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H9T - ¦ < " — —— : 1 —^ I432 The Publish...
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magazine Along with ( Isbister its companion & Co . ) volume offers wealth of Good of Words entertainment the handsome and new sound volume counsel of . The The Sunday Rev . Benjamin of the illustrations Waugh is which the editor abound of in this the favourite pages of periodi the book cal , ; We one notice examp hi le gh now skill presented in the character depicts appearing a scene in regularl Miss Mary y in this Lins magazine kill ' s powerful . The other story serial c In stories Exchange are ' D addy a ' s Soul Boy , ' , ' which by 1 _L T has . Mead been e , and ' The Shepherd ' s Darling , ' by 'Brenda . ' Biblical r _^ - :: 1 _.. . _ i ; __ _ ¦_ _. _„ on papers Nature , articles , travel on bi , ograp missionary hical and work historical , _philanthropy subjects , , l _ftlftf : _^ ffM _^ _- X _^ i " . Z _^ ' _- _^ _SS _^ : _^ ' ¦ _FSiillfc ' - solid and Side top b meaning y ics side of with short general these stories interest miscellaneous n _, _^ r- make = srr _y ; ;;;;; up top _^ the _^ ics _g . " volume of more . - '• : : > " ¦¦ ' _^ _^ ¦ _" _- _^ :: _5 :: "' ; _SM " _-fW " :: £ : : J _^ _^ M _^ S _^ _^ _^ _^^ _^ _^^ _^ _^ _^& _^ ' _^ : _^ _S _^ '; _^ _S ? _^ H _^ •• - ' _^^ - _p - ¦___________ __________________________ ___________ _____________________________ MHR _^________ )___________ H—_ W H fl _ H _^ HI _ s - ¦ ' ' ml Ml S B / * ,: tl , _* _iS \ _"^ _^ H - _* _^ _^^ _* _ay _^ _?? . _^ . ¦ .. f _ _ . _- v _'j _^ ' _- : _° - , : ' _- ' ' _^ t > ______ S _^ _______ _ - _£ !__ _saq _^ ____ iC _ 56 _5 _____________ a _____ ________ _S _ rB _ 9 _ ¥ ffl - _^ ¦ _- _3 _^ S i _' _^ 9 § _^ _^ _P _" _^ __ _iT _* * _s : ¦__________ _^ _^^ _^ _^ _^ _^ _^ _^ _^ _^^ _^ B _^ _^ _____________ _^ _^^ - - _^^ - -- - - -- - HR - - - - - - HlI _^ ¦ _ _cK ___ _nBBKB _l fc __—^ 2 fc _^^ _* _?< _^ _* _KB * _. _. ¦¦ ' ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ _^ _Bt ______ _ _& H ___ _£ _^ _KW _& H _^ _? ___ _______ S _? u !____ n _____ a _^ v _"liW _^ M _** _^ t fB _« _sgg _^ 5 tefci _^— _^ _- .. ' _____ _^ _____ ____________ HH H _____ _______ _KK _ 9 _H ______________ ___________ ___ HH w _ i _ _ _MHHKb Hnn H ______ ____^ ' _- s _ r ' ' _^^^ V ~ * * 3 nrr _! M _»> U _^ _VM ____ H ____________ BVn _^ Mi _heShE _^^ H _^ _ H _3 _ __________ ________________________ _b ____________ ________________________ _I _____________ _b ____ ________________________ _^ TI _^ Hl _^_____ _ _IH _ _¦_¦_ _€ _? ¦__________ _Rb _^______________ _i ______>____ _b I _Wl _^^______ l _ls ________ _0 _^____ _HnHBl _^______________ V _ _ B _uSrw " V ______ H iiii __ Hiiis ! r _^ i— \ v . _^___ Si H _^ _BII _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _M _^^^^^ Bfc _^^^^^^^ i _^ _jfcp . _^*^^ - _^^ _" _^^ - ______________________ _k _' _^^^¦¦ iHH' I ¦_¦_¦_¦ I _i _^___ U I ____ _hW _^ _h ___ I ftu ) i * I tarried in a vale of shadows dim Where Beside And bore mountain the it ri throug pples echoes of h the a caug gloomy valley ht my sea tenderl morn , y ing . hymn , 17 p to the silence of eternal calm My At Up heart earl to the ascended daw silence n and in of evenin a untrodden frequent ' s silent , psalm snows close , . y g Gfil ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ '" — ¦ — — - _/
H9t - ¦ < " — —— : 1 —^ I432 The Publish...
H 9 _T - ¦ _< " — —— : 1 _—^ I 432 The Publishers' Circular ace . a 1 * 87 ____ ' -- _¦¦ - ¦ _. . . _,.. ..,
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 6, 1887, page 1432, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_06121887/page/10/