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IO(H The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2,188...
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Io(H The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2,188...
IO ( H The Publishers' Circular Oct . 2 , 1882
Messrs . HOLMES & SON , Qtcountmtz & $ talu * rs TO BOOKSELLERS PAPER , PROPRIETORS STATIONERS , , PRINTERS & c . & o . , NEWS-66 a PATERNOSTER BOW , Are instructed to sell the following businesses : — T ¦ D > OOKSELLER PRISTTIJSTG BUSINESS , STATIONERY . In attractive , South and Business Coast Town in . the Established Town . Rent 60 £ years 70 . . Splendid The Leading House j and Garden . Returns last year over £ 2 , 000 . All at Taluation , about £ 800 . An exceptionally good opportunity . First Glass Fancy Trade . A splendid ready money Business , where a nett profit of over £ 1 , 000 a year has been made ; about £ 2 , 500 required to purchase . It is seldom that such a Business is for disposal . STATIONERY BUSINESS in the ^ OfTY £ 5 OF LONDON for DISPOSAL . The present Proprietor retiring , having been there 36 years ; nett profits just under £ 500 a year . Open to every inquiry . About £ 1 , 000 required . "DOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and i > PRINTING BUSINESS , which has been in same hands 40 years . Situated in most attractive Town . Death cause of Sale . Returns about £ 1 , 500 at high profits . Agency attached produces £ 50 a year profit . Will accept £ 500 in Cash , and Balance extended over 3 years . STATIONERY and PRINTING BUSI-* J NESS in one of the most Fashionable Seaside Towns . Proprietor retiring . Returns about £ 2 , 000 a year . Excellent premises . All at Valuation , about £ 800 . A good Business and open to increase . T ) OOKSELLING , STATIONERY , a ^ d of -D Eng FANCY land . Established BUSINESS * , 35 in years lovel . y Returns district , about West £ 1 , 600 a year at good profits . About £ 800 required . CTATIONERY and PRINTING BUSI-* J NESS , about 30 miles from London . In same hands nearly 25 years . Agency attached produces £ 70 a year profit . The Returns have been about £ the 2 , 000 purchase a year -money . All at may Valuation remain ) , . about £ 1 , 000 ( £ of PRINTING BUSINESS . —A First-cla ^ s •* - and Old-established Seaside Business ( Kent Coast ) for disposal . Nett profits over £ 300 a year at the present time ; £ 600 to £ 700 required for everything . Excellent plant in thorough working order . T 3 OOKSELLING and STATIONERY ± > BUSINESS ( West of England ) . —A high class Business , which has been established nearly a century . Nett profits about £ 500 a year . A certain Busi mand ness ; the for balance anyone beyond who has £ 1 , about 000 may £ 1 , 000 remain at com . - pOMMERCIAL , STATIONERY , ami 20 VJ years PRINTING in splendid BUSINESS business . —Established town—one of nearly the all largest cash in trade Eng . land £ 400 . Returns to £ 500 about will be £ 2 , accepted 000 , nearl in y cash , and balance extended over 3 years . < MONTHLY BUSINESSES REGISTER for DISPOSAL ' of over forwarded 150 post-free on application to Messrs . Holmes & Son , 66 a . Paternoster Row , London , E . O .
Mr . A . M . BURG-HE S , VALUER & ACCOUNTANT TO PUBLISHERS PRINTERS , BOOKSELLERS , & c , , STATIONERS , la PATERNOSTER ROW , Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : DOOKSELLING and STATIONERY . — * -J The best Business in a large and important English . City . Splendid premises in finest position . Rent £ 280 . Nett profits over £ 1 , 000 a year . Established 41 years . About £ 2 , 500 required . To be sold in consequence of the death of tlie late Proprietor . OTATIONERY and BOOKSELLING — *^ Old-established Business in Monmouthshire . Rent £ 60 . Long lease . Grood Premises in leading thoroughfare . Keturns at full profits over £ 600 . About £ 280 required . A very steady and safe I Business . I BOOKSELLINGS and STATIONERY . — U A Half-share Partnership is offered in a firstclass old-established Business , occupying one of the returns best posi are tions £ in 12 , a 000 flourishi a year ng ( proof commercial ) . The city amount . The j j required is about £ 3 , 000 . Pull particulars on application . This is a most favourable opening . i STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — j Rent * J Superior £ 52 . Lease neighbourhood . Returns £ , 500 North a year -west . London Capable . of increase . Established 15 years . About £ 170 required . Suitable for one or two Ladies . [ STATIONERY . —Busy Thoroughfare near j ^ Victoria Station . Bent £ 60 . Large and commodious House . Profits nett about £ 80 a year . "£ 100 required . Suitable for a pushing young nwn . i STATIONERY and FANCY . — Genteel did fal ^ l premises neighbourhood profits . ; rent £ 300 £ . 80 wo West , uld Returns End be of accepted £ London 800 a year in . S cas p , len and h - ; ! | j i balance could remain in the business at 5 per cent . Tj - ¦ - ^ ANCY blished Busines WAREHOUSE s , in the neighbourhood . —An old - esta Ber- - mondsey . Rent only £ 38 ; 16 years ' lease ; sevenroomed house , in good position . Ready-money trade . Profits quite £ 300 a year . About £ 550 required . A good opportunity . Suitable for Ladies . STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING . — U First-class old-established Business . Leading commercial town ; very fine premises in main street . Rent £ 145 ( very low ) . Returns £ 4 , 000 a year . Full profits . About £ 1 , 800 required . Full investigation will be given . OTATIONERY and PRINTING . —Plea-^ sant town in Berkshire . An old-established and highly respectable Business with good connection . About Good shop £ 900 in requ the ired Hi . gh Long Street lease . Returns and very £ 1 , 200 low . r en tal . STATIONERY , BOOKSELLING , md ^ LIBRARY . —Near Hyde Park . Old-estap li rofit & hed s * . genuine Large House Business ; handsome . Returns corner £ 1 , 2 premises 00 ; good . , Satisfactory ired . Established reasons for over leaving 20 . . About A £ 600 favour re - - abl qu e opening . yearsvery warded MonM post y - Reg free ister on app of lication Business to es Mr for . A . Disposal M , Burgher for-1 a . Paternoster Row , London , E . C . ^ , . . ,. . , ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' ' - ¦¦ - - " ¦¦¦ - -- ¦ - " r ^ MMb . - ; . ;
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 1004, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/132/