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Oct. 2,1832 The Publishers* Circular 9S£
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Oct. 2,1832 The Publishers* Circular 9s£
Oct . 2 , 1832 The Publishers * Circular 9 S £
H . SOTHERAN & CO . 'S MEW PUBLICATIONS . 1882-3 . TWO VOLUMRB REAT > Y IN DeCBMDKR . To be published in Twelve Volumes , after demy a 8 Fainting vo . Illust b rated y Mbnos with , a New Finely Engraved Portrait , I THE -W ORKS OP SAMUEL RICHARDSON . With a from Prefatory * Hours Chapter in a Library of Biographical . * Criticism by Mr . Leslie Stephbx . Reprinted , with Additions and Alterations , 750 co The i'iEs text . The will Volumes be from wil the l ave best rage edition about , edited 500 pages by " , Mangin and the , and Work the will edition be published will be btoictlt Two Volumes limited every to alternate month , price 10 * . Gd . per Volume . In November . AN ARTIST'S EDITION OF J . R . WISE'S THE NEW FOREST : with New Preface and Corrections by the 63 Beautiful Author . Illustrations Handsomely after Printe Walter d on Dickinson Crane by 's Hand W . J - . made Ltnton Paper ; and . 2 With Maps India . Also Proof , further Impressions enriched of with the a bound Series in of an Twelve entirely Be new autiful style Original . Etchings by Hey wood Sumner , drawn expressly for this work , and tastefully Vellum The Japanese Eaition Proofs will be , at strictly £ 5 . 5 * . limited A very to limited 400 copies number , 350 of in the Imperial Twelve " 8 vo Etchings . at £ 1 . 11 will * . ftd be .: taken CO in off Royal ( all si 4 to gn . e with d by the Artist ) , Japanese Vellum % Proofs * To secure , price these in p , o early rtfolio appl , £ 5 i . cation 5 * . will be necessary " , NOVEL AND ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED GIFT-BOOK . Small 4 to . 750 Copies only printed . Will not be Reproduced . SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS . Ee-Sugar'd with Ornamental Borders Designed "by Edwin J . Ellis , and Etched by Tristram J . Ellis , price 15 * . A selection of Shaket speare astefully ' well half known -bound in onnet silk s , in embellished a novel style with of the twelve Japa very nese beautifu school . l and characteristic Copper-plate Etchings , and Twenty-five Copies only ( first proofs ) on satin , sign is necessary ed , price . Five Guinea ? , for which immediate application ¦ — 1 - — - — - . ——— - — - *— - The LIBER STUDIORU Vol . 1 . Now M ready of Price J . M £ 4 . 4 . W . TURNERR . A . Publishi Reproduced ng in in Three Facsimile Volum by es , the each Autoty containing pe Process Twenty , with -four a Illustrations Critical Notice , price . By Four the Guineas Rev . Btoppord per volume Bkooke , , M . A . A WORK OF GREAT PRACTICAL UTILITY . THE COSTUMES OF ALL NATIONS , Ancient and both Modem Male , Exh and ibiting Female the Dresses from the and Earlies Habits t Historical of all classes Records , Regal , to Ecclesiastic the Nineteenth il , Noble Century , Military . By , Judi Krktschmkr cial and Civil and , sonages Rohiibach . Complete . With 104 in pne , Coloured Handsome Plates Volume , displ , aying 4 to . in nearly half-morocco 2 , 00 J full , emblemati -length fig cally ures , gilt including on sides man , gilt y Historical edges , £ 4 . Per 4 s . - AN ENTIRELY NEW WORK . POLYCHROMATIC DECORATION , as Applied to Buildings Authors of in severa the Med l Works iaeval Styles of Art . . By Thirty W . and -six GL folio Aur Plate > si , Er ? , , executed Fellows of in the the Roynl highest Institute style of of Chromo British -litbogra Architec phy ts , , in Colours and Gold . With Descriptive Letterpress . One Volume , demy folio , cloth extra , top edges gilb . £ 3 . A HISTORY In A to . Illustrated OF by 850 CHAMPAG Engravings , Handsomely - Bound NE ; cloth with , gilt Notes edges , price on 15 * . the other I of Sparkling the World Wine characterised s of France and . By classed Hknry ' & c Vizetblly . , Chevalier of the Order of Franz-Josef , Author of The Wines Under the Sanction of t 7 te Lords of the Committee of Council on Education . EASTERN CARPETS . Twelve Early Examples , printed in Vincent Colours by J . Robinson William , Griggs and a Preface . after Water by Sir -Colour Geohgjk Drawings Biudwood by , E C . . S Julia . I ., M * . Robinso D . One n Vol , wit ume h Descriptive , atlaa 4 to . handsomely Notices by bound in cloth , £ 3 . 8 * . I UNIFORM WITH * KBRAMIC ART OP JAPAN . ' JAPANESE MARKS AND SEALS . Part I . POTTERY . Part II . ILLUMINATED M 8 S . AND PRINTED BOOKS , By Jamiw L . Bowes , Joint Part Author III of . ' LACQUER Keramlc Art , EN of AMELS Japan . , ' METAL With Illustrations , WOOD , IVORY In Colours , Ac . and Gold . One Volume , imperial 8 vo . elegantly bound in cloth , with ornamental back , gilt leaves , £ 2 . 2 * . London : HL SOTHERAN And Manchester <& CO : . 49 , 186 Cross Strand Street ; 36 . Piccadilly ; ( 620 ) j !^» ^— — ^""""'"*""****~ | —** " i ii . ii i !¦ i ' i ' i 11 i i i ¦ ... : __———^— . —^———^ - »^ tJ
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 955, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/83/