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8 ^^ ^ *& ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ P ^^ ^ ^ ^ Publishers ^^^^^ S ^ ^ ^^^ cular ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ p ^ H ^ s- . ¦ ¦ I
f MESSRS . KEGAN PAUL , TRENCH , & CO . 'Sl OHRISTMASJLIST . THE PARCHMENT LIBRARY . THE ELZEVIR SERIES . JVetv Volumes . New Volumes . Parchment or cloth , 6 .. ; Tellum , 7 * . 6 d . each vol . Printed on h * ud ~™^ t ***** ' Cloth GXtra * SELECTED JONATHAN LETTERS SWIFT . and With JOURNALS a Commentary of At Dobson the SIGN . Second of the Edition LYRE 6 s . . By AustuT and Notes by Stanley Lane-Poole . old W 0 RLD IDYLLS . B , y Austin Dobson SELECTED THAN S PROSE WIFT L \ ne . -Poole With WRITINGS . a Preface of and JONA Notes - FIRDAUSI Fifth Edition in EXILE , 65 . . By Edmtjxd -d Gosse . 6 , . rwri fcNULISH by Tcn Stanley t LYKlOb vptpg . BALLADES t »» tt Lang atvco . Seventh in _ BLUE t » t ttt Edition ^ CHINA , 5 s . . By Andbkw * ENGLISH SACRED LYRICS . RHYMES a la MODE . By Andrew La * . OF THE IMITATION Of CHRIST . By Second Edition , 5 s . Thomas a Kempis . LONDON LYRICS . By Fhederick Locker . The CHRISTIAN YEAR . Tenth Edition , 5 s . I The BOOK Rev . T . Of K . PSALMS Cheyne , M . . A Translated . by the The Wilfrid LOVE S SONNETS . Blunt . Fifth Of Edition PROTEUS , 5 s . . By DE QUINCEY'S CONFESSIONS of an ANCIENT BALLADS and LEGENDS of ENGLISH OPIUM EATER . Edited by HINDUSTAN . By Toec Dutt . Second Richard Garxett . Edition , 5 s . LIFE of the Very With Rev Portrait . THOMAS . 2 vols . demy N . BURKE cloth , 30 s . , O . P . Popularly known as Father Tom Burke . By W . J . Fitz-Patrick , Author of * L < ife of Charles Leier , ' ' Life of Bishop Doyle , ' & c . GENERAL GORDON Imperial 'S LAST 4 to . bound JOURNAL in buckram , . £ " 3 . 3 A s . facsimile of the Last of the Six Volumes of Journals despatched by General Gordon before the Fall of Kartoum . BIOGRAPHICAL LECTURES Large crow . B y George cloth , 7 s . 6 d Dawsox . , M . A . Edited by George St . Clair , F . GKS . Fifteenth Cabinet Edition . With Portraits and Illustrations . 2 vols . crown 8 vo . 12 s . CHARLES KINGSLEY , M . A . Letters and Memories of his Life . I * * Also Edited a Peop by his le ' s Wife Edition . , in 1 volume . With Portrait . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 6 s ., and in various extra bindings . SPECIMENS Large crown 8 vo . pri of nted ENGLISH on hand-made paper PR OSE parchment STYLE antique , . or cloth F rom 12 s . ; vellum Malory , 15 * . to Macaulay . Selected and Annotated , with an Introductory Essay by George Saintsbuey . SUNSHINE and SE With A . Illustrations A Yach . ting Crown 8 Visit vo . cloth to , 6 s . the Channel Islands and Coa 6 t of Brittany . By a Country Doctor . JPOFTTlLiJ ± . ^ Z , I £ TCrV ^ : E : E-. S . In One Volume , with Frontispieces , crown 8 vo . cloth , 6 s . each . COLONEL ENDERBY'S WIFE . By Lucas SEETA . By CoL Meadows Taylob . Malkt . " I a NOBLE QUEEN . By Col . Meadows Taylor . MY Hay DUCAT Hunteb S and and MY Waxter DAUGHTER Whytb . . By TIPPOO SULTAUN . By Col . Meadows Col . Mejldovs Taylob . DONAL GRANT . By Geobgb MacDonald . . RALPH Tayjlob DARNELL . By ¦ ; ; MALCOLM CASTLE WARLOCK . By Gkorcj . B b MacDonald George MacDonald . . The M CONFESSIONS eadows Taylob . THUG . Meadows By Co 1 V ; MARQUIS Of LOSSIE . By George Mac- TARA = a Makratta Tale . By Col . k ; | I St . GEORGE Donald . and St . MICHAEL . By Geobg b THROUGH Taylob . p . NEEDLE'S EYE . By H **** HI pi-1 ; HERMANN ' MacDonalb AGHA . . By W . Gikforp Palgravb . WITHIN Stbbtton SOUND . of the SEA . By the Author MM 1 : ' - OFF the SKELLIGS . By Jbaxt Ingblow . — of * Blue Roses' & c . i iPl lg , London : KEGAN PAUL , TRENCH , & , CQ ., 1 Paternoster Square . _^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 7, 1885, page 1394, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_07121885/page/134/