEE EDITIONS . CHEAP EDITION , Long Primer Type , with CABINET EDITION , ^ ith Life of the 25 Woodcut Illustrations . Demy 18 mo . fancy cover , 6 d . ; Author , by the Rev . George Cheever , D . P ., L . L . D ., ANOTHER Au cloth limp , d ^ ^ EDITION l cloth a ? S extra 7 ? i , gilt 8 , % with edges the ? Li eV * . * fe ^* of ? i T the Nj Explanatory an ^ d Introducfcorjr Cheever Notes . Essay With by the 70 Jawbs Woodcut Revs . Montgomery W . Illustrations Masox , Scott , aad by * , a also nd ^ ^ andsomely Woodcut bound Illustrations in cloth . extra Fcp , . an 8 tique vo . cloth , bev , elled 1 * . ; , Dalziel , Whymper , & . c . Demy 4 .. to . toned . , paper , cl . oth gUt edges , 2 * . 6 d . extra , 5 s . COLLINS' DIARIES for 1883 . been enormous The called Publishers and for— unprecedented has hav compelled e pleasure success them in announcin to exp print erienced increased g that last the numbers year firs — t edition edition , and s aft they are er now trust edition ready the navinif . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 993, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/121/