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Oct. 2»,I8to $Ta-L^Blisbignf Oifqulftt *...
Oct . 2 » , i 8 to $ ta-l ^ blisbignf OifQulftt *»
CasselL Fetter ¦ , ( Jalpin ^ fy Co ' s Announcements . New serial publication . Iu MONTHLY PARTS , price T ' d . I » a . rt 1 ready Oct . S 5 . OASSELIP 8 Greater London . By EDWARD WALFORD . ( Uniform with . CASSELL'S OLD AND NEW LONDON . ) Containing a popularly-written Historical and Descriptive Account of the Environs of London , Illustrated throughout with ORIGINAL ENGRA VINGS , expressly prepared for the work . SPECIAL NOTICE . —Witli IPart 1 of OASSBLK 8 GEEATEE LONDON will be issued , free of charge , a Upsurge Coloured IVTap of * Greater London ( size 3 O in . \> y 2 Y i * x . ) 9 showing clearly tlie Roads , Railways , and various features of interest for many miles around London . ALSO IN PREPARATION . In MONTHLY PARTS , price 6 cl . Part 1 ready Oct . S 5 . The JVorld of JVonders . New and Enlarged Edition . Revised and brought down to date , and containing such new additional matter as to render it virtually a NEW WORK . With several Hundred Illustrations . ( To be completed in 24 Parts . ) % * SHOWBILLS and PROSPECTUSES of the above Works will be forwarded carriage-free upon application to the Publishers . L 0 S A 8 ELL , PETTEB , QALPIN , # < 7 Q ,, Liidgate Hill ; London . ( 630 ) Tr *" r' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . . '" ' - . " . '¦ Ji . ' - ¦ '¦" ' ' " ¦ i-- . rii » iMiww ^ B