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Oct. 2, tiii Tlie 'Publishers' Circular ...
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Oct. 2, Tiii Tlie 'Publishers' Circular ...
Oct . 2 , tiii Tlie 'Publishers' Circular ^
JUST READY . THE tflNETEEKTTB : ANNUAL VOIiTTME OF THE BRITISH WORKWOMAN . Handsome Coloured Picture Cover , Is . 6 d . Cloth , gilt edge , 2 s . 6 d , | THE BRITISH WORKWOMAN ALMANACK FOR 1883 . Containing suitable Texts for each day , and Six beautiful Illustrations by Datidson Knowles . ! Price One Penny . Also now ready , the Second Volume of THE CRYSTAL STOKIES , Containing Twelve Complete Stories by Emma Marshall Sic . and Thirty Illustrations . Coloured Picture Cover , 18 . 6 cf . ; Cloth , 2 s . Also ready , Coloured Boards , 1 $ ., or crown Svo . cloth , price 2 s . 6 d ., the Fifth Edition of THE BI ^ AlOK . SPE CK . A Temperance Tale , by Author of * Grandmother ' s Money . ' KICHARD WILLOUGHBY , 27 Ivy Lane , Paternoster Row . ( 666 ) I
Second Edition , published at 7 < s . 6 d . ; to Booksellers , 5 s . post-free . A MSDON'S GUIDE to BREWER'S - &• BOOKKEEPING ; together \ yith Supplement upon the keeping of Mineral Water Accounts . Published by the Author , Mr . Edward Amsdon , Chartered Accountant , 3 Adelaide Place , London Bridge , E . O . ( 667 )
Now ready , price 6 s . T ANE'S ARABIC-ENGLISH LEXICON . -L * Vol . VII ., Part 2 . Edited by Stanlet Lane POOLE . Williams & Norgate , 14 Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , London ; and 20 South Frederick Street , Edinburgh . ( 668 )
THE PRESS . —For immediate DISPOSAL , * - the SERIAL RIGHT ONLY of a very pleasing p TALE lot . Length . Thoroug , about hly two orig volumes inal , humorous . Terms , moderate and good . Address , E ., 11 Halsey Street , New Belgravia , S . W .
" \ TOVELS for NEWSPAPERS . —Several lishing this - * - * and journals CLYTIE otl \ er Novel in , Canada which s ( , not induces and hitherto America the Author printed are to repub by offer the - English provincial press ) for Subscription in Eng-Warne land . for Having the immediate made arrangements and full con with trol Messrs of the . following Copyrights Novels , Mr . , with Hatton Ori begs ginal to Prefaces state or that Intro the - ductory Chapters , can now be secured for Republication : — 1 . CLYTIE : a Romance of the Day . 2 . The QUEEN of BOHEMIA . 3 . The VALLEY of POPPIES . 4 . BITTER SWEETS : a Story of Fortune and Finance . f > . IN the LAP of FORTUNE . 6 . NOT in SOCIETY . 7 . The TALLANTS of BARTON . from the * pres # the * s CRUEL throug Author h , LONDON Mr . Tillotson ( which ) can was also be supp obtained lied to Regents Apply Park direct , N to . W the . Author , 14 Titchftcld Terrace ,
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 997, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/125/