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Dec . 6 , 1889 The Publishers' Circular illustrations ^ 99 . , . ' ; . ___» .
, ^ " - ? k OTRAGEDIE of gMlACBETH By . William Shakespeare . XKHitb 27 JEtcbfnas on Copper , ano otber XTeyt -JUustratfons . By J . MOYR SMITH . ¦ ¦ ¦ : - r : ^ y kf ^^^ 0 ^ ^ M 0 1 « : " i ' SPECIMEN OF ILLUSTRATIONS . by the ARTIST Artist ' , S with PROOF the Etchings EDIT ] in ON various ( limited suilable to 125 colours copies f on or Japanese England and vellum America paper ) , , each and text copy p rinted gned on hand-made paper , with Illustrations in Colours , royal folio , half-bound , best morocco , £ b . 5 s . net . £ 2 . ORDINARY 12 s . 3 d . net . EDIT / ON , imperial 4 to . very handsomely bound in cloth gilt , gilt top , The text is taken from the first Folio Edition ( 1623 ) , which is the sole authority for the Play . Notes are added to of indicate the costume the chief armour alterations furniture adopted decoration in modern and editions architectu . The re Introduction of Scotland during contains the , besides period other of Macbeth matter , ( a the descri eleventh ption century ) . This , description , is derived , from reliable , and authentic sources . ** Full Prospectus on application to the Publishers . * L- q -Taoaoa 3 «;> ' ' " * a London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON , Limited , St . Dunstan-s House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . C .