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H?—' ¦ ¦ • ¦¦ • - . - ¦ ' -¦:¦ ;: - ¦ ¦ ...
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pec . 7 , 1885 ^^^^^^ . ^^^^^^^ ^ e Pu blishers' Circular ... : , ^ « ___________________ _ • * " ^^^ : ¦ » -
BLACEBE & SON ' S PUBLICATIONS . Just published , fcp . 4 to . 832 pp . cloth ; red edges , 10 * . 6 d . ; or half morocco , 155 . A CONCISE DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANG-UAGKE : Literary , Scientific , Etymological , and Pronouncing . Based on the New Edition of Ogilvie ' s Imperial Dictionary . By Charles Annandale , M . A ., I / L . D . hitherto « This pu " Concise blished . Dictionary ' —Academy " . stands first—and by a long interval—among all the one-volume English Dictionaries In Four Volumes , imperial 8 vo . cloth , £ 5 ; or half-bound in morocco , £ 6 . Gs , THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE . A Complete Encyclopaedic Lexicon , Literary , Scientific , and Techno-Edited logical . by B Chabijss y Johh" Ogllvie Annandale , LL . , D M . . A New ., LL . Edition D . Illustrated , carefull b y y Revised above 3 , and 000 Engravings greatly Augmented , printed . in the text . and * cod A monument Ecientious of care patience ; it is , copious industry , it , is and trust good worthy work , . it Fro is beautifully m beginnin illustrated g to end , and it has it is recei admirably ved the printed same thorough on good paper Satwda . . Review . . It will be for many years the most serviceable and most highly valued of English Dictionaries . '^—y , Just published , crown 8 vo . cloth , 7 s . 6 d . A HISTORY of CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM in GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND . With a Full Account of the Three Great Measures of 1832 , 1867 , and 1884 . By Jamjes Murdoch , Member of the- Faculty of Procurators , Glasgow ; Author of ' Manual of the Law of Insolvency and Bankruptcy / & c . Jusfc published , with above 200 Engravings , fcp . 8 vo . cloth , 4 = s . OUTLINES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY , in Clear and Simple Language , for General Readers . By . 7 " . D . Everett , D . C . L ., F . R . S ., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Queen ' s College , Belfast ; Editor of the English Edition of * Deschanel's Natural Philosophy / & c , & c . Eighth Edition ( Twenty-sixth Thousand ) , medium 8 vo . cloth extra , gilt edges , 7 s . 6 d . THE UNIVERSE ; or , The Infinitely Great p and lained the Infinitel by Natural y Little Science . A . Sketc By F h . of A . Contrasts Pouchet in , M Creation . D . "With , and 273 Marvels Engravings Revealed on "Wood and Ex , of - which 56 are full-page size . 'Wecan honestly commend this work , which is as admirably as it is copiously illustrated . '—Times . VERE FOSTER'S WATER-COLOUR BOOKS . A Series of Practical Guides to the Study of Water-Colour Painting , from the most Elementary Pencil Stage to Illustrations the more Advanced , and full , consisting Instructions of for facsimiles Drawing of and Orig Painting inal Water . -Colour Drawings , -with numerous , I The Times says : — 'We can strongly recommend the series to young students . * PAINTING FOR BEGINNERS . Fikst ADVANCED STUDIES IN FLOWER Stage , teaching the use of One Colour . By J . PAINTING . By Ada Banditry . In Six Parts , 4 to . Caulow cioth , 2 s . ed . Three Ports , 4 to . 6 d . each ; or 1 vol . STUDIES 1 * . each ; or OF 1 vol TREES . cloth , 7 s . 6 d . By J . Needham . SIMPLE "AINTING Callow Stage , . teaok LESSONS In Six ing Parts the 'B , E 6 d GINNERS . IN of each ( Seven ; LANDSCAPE or 1 Colours vol . . cloth SECOND . By , U . EASY pai 5 In -1 Eight ntingf Second STUDIES Parts . Series , By 4 to r . . cloth 1 p IN . . r each , ^ nrcH s WATER . ; or and Firs j . -COLOUR cai Series ^ ow , cloth . ia « o . w . each ; or 1 vol . cloth , 8 # . SKETCHES IN WATER-COLOURS . SIMPLP ^ JOINTING frif ^ . JL T By TPQQOlttQ JafcMJ Edward JN D Duncan 1 TM JN . In JfliUllJN MAP Four Ports TNT ili 17 . Xn T By . Three T . . M bowbotham . Richardson Parts , 4 to . , 1 M , # . . R 6 . Duncan a P . . each Lkitoh : , or and , I J . vol jT A . , ^ cloth Houston wbdham 6 s . ! , SI ^ tm MPT * w PLE . e < T ? each LESSONS rT ; or , CCAXTC 1 vol . cloth , 3 j IN TXT . FLOWER ^ TriTiTi ?^ ILLUMINATING Colours ..,.. » and . Gold of : Ancient Nine t . . nominating Examp ~ -. les _ . , With in PAINTING « o , 6 d . each , ; or By 1 Various vol . cloth Artists , 8 * . . In Four Parts , Historical F . S Jl , In Notes Four Parts by , the 4 to . Rev la . . each W . ; J or . Loftib 1 vol . cloth , B , ^ 0 * ., . 1 ( r ' - ! : : ¦ '' ii I ¦ . iV London . ¦¦ ' 1 ¦ 11 ;¦¦¦ : BLACKIE 11 i . 1 . n n 1 11 & SON '¦¦ . —— , 49 ¦ ¦ . 1 and 50 Old Bailey ¦¦ , 1 1 1 . . in , , rmth
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 7, 1885, page 1365, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_07121885/page/105/