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ET" m ~ mmm *""" ¦—¦>—• ¦ ' ., - ¦ . ¦ -...
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Et" M ~ Mmm *""" ¦—¦>—• ¦ ' ., - ¦ . ¦ -...
ET" m ~ *""" ¦—¦>—• ¦ ' ., - ¦ . ¦ -to IOo 5 The Publishers' Circular Oct . 2 , 1882
OVE SALE R 1 , 000 Various LIBRARY Authors — BOOKS original 3 FOR toI . editions—at four guineas per 100 vols . —Rawling , Bradford-on-Avon .
WANTE D TO PURCHASE . —Early and Illuminated Manuscripts—Fine Specimens of Bookbinding—Books Printed on Vellum—Miniatures—Enamels—Ivories—Fine Old Sevres , Dresden , or English China—Old Wedgwood Plaques and Vases — Bronzes — Early Prints , Etchings , Engravings , and Drawings . —Rev . J . C . Jackson , 11 Angel Court , Throgmorton Street , E . C .
WANTED to-purchase Prints of any Church in the County of Surrey . —Address Rixon Arnold , 29 Poultry .
MR . WILHELM FRICK ( late Faesy and Prick ) , Bookseller to the Imperial and Royal Court , Vienna ., Graben 27 , will thank English Publishers and Booksellers to forward Prospectuses and Catalogues of New Books as well as of Old and Rare Works , and will be glad to undertake the disposal wholesale of important Books .
PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an assorted Stock of all interesting subjects . Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , "W-C .
TRADE VALUATION . ^ If R . ADAM Church Street HOLDEN , Liverpool , B ookseller having had & c , Long and varied experience in the different branches of the Trade of a Bookseller and Stationer , offers to undertake the Valuation of any Business for Probate Duty , or for Sale or Transfer , in any part of the Country . 48 Church Terms Street { moderate , Liverpool ) on . application .
MR . GEO . NEWMAN , Auctioneer and *** - Valuer to the Tirade , ' offers his services in all matters of Sale , Transfer , or Valuations for Partnerknowled ship or Probate of the ; his various long branches experience enable and thoroug him to h render very ge valuable assistance to either Vendor or in Purchaser placing on particulars very moderate on this terms Reg . ister No , expense Offices : 51 London Wall , E . C .
DOOK SELLING , STATIONERY , and L * FANCY TRADE . —A Gentleman of active sound of business purchasing business habits a and as PARTNERSHIP above first- . class About experience £ 1 in 500 a , t is horoug could desirous hl be y A a Philli d pp vance ly , with d . & JVn full Gold old particulars er established Chester . , to G concern . H , ., c / o preferred Messrs . . pson ,
Business For Sale, Etc. ^^M^Mmmm
T ARGE and well-established Wholesale ¦* - ' and Manufacturing- Stationery and Lithographic Business at Bradford FOR DISPOSAL in consequence of the death of the Proprietor . The stock and wire machinery sewing machines very , comp Yankee lete , ruling including machine two & new c . J riven by Otto gas engine . Will bear strictest , in- , vestigation Millington . & Sons About , 32 £ Bud 2 , 200 ge Row required , London . —A . pply to f j -Ti - ii - ¦ _ i m .. if- . ii j i .. ¦¦ . .- . _ ..,-, _ ,, «_ . n . — i mi . i . m i . .... . ..,.-i- — ¦ . ¦ - ...- " - ¦¦ ¦¦¦ »~
HOUSE and SHOP TO LET in busy Fancy thoro Stationery ughfare and in Bookselling Leeds . Speciall Trade y . suitable Rent low for . j Taiuation easy . —Particulars , apply to Z ., 94 Penton Street , Leeds .
Booksellers Wanting Assistants.
WANTED , an actire YOUNG MAN to superintend and work & "Wholesale and Retail School and Stationery Business . —Apply , by letter only , and stating age , references , and past experience , to E . B ., 28 Seymour Street , London , "W .
WANTED , in a Quiet Town , a YOUNG LADY of experience for Stationery , Bookselling" , and Fancy Business . —Apply , with references and photo , Mr . Price , Ware , Herts .
WANTED , in a large Mercantile Stationery Business in an important Yorkshire town , a YOUNG- MAN as Improver . Must be active and of good address . —Apply , stating age & c , K . D ., T . H . Saunders & Co ., Purfleet Wharf , Upper Thames Street , London .
WANTED , immediately , a YOUNG MAN of good address as Assistant to the Book- , selling , Stationery , and Pancy Business . Must be active , energetic , and a good salesman . —Apply , stating age , salary required ( out of the house ) , with references and carte-de-visite ( which will be returned ) , to CufT Brothers , the Library , Dover .
Booksellers' Assistants Wanting Situations.
'THOROUGHLY efficient Booksellers' or J- Publishers' Assistant , aged 31 , desires REENGAGEMENT . 15 years' experience . 9 years ' reference . — Address , S . R ., Publishers' Circular Office , 18 S' Fleet Street , E . C .
TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS . —A Writer Gentl for eman Newspapers of the and highest Magazines education for , over and 30 years highest , desires references EXTRA , including "WORK one . to a Can newspaper givo the for which he has written 22 years . Very moderate terms . — Address , Mr . B ., 17 Molyneux Street , Edgware Road .
T ¦* < - O FANCY BOOKSELLERS DEALERS . — , STATIONERS Assistant , thoroug , hly conversant with all branches of the trade , of 16 to SITUATION years E . ' Forward first-class ae , Willow practical Manager Brae ox experi Fi , Paikstone rs ence t Assistant , is , in ne . want ar — Poole App of ly a . |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 1006, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/134/