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I 964, The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2, ...
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I 964, The Publishers' Circular Oct. 2, ...
I 964 , The Publishers' Circular Oct . 2 , 188
Cassett , Petter , Galj ) iny fy Co . s Announcements . BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE . JSO ^ Jl GS ^) . A Treasury for the Little Ones . An entirely New Artists Wi and or cloth th Ori about . ginal Printed ilt ed 200 Work Beau in 3 , large s containing . tiful 6 d , . clear Illustrations , new delig type htful , , speciall on Stori thick es y execut and paper Rh . ed ymes Elegant for the suitable Picture Work for , by Boards the the Littl , best 2 s e -known . Ones 6 & , . ; j , gges , 3 £ odem JExpIorerS . By Thomas Frost . Profusely Illustrated . 5 s . JL FarCel Of Children . By Oliye Patch . With numerous Illustrac tions . 5 s . 27 ie Little People ' s Album . With Illustrations on nearly every page . 3 s . 6 cL Peter Parley s Annual for 1883 . 42 nd issue of this popular ed Christmas 6 s . Gift Book . With Coloured Plates and Lithographs . Handsomely bound in cloth , gilt ges , Little Folks ) NeW Vol . With nearly 500 Pictures . Boards , 3 s . 6 d- ; cloth gilt , 5 s . USTZEW IBI ^ ITIOIIsrS - The Picture Teaching Series . The Boy ' s Library . In Volumes . Fcp . 4 to . cloth , gilt edges , 2 s . (> d . each . Cr . Svo . cloth , gilt edges , 3 s . 6 d . each . Through Containing Picture about -Land 200 Illustrations . —By C . L . . Matkaux . The IU Story astrations of . Captain Cook . —With numerous Picture more -Teachin than 500 g Illustrations for Young . and Old . —With At the With South numerou Pole s Illustrations . —By the late . W . H . G . Kingston . Picture trataons Natural . History . —With about 500 nius- The By Thre F . T e . L Homes . Hope . . —A Tale for Fathers and Sons . Scraps Jaxet of Byrne Knowledge . With for 100 the Illustrations Little-Ones . . —By The Illustrated Romance . of Trade . —By R . H . Fox-Bourne . Great Tatl Le oh ssons . With fro 66 m Illustrations Little Things . . —By John Soldier ton . and By F Patriot . 1 £ . Owex . — . The With Story Map of and George Illustrations Washing . - Woodland By C . L .. Romance ATateaux s , ; Illustrated or , Fables througho and Fancies ut . . Pictu from res the of School best Authors Life and by Boy Perc hood y Fitzgerald . —Selected , Frisk and his Flock . —With Full-page Illustrations . M . A . Pussy trations Tip . -Toes * Family . —With Full-page Illus- The Rev Young . Dr . Landels Man in . the Battle of Life . —By the The A- Boy Davidson Joiner With and Practical Model Maker Illustrations . —By Ellis ^ C 1 a ** SVIL elV ' KD ftVl IJJJJVilll ) P ^ W ?/ lj ADLUf RfnVi ( JUUU l Rnnlf * The With Children Full-page of Hol Illustrations y Scripture . . —By L . Mas- ^ et . All Stories Illustrated bwell , -known and containing Authors . interesting Bound in ^ A X Cruise KstUl & V in lit Kstlintib Ch ine ** Wa VV Uttl tert * attractive Coloured Boards , price 6 d . each . _ Being the Log of the ' Fortuna . ' By Capt . The Wood Eiche . ster And other College Stories Boys . .-By Mrs . Hexry A . F . Lindhey . Illustrated with numerous The Boat Club . —By Oliver Optic . And other Full-page Plates . Cloth gilt , gilt edges , bs . Th / SSft Jug .-By Sii . vkhpen . And other Stories . fWTW 1 f ie Cloth ^ - - Libra gilt r •? edges ry 2 e . 6 d OJ . each /• . Wo TT All 7 " Illust nderS J rated . . Helpful My other First Nell fito Cruise riee y , . and .-By other W . Stories H . O . Kingston . . And Wonders Wonderful of Adventure Animal In . - . Wonderful Ascenta . Balloon Onl ^ f ^ ' ^ W Once lj , and ° . ' other f " Stories « thCr Stories . - "Wonders tinct . of Architec- Wonderful Wonders Escapes of Bod . ily The other Little Stories Peacemaker . . By Mary Howitt . And Wonder , of Water . Wondcreof Acoustics . CaSSClVS RobiuSOU CrUSOe . \ Living c With Cheap upward Edition Pages * rf from 6 e 50 . EnU- M page any Ilhi « A tralion ges . tSlVlSS a with 140 Illustrations ft ioo CLVflUy iiin « tra , ion itOOinSOn Cheap 8 . chcap Edition Edition . . With s zs . ( id U . ¦ CASSELL , FETTER , QALP IN , Sf CO ., Imdgate Hill , London . ( 629 ) IBcsS ' - 4 ¦ ' ¦ " » ' ¦ " ¦ ¦' ' ' ¦ ¦ .. — ....- ,. " ^ ... .....,.- . i . i . ' , ' I , ' ; ' ., * . ¦ - - ' ' i ]> a
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 2, 1882, page 964, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_02101882/page/92/