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Oct . vi 882 The Publishers * Circular IOO 3
mHE QUARTERLY REVIEW . ADYERTISEMENTS for insertion JL in the FORTHCOMING NUMBER of the above Periodical must be forwarded to the Publisher by October 6 , and BILLS by October 9 . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle Street .
mHE EDINBURGH REVIEW , No . CCCXX ., will be published on JL Saturday , October 14 th . Advertisements intended for insertion cannot be received by the Publishers later than Monday , October the 9 th . London , LONGMANS & CO ., 39 Paternoster Row , E . C .
SUNDERLAND LIBK ^ AJEfcY , FOURTH PORTION . S MESSRS bj London Auction . PUTTICK W , . C at . their on & Monday SIMPSON House , , November 47 will Leicester 6 sell th , Essai Paris velles , s CEuvres Ant editions . Verard , Paris of 1588 s , . Jean a . ; 1595 Jan Paran . E & t . c s du . a Musaeus . ; Monin Montai , He Nou gne ro . - and quare nine , following , days , ( Sunday excepted ) , at 10 et Leander , , by C . Marot , , Paris , , C . TAngelier ; , 1541 ; minutes tion of the past above One Celebrated o ' clock precisel Library y , . the It Fourth comprises Por- le Verar premier d 1491 et ; le La second Romance volume de Percefo d'Orose reet , Paris a valua , Ant . - the following EDITIONES PRINCIPES ; Maximus ble series of editions of Rabelais , including ; the most T Cornelius O yiius ppianus , Maximus , Nepos Veteres Origenus , Valerius Nonius Pausanias , Ovidius , Marcellus Militaris Petrarcha , Aoniu , Res _ CEcumeni s , Pal Phsedrus Musseus serius us , , , Mexico TO headings ancient A 1 CERICA edition , Martiniere with will Morton , a Martyr be date found Navarete . , Man WORKS under rile , Maximilianns the RELATING following Nodal , Panegyrici Ph Plutarchu alaris , Pindarus s , Polybius , , Platin , Pompeius a , Plato , Festus , Plautus , Pomponius , , Plinius , , Paisbas Nunez , , , Ocari Mocquet Peru z , , Phili Olearius , ppina , s , , Ovag Pigafetta lie , Ovi , , Nicolay Pineyro edo , Padilla , , Pinto , , , Mela PRINTED , Ptolemy UPON , VELLUM and Quintilianus ; Maximus . Valerius BOOKS Rap Pizzaro hael , de Ptolomseus Jesus , , R Purchas emesal , & P c . yrard THE , Ramusio RARE , printed at Mentz by P . Schoiffer in 1471 . ENGLISH BOOKS include , Milles' Catalogue of Ordonnances A ^ rms of the de Duke l ' Ordre of BuTgund de la Toison y , sans 6 ° Or notes , with ( vers the Latin Honour and , James English First , original ' s copy edition 1610 ; 1645 Milton ; Salisbury ' s Poems edizione 1511 ) . prima Petrarca , printed , Sonetti by Vind , Canzoni . de Sp et ira Trionp at Venice hi , Sir Missal "William , Paris Rooper 1555 ; ' s Sir copy Thos ; Sir . More I . Newton ' s Works ' s , Works 1557 , 1470 . Petrarca , Le Cose Volgari , first Aldine by Horsley ; Ochin ' s Tragcedie or Dialogue by Bp . editi Picus Camillo on , Mirandula Ven printed et . 1501 at . Commentationes Venice II Petrarc by GK a da , Griolito Dolce printed 1558 e Gr at . . fine Ponet Historia plates 1549 Catholica by ; Picart O'Flaherty Ibernise ; Pacseus ' s ; Ovid O , gyg De in ia ; Fructu Eng O' lish Sullivan Basil with , Bologna by Bened . Hector in 1496 . Ditto , deMorte 1517 ; Various Works of Rob . Parsons ; Leslie , ' s Eistoria Christi , by Naturalis the sam printed e printer by Nic in . Jenson 1497 . in 1472 Plinius at Catalogue Defence of Q as . Mary usual of contains Scotland also 1571 numerou , & c , & s c . other The Venice . Pontanus , De Bello Neapolitano printed English , Latin , Spanish , Italian , French , and b Institutions y P . Summontius , printed at at Nap Rome les in in 1509 1470 . . Quintilian Sabellicus ' s , Portuguese books with works fine bindings of great , rarity and Arms , as we o ll f as Anne many of date I including > e Vetustat or name La e A Mer . quileiensis des RARE Histoires Patriae FRENCH , , printed printed WORKS by without P . le ; and Austri English others a , Louis and ; and Forei le is Daup gn very hin Tracts rich , Jean . in Catalogues Grolier exceedingl , T . may y Maioli rare be R ori ouge ginal edi Par tion is 1488 , Large ; Mezera Paper y ' ; s Histoire Milles do et France Amys , , post had of 5 s . the 6 d . Auctioneers ) . as above , price 5-s . each ( by
CANNON'S GLUE POWDER . U no nrivalled soaking for ; dissolves strength immediatel and convenience y in boiling ; equal water in strength ; avoids and all quality waste ; to and the saves best 95 glu per es ma cent de , in requ time ires . TESTIMONIAL . From R . WISH & SON , Bookbinders To , B Lithographers . CANNON <& , and CO ., A dated ccount June Book 28 Ma , 18 n 82 ufacturers . , 241 High Street , Lincoln . hn-ve Gentlemen used , both as , — regards We have strength used your and Glue econom Powder y of now material three . years In our , and business find that of bookbinding it is unequalled and by stationery any other we gl find ue we a previous groat saving outlay of time in glues by its . —( use Signed . The ) Yours result respectfully of our three , R years . Wish ' working U Son . with this article shows an immense saving on our Packed in \ lb ., \ lb ., 1 lb . f 2 lb ., 4 lb . and 7 Ib . packets ( in quarter , ha { ft and wt . cases ) . I Cannon ' s Gluk Powder is also put up in Id . Paokots ( half-gross boxes ) and every Statio er should keep it in stock . [ B . C ^ L Prepared 35 TJ 5 TO only 35 r by 3 c OCL , L Witnam Leather , Glue , and Parohment Works , LINCOLN , BNQLAND .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 1003, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/131/